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Posts posted by smellyloo

  1. I reckon if I had a riverside property there is no way I could extend my garden by decking over part of the river.


    I would have thought there was room to provide the walkway on land at the back of the ferry boat.


    However it is sad to see what was once a thriving, delightful pub turned into flats.

    • Like 2
  2. As I am now consigned to the day boat hire brigade I really get chuffed off with owner people (of whom I was one) who cruise along at just over drifting speed.


    Come on . I need to see the broads ....... have a pub lunch and mud weight before my hour is up.

    • Like 2
  3. Sorry to read about your breakin John. Theiving scum seems an approriate term.


    What we need is a "Jack in a box" mechanism hidden in a jewelry box filled with Sh*t.


    Hopefully a long hot summer of lazing around on your boat will help dull the anger you justly feel.

    • Like 3
  4. If you want to spend a day/night exploring a vibrant city then you should definitely visit Norwich.


    Don't expect it to be quiet though .... the yacht station is adjacent to a busy through road and very close to the busy night club/bar  area of Prince of Wales road.


    But hey ...... you've got the rest of the holiday to enjoy the peace and quiet.


    Go on ..... be brave ...... give Norwich a try ..... to quote a well known Norwich Lady "Let's be havin you"!

    • Like 3
  5. It's this type of situation that teaches you the most.


    Do as you have, analyze the event after it has happened. Try the same manouver on a deserted river/broad and see what happens when you try different things.


    The key thing in these situations, if you are struggling to control the boat, is to ensure your boat is moving slowly.


    I have witnessed many out of control vessels charging about on full throttle creating all sorts of chaos.

    • Like 1
  6. It seems to me that conservationlists want to freeze habitat in time to preserve/protect the current wildlife.


    Whilst this may be possible in natural salt marsh and estuaries man made habitat such as the broads need constant management to preserve the status quo otherwise they will eventually silt up and return to scrub land


    ...... which I suppose would benefit the ****.


    The forum software moderated my use of the word **** (a small blue bird or indees a coal ****)

  7. Boating used to be full of people who enjoyed just doing it, rather than posing in much more expensive and elaborate craft.

    Not so sure about this ........


    Boating used to be the passtime of the rich ..... they were the only ones who could afford the time & money on boats


    Plus ....... when the odd regatta presented itself they could hire hands to handle the nasty sheets.


    That said the old woodies do look like proper boats.

  8. Quite right Smellyloo, I liked the Wren on the farthings! :naughty:



    cheers Iain.

    I thought the change from silver to bronze a farthing to far!!


    Or am I confused with the threepenny bit ...... quite likely.

  9. From the rescue services that stand by while someone drowns due to 'not been trained for that' syndrome, I'm not saying they should put themselves in serious danger but there have been cases where they have done nothing except stop others that were prepared to help instead of just watching.

    Is this a true reflection? It's not my experience ..... the rescue services go out of their way to help


    I'm thinking lifeboat, firebrigade, ambulance etc

    • Like 1
  10. Great program and the Kelpies are stunning.


    Sadly in Norfolk we have no motorways, very little public spending and no notable sculptures.


    Yarmouth/Breydon could do with a truly eye catching sculpture    ..... but what.


    Iron men strolling in the mud as per Liverpool way.


    Giant sail?

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