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Posts posted by dnks34

  1. Maybe a quid is a bit steep but I suppose it all boils down to getting value for money!

    I spent many years living in East Yorks where there were 2 attendend toilets in the town that i new of, both clean and both 20p a visit. Very handy indeed.

  2. Alan I imagine there may be some owners who are happy just to spend most of their time in and around its mooring rather than going on epic broads journeys on each visit? So how can we quantify that in terms of who uses more!

  3. I would go for slightly bigger than you need, its all about what your appliances can draw if all used together not what the actual battery size is. Id go for the next size up from 17amp if your not planning on adding anything more to the system just to leave a reasonable margin. Halfords is probably not the cheapest place to be buying cable but I suppose it depends how much you need.

  4. I really dont agree that a syndicate boat is technically a hire boat! Its a private boat thats used a lot! Its used by the same group of owners time and time again. 2 4 6 12 20 owners where does it start or stop being one or the other?

    Being the cynical person I am I would have myself believe that the hire boat multiplyer has more to do with the earnings potential of said hire boat and the BA making sure they get a cut of it.

    The Broads does need to be maintained with money from all its users but I agree it should be levelled out, and a good look into how much the BA spend on staples wouldnt go amiss either

    • Like 1
  5. Iain all these things could easily put a person off boat ownership! Hiring is still probably the best way to visit the broads in my opinion as you can have all the fun with less of the responsibility, i must admit owning a boat on the broads is beginning to loose some of its attraction for us atleast, theres many more things to consider and niggles to get on your nerves and thats just the staining on the waterline

    • Like 1
  6. Hi Alan, seems very sensible, I looked into the two syndicates run under the then Ranworth Marine many years ago and remember thinking at the time it didnt seem fair that they were both tolled as hire craft as they are not hire boats at all.

    I would also suggest the amount hire firms pay is at a ridiculous level from what clive has said earlier in the thread. In the syndicate circumstance it does show that a fair change to the Toll was made which is encouraging.

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  7. I cant really answer that one Baitrunner as Im not sure how I would word it if it were up to me to implement any change, i just think the current toll structure is probably at bit high at the bottom and low at the top and I hope if any changes are made they are well thought out rather than just taking the easy option and picking off the gin palaces.

  8. Morningswan, i would think mooring your boat on the south coast is going to cost you more than the broads just for starters, it might cost you more in fuel to get there, i dont think the BA will want a mass exodus of boats to other areas as thats clearly no good for the local economy and im not anti big powerful boats by any means, if i had that kind of cash i would certainly have one and Id probably be feeling pretty happy with the current cost of the toll for it also!

  9. No not at all Im not suggesting they should be driven out i just dont think paying a bit more on the Toll would make much difference to those at the very top end of the scale, for example two boats both 37ft by 12, one 650hp the other 50hp they both take up exactly the space in the water but there are very clear differences, the 650hp could go elsewhere via sea, the 50hp probably cant, the 50hp is potentially more fuel efficient and less of a burden on the planet etc etc etc. The owners of these boats must have deep pockets make em pay I say

  10. 5 cylinders were (not sure if still are) popular with Volvo! Theres got to come an emmissions aspect to all this. I often see boats coughing out the blue and black stuff when as with the beta engine my nanni smells like airwick and doesnt smoke even in the cold

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