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Posts posted by Regulo

  1. That is truly appalling. I came across some pretty dire electrics in the early days of my ex-hire boat, but nothing approaching that. Who would even consider such a bodge up? 

  2. 1 minute ago, MargeandParge said:


    Also the government poked their nose in and said that when auto renewal happens it should be the same price as new customers to stop the runaway bills so that put pay to most loyalty discounts as the companies found it better to make existing customers who used to ring for  a deal up to new customer prices.


    Er . . . what loyalty discounts would that be? The point of the change was to stop companies hiking loyal customers' renewal prices in the hope they'd just cough up. It hasn't worked as planned, as now we all pay the higher prices. Does any intervention by government ever work?

    • Like 2
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  3. I had to give up my boat through circumstances in 2021. At the time, I felt quite sad to be so doing. It seems the decision that was forced on me then might have been advantageous. I'll keep my happy memories, and hope somehow the Broads can sustain both it's natural beauty and a healthy boating infrastructure. The two aren't incompatible, I'm sure, but something must change. Just reading on this forum over the last few weeks, it's clear quite a few long-term boaters have reached tipping point. 

    • Like 3
  4. I'm still up too, MM, so I'll raise a glass to you (well OK, hot chocolate), and to all those recently bereaved. I lost my mum over 20 years ago, and found it unbelievably difficult. Being an only child of a single mum, we were very close. My mate Dave pulled me through the darkest, and light gradually dawned as Rene and I got together. When I lost Dave, who I thought of as the big brother I never had, I knew I had good friends to support me. I include all the people on this and the other place, although most I've never met in person. Sometimes just carrying on as normal is the best way to cope.

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  5. Rene was in the rag trade, making men's shirts mostly. The same finished shirt went to the big high street stores and high class West End boutiques, the retail price difference quite large, as you might imagine. The only difference was the label sewn in. Towards the end of her working life, her boss was importing shirts from the far east for literally pennies, and sewing British labels in them. She got out, disgusted. 

    Nothing to do with boat heaters, but I don't believe ANY label can be taken as gospel. 

    • Like 4
  6. Most of us on these forums are now aware that the kits sold cheaply online rarely come with marine standard exhausts. They were aimed and designed as heating kits for lorry cabs originally. Worth keeping in mind if you hear of anyone fitting a kit, who may not be aware. 

    • Like 1
  7. Whilst re-fitting some flooring in my uncle's boat some 20 years ago, we found a small threaded plug loose under the floor. Turns out it was the fuel tank drain plug. The only thing keeping 40 gallons of diesel in the tank was the built up sludge at the bottom. 

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  8. Use a 12v to usb adapter plugged into the 12v power outlet. If it's not live at all times, it can usually be made so quite easily. Or get a hard wired kit onto a spare fuse. I won't venture onto the roads today without my dashcam working. Can't be too careful. 

  9. Mull over this and give me your thoughts.

    I was in a stationary queue of traffic, immediately behind a learner. Traffic starts moving, learner stalls. No problem to me, we all had to learn, and we've all stalled the car at some point. After 5 seconds, some oik further behind starts leaning on his horn. The passenger/instructor of the learner turns in his seat and starts angrily gesticulating at me. Question: what gesture or sign can I give, to indicate "It's not me, Guv"? Preferably one that won't result in making the situation worse!

  10. The question of moorings is a bit tangled, as I recall. I think the ex-pub, now Hindu community centre/temple, own the majority of the moorings, allowing the shop to collect mooring fees? 3 years ago, when I was last there, some investment was needed - posts missing, silting up etc. I stand to be corrected, of course. 

  11. 12 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    Ray (Regulo) .

    In what universe would you expect to find a used varnish brush in white spirit on MY boat?

    The same universe where you clean it at least once a year. 

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