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Everything posted by HemsbyPie

  1. I haven't been for at least 12 months - a bit of a fair water diver.. Must admit that I prefer being on the water nowadays(the older I get the less invincible I realise I am)
  2. Was out with friends Sunday evening and every time we turned a corner there was another arty photograph to be taken... Picture I have chosen was from between Salhouse & Decoy Broad...
  3. Feel like i was inadvertently hi-jacking peoples posts as other members were posting on threads to say welcome, so thought I'd just post up a quick hello from me. My friends call me Pie and I've been playing on the broads for about 4 or 5 years now... Have always loved the water - both being under, in & on it, so hi
  4. Iain - I couldnt even wire a plug before I started, but gave it a go anyway... Got it all certified by an actual electrician (and then promptly sold it any moves, lol)
  5. When I rewired my bungalow I somehow managed to get every light to be controlled by one switch... Was one wire that I got wrong - but couldn't see it for looking. Sometimes you just need a Kit-Kat (a break!)
  6. Many thanks to is Jaws & I'm not saying you'd HAVE to move as that that would be up to who ever is in charge of the boat, but Sod's law says that if you're not responsible and you tempt fate you'll probably live to regret it... the broads lifeboats have fairly good range as they usually carry a back-up fuel tank I believe...
  7. Thanks Iain! Have been on reading for a while and seems like a friendly place!!
  8. With all emergencies you do what is right at the time, nobody is going to tell you off for using what ever comms are to hand if someone's life is in danger. Regardless of wether you use VHF or 999, if you're on the broads you should get handed to Humber... Generally the lifeboats covering the broads know the best places to launch, as long as you give an accurate location they will find you. It's always good to have a plan. If you or your crew are senior & you moor up some where that has no phone signal, you don't have a VHF and there are no other boats about you have created a perfect storm. My mum always said 'failing to plan is planning to fail'
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