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Posts posted by Malanka

  1. The VTF decided or rather was told by government, you know the ones with PPE degrees and photos of pigs heads in their yearbooks. That boosters in uk would ONLY  be mRNA vaccines. This was due to clinical advice from medics ( few of whom have detailed immunological vaccine response knowledge) on the type of response provided to the vaccine antigens. 
    The government cancelled the contract for an inactivated vaccine which has a far preferable immunology both short and long term. The policy wonks took that option away. 
    Hopefully the OMICRON variant ( notice if you will the fact that the WHO left out a couple of Greek letters in the correct sequence so as not to embarrass the Chinese) Will prove to be the natural vaccine we need at this point, if not it should hopefully be only a matter of time. 

    • Like 1
  2. My only exposure to the feline buttons was in 2006 when we hired Broads Harmony (1) with the low head room in the front cabin. On handover I was asked to moor stern on to Kingfisher Quay before being allowed out. I dutifully did so and was told “ you needed to use the thrusters” evidently I didn’t I replied. 
    Having reversed all the way out ( from the far bend) of the windmill dyke on Horsey in a woody, Silver Jubilee, and a butter dish, fair empress 2 which for many years was one of the longest boats on the system never needed to use anything other than patience. Patience is a wonderful thing, couple that with a good design and some experience and thrusters are not necessary. 
    maybe boatyards fit them to reduce damage? Who knows, most times we’ve been hit it’s always accompanied by the banshee wail of the thrusters banging away. More patience less haste and some modicum of skill and respect and who knows they may even stop fitting them. 🧛

    A happy new year to all and great floating on whatever you chose to use for floating. 


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  3. Last time used in Ernest was to fish out the wheelhouse roof that made a 5 airborne somersault bid for freedom into the broad on Barton last August. 
    Fish out is a euphemism for grab before it sank actually 


    • Haha 1
  4. We have two boat hooks , one I use as a weed whacker, the other useful one is bungeed to the cabin top grab rails and is about 12 ft long. 
    Nice shot of your boat hook by the way.


  5. Sorry guys however pollution free at the point of use is not IMO justification for previous misdeeds. There lies dissonance. 

    Secondly it’s not even true, unless of course they floating. Let me think ???? Erm nope, 

    Have no tyres…… erm nope 

    Have no brakes ……. Erm nope


    they also burst into flames with horrendous pollution issues on a regular basis.


    So please feel free to try again but they are not the answer… not even close unless you can make one last 25 yrs with a single battery pack….. Erm nope once more oh well 



  6. Thalidomide was a great drug unfortunately the outcome from it is that no drugs are now trialled on pregnant women, not children nor neonates. Consequently medics ( refuse to call them doctors without a higher degree)spend many hours trying to figure out what drug companies are too afraid to. 
    The AZ vaccine in many ways is a superior vaccine for immunological reasons and of course cost. 
    The raw costs of an mRNA vaccine add up to less than 5 quid, Pfizer charge up to 23 quid wait for it PER DOSE. AZ was produced in UK for less than 6 quid a dose. 
    And thalidomide is still in common usage today and is prescribed safely to millions of people every year. 
    Biggest scandal we are not talking about is the government cancelling a inactivated virus vaccine product from Valneva, nothing better than an inactivated vaccine ( argue if viruses are ever alive amongst yourselves pls) was goi g to be made in Scotland company invested 100M and Boris cancelled it, just before OMICRON, oh dear what timing


    • Like 2
  7. Raw pork risk used to be liver fluke, if you remember that far back you could spot where the parasite burrowed it’s way through pork and ham joints by the tell tale horse shoe shaped mark in the flesh. Used to be approx 72% infected with it. Not these days with better husbandry. 

    Dog stomachs are conditioned to eat Carion so a little raw pig should be fine.  


    • Like 1
  8. Lol of course. Battery packs would be externally accessible via a locked opening slide out shelves to take the weight, small ones for day pootle big ones for heading south. 
    The only problem is common sense is required ( and an ethical source of rare earth metals). I must admit my patience with electric cars are green is wafer thin…Simply put they are not. The unassailable facts are there for all if one looks past the greenwashing 

    • Like 6
  9. The answer for boats is obvious and it’s not charging points it’s replaceable battery packs. Moor up swap out drive repeat. They could be delivered by electric van. 
    when the battery and solar or wind industry starts using ethically sourced rare earth metals it might even happen. Personally speaking the toll of 6 yr old boys and girls in the DMRC is currently a bit steep. 


    • Like 1
  10. Few Christmas seasons ago our lot managed five pouches of lindt chocolate money. We knew who and how much by the appearance of the foil shells over time. We knew how many went in and we counted em all back out, was such fun. They used one “fall guy dog” to climb on the chair then the table to get to the shelves, then it was all for one etc. 

    this year so far it’s one metal tin of Christmas Bickies. Metal, height, cupboards, they’ll get it. Only safe place is on the top of the fridge.

    Ours also eat Raw as well with raw chopped or grated veggies, they are incredibly healthy now we stopped using tinned and or dried mush. They even try and steal raw cauliflower and cabbage or carrots. No veg is safe. 
    we only give them KC approved veg and no leftovers.

    My biggest concern runs to xylitol which will kill them from very limited exposure. So please be careful with kiddies sweeties and drinks. 

    • Like 2
  11. We have two hand pump jabsco loos onboard, both of which, wait for it…….. use river water flush so there is absolutely no guilt flushing down the post jalfrezi output.

    I couldn’t see the point of using clean water to flush poo. The connection to the clean tank buggged me too. See what I did there….



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  12. Unless there is some warmth applied there isn’t going to be much digestion of the sludge in your black water tank. Don’t forget the secondary digestion of human waste in the intestines does a fair job. Most of the bugs in human faeces are relatively harmless but the idea of killing one bug and leaving another alive is a false assumption. How digester systems work is by out competing other bugs not killing them.


    By the way 70% by volume of your poo is human gut bacteria and epithelial cells actual food waste is minimal by volume, so I’m not really sure what the canal folks are suggesting is being digested. 

    May give them a try and report back 

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