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Posts posted by WherryNice

  1. Flat batteries and full bilges are the things that worry me the most tbh, although luckily out of the three boats currently in our family two are currently sitting on the hard and the other was given a good coat of looking at just before lockdown so should be ok.


  2. Just now, Vaughan said:


    Not much more than a year either side, to my memory.

    Thank you Vaughan,


    3 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    You are absolutely right my friend!

    Perhaps I should tell a few true stories about Jenners, but maybe tomorrow, on a different thread?

    Yes please!

  3. 2 hours ago, trambo said:

    With far too much spare time I've been trawling through some of my favourite photo sites and found this gem on Flickr from foundin_a_attic.



    I take it was shot from the Town House Hotel.

    What period in time are we looking at here please?

  4. Thanks Vaughan very interesting indeed and how boring must the 4107 have seemed in comparison(if a little easier to maintain perhaps?).

    By 'Blown air scavenging' are we talking proper supercharging with positive boost pressure or something a little more gentle? Having looked at the pics I can't quite decide exactly what is what.

    When she was up for sale recently she sat for quite some time slowly deteriorating(not seriously but varnishwork starting to dull etc) and I found myself getting drawn in closer n closer as the asking price slowly crept down(it didn't help that I could see her from my mooring), finally reaching almost affordable levels but in the end whilst many aspects of the re-fit would have been within my capabilities doing proper justice to any woodwork required would not and I feared that I would've ended up ruining her, so it was quite a relief to see her sell and some work begin although I'm not sure where she is now.

    Incidently when for sale she was listed with a new Nanni of some sort.

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