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Posts posted by WherryNice

  1. 10 minutes ago, grendel said:

    there is also the pale roofed shed behind the arched wetshed, that also appears in the 2nd of the original photos.

    On closer inspection, in the Broadland Memories pic there is a light section in the roof of the building seen above the cockpit area on Lady Edith, this section looks to be where the dorma is on the "same" buiding in MM's pic.

    I'm pretty sure that it is the correct location now.



  2. I was having a quick google which led me to Broadland Memories where I found a photo of Allens yard which may confirm it as the location.

    Look at the second pic down, above Lady Edith's boom and you will see a very similar semi-circular roofed building with lattice-work supports and the layout would appear to be a good match with the pics in MM's original post.

    Also there are trees in the right place etc etc

    What do you think??


    Just noticed that in the same collection of pics are a few of Gleaner herself!

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  3. I know that King of Hearts is still about(although in a different form to that seen above) but I don't think I have ever seen any of the other Hearts boats of that era, does anyone know if any do still exist?

  4. 10 minutes ago, SteveO said:

    I have taken the executive decision to limit the amount of Cov-19-related TV "news" that is watched in our house. Much of what passes for news on the pandemic  is speculation or politics thinly disguised as science and a lot of it seems to be designed to ramp up anxiety without actually informing. There are, for sure, some massive lessons that need to be learned from this, but the constant political sniping and point-scoring by political comentators on TV is, for me, inappropriate at a time like this. 

    I couldn't agree more, the only outlet that I pay any attention to is the daily press conference from Govt and one Instagram account called SimplePolitics(they boil down all the rubbish to facts without any political slant - I always refer to their content on any political matters). Oh and I look at the BBC online for stats/graphs etc.

    I can tell how much nonsense is being put out there by the tone of some questions fired at The Secretary of State this evening.

    • Like 4
  5. Seems to me that those who are being shielded who normally work should be placed on furlough automatically. Does the firm have to completley shut down to qualify for Gov funding? I am currently furloughed but I believe some of our garages are on call for things like emergency vehicles and such.(I am a vehicle technician working for a large dealer group).

  6. 11 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

    There are LED interior lights in the load area, I'd quite like a couple more of em - Have to converse with Trev's previous owner to find out where he sourced them from

    This is how I did my(much smaller of course) Caddy....

    The lights come as a string(I cut and extended the middle section) with each having an adhesive pad on the back along with a countersunk hole if you want to screw them on( I also used then as engine bay lights on my last boat).

    They weren't terribly expensive at the time but it has been about 4 years so couldn't say how much these days.


    • Like 2
  7. 9 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    How long have we been in "lockdown"? just under a week. How many boats have I seen that warrant further serious investigation? TWO !! before that it was three in 6 months!

    It will be even worse once you decide to actually buy one.........

  8. The answer to line one is Brundall.

    Colin Chapman failed to start the French GP in Reims '56 after crashing his Vanwall in practice and I was shown his derelict house whilst viewing a boat For Sale around the Brundall Gardens area about 10 years ago.

    Robert Blake was one of Disraelis biographers and he too was from Brundall.

    • Like 1
  9. 19 minutes ago, grendel said:

    18 " right across the swept area from the corner up, its mostly in an area looking just above the bonnet to that side, insurance immediately said replacement when they heard it described.

    Yeah doesn't sound great but without seeing it it's hard to say, I'd carry on with the replacement but if you get stuck try having a word with your MOT station to see what they think, you never know it might go through.

    Although garages are allowed to remain open, the firm I work for have closed all our dealerships for the forseeable.

  10. Yes very important I would say, when needing a better view for mooring up or what have you being able to stand is a big bonus. Also it's nice to be able to move around while on a longer cruise too.

    Oh and no the perfect boat doesn't exist, there will always be something that isn't ideal.

    • Like 3
  11. 2 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    I always understood that the crack would only "fail" if it came within the arc of the windscreen wipers?

    That was/is the case but now even if it does encroach on the swept area of the windscreen but you can only see the sky or bonnet(for example) through that part then it will get a Minor failure . Minor failures do not actually cause the test to be failed over all. 

    DVSA updated the test in 2018 and there are now 3 catagories of failure -DANGEROUS, MAJOR and MINOR - any item in the first two will cause an overall fail but you can have as many Minors as you like and still pass.

    The old advisory notices are still there but only to be used if an appropriate Minor isn't available.

    • Like 1
  12. 9 hours ago, grendel said:

    if it wasnt for the upcoming MOT due i could wait for the windscreen.

    Whereabouts/how big is the crack Grendel? The regs are quite a bit more relaxed these days, if it doesnt directly affect your view of the road it could pass with a minor.


    Of course it will be down the individual tester to make the decision.

  13. I wouldn't include the press, some of what I saw live broadcast from the PM n co on YouTube last night has been(IMO)distorted to sound sensational!

    We need a free press but it would be nice if they knew when to wind their necks in a bit.

    • Like 2
  14. I don't think it's all that uncommon for boat names and numbers to get mixed up, my parents first cruiser carried the reg number for No2 in her class (and was still registered as such)but Craig listed her as No1 because thats what he saw her named as, he even dug his notes out from '76 to check. So was the boat he saw the same one that my parents owned? We can't really be sure as there were never any numbers or clues on drawers etc that I ever saw.

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