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Posts posted by WherryNice

  1. Looks like Horning Pleasure craft and Richardsons (who I believe were one and the same) had them so I think you remember correctly:1310_thumbsup_tone1:

    3 hours ago, Regulo said:

    Ah, yes, that's the one. Was it ever in Richardsons fleet? I'm sure I viewed it there. But it was 20 years ago!!


  2. 16 minutes ago, Jayfire said:

    Well if you two aren't going to ask, I will.

    Is it a gate?


    My original roller answer was from The Loke near Acle, but this gate is at Haddiscoe.

    Well done Mrs V though. Very impressive :default_icon_clap:

    Yep that's the one I found too:default_eusa_dance:

  3. Well, she is an Aquafibre Ruby 33 and I think I can make out the reg number as B90 which according to Craigs Database makes her San Fernando 2(later San Evita 2) from Richardsons. 

    Also according to the database Richos were Blakes untill '83.


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  4. 10 hours ago, DAVIDH said:

    Ah I know, the mortar spigot has vanished!.....No it hasn't.

    Btw is that Goosander moored behind the Bounty Bathtub?....... Yes it is. (behind or in front of Tay Bridge) I was out on reconnaissance for this! 

    The spigot:


    Ah yes, I see now, didn't think it was that far along from the bridge:default_dunce:

  5. Hi MM, they are hoping to retain their mooring for the new boat but if it ends up not being possible I will let you know.

    As for converting to soft top etc I believe George at LBBY did one semi recently (last couple of years-ish) so may be able to give a ball park figure.

  6. My folks are selling their Ocean 30, see listing for details, they have owned her since 2012 and are selling as they have purchased a larger centre cockpit cruiser. Naturally a donation will be made to forum funds should a sale result.

    If you have any questions regarding the boat feel free to PM me or go via the listing details thank you.


    I hope linking to ebay is ok mods, if not please feel free to delete etc.


    22 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:


    The winner is WherryNice. Only £3:14 away from being ‘Bang On’

    Well done WherryNice

    We are in Jockland (Gourock) till the fifteenth, when I get home  I’ll transfer £10 to the Forum Funds on your behalf. Not a prayer of doing it any sooner from my phone - Really?


    Crikey, sorry Griff only just caught up with this, that's probably the best piece of luck I have ever had, amazing!

    Thanks for running the competition and thanks in advance for the donation on my behalf, a worthy cause if ever there was one :default_biggrin:

    Cheers! :default_beerchug:



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  8. Hi there, the hull certainly looks like a Wind Boats Seacrete one but the superstructure appears to be a later, possibly DIY, version.

    My folks had a SouthWind 26 for about 15 years so I'm fairly familiar with them but won't claim to be an expert.


  9. Hello and welcome MotorBoater:default_biggrin:

    I will echo what Minigem has said about using a 3 mifi dongle for web access, I find it's often the fact a device is so low down near the water that prevents it connecting so being able to position the dongle higher up then wifi-ing to it usually works for me. A long usb lead my be useful too as the batteries in both of mine aren't particularly long lived on a charge.

    One of my dongles(the older one of the two!) has an external aerial socket which I will be trying out once the boat gets back in the wet stuff.

    Anyway, enjoy your holiday when it arrives, it will be just as good as you remember:default_biggrin:

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  10. I would like to say that I find all of the BNP discussions interesting and informative, I knew nothing of it until I became a member here and it has been an eye opener to say the least.

    If what had been said in the past had never been said again I would likley never have known anything about any of it so I am grateful to those who continue to raise the matter and provide information about it.

    As an adult I am quite capable of digesting the information given and forming my own opinions and views on it.

    Should I become bored of the subject I will simply stop reading threads relating to it, I find people suggesting that discussion on any subject be shut down a little bit off.


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