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Posts posted by WherryNice

  1. 7 hours ago, Broads01 said:

    The first boat I hired as an adult was at the age of 18 in 1989 with my then girlfriend (later my first wife) which was a Safari 25 called Fiesta from Hearts at Thorpe (Pennant Holidays in those days).

    That's very interesting, do you happen to remember the reg number? My Safari was one of the Fiestas according to the Database you see:)

  2. I use an app called SailDroid, I have the premium version but I believe there is a free one too. Speed shown in tenths of a unit(Mph,Kph, knots,m/s) along with bearing etc. Decent sized display with day&night colours as prefered. 


  3. I use TT, never had an issue & much like Smoggy got a cracking deal at the last re-contract.


    .....a friend of mine had their entire account deleted/assigned to someone else and they have been unable to get it back. The only plus was free Broadband for a month or two whilst they failed to sort it out: eventually it just cut off and she gave up n got a 5g home hub instead.

  4. Those seals look very similar to the ones that were supplied to us in a 'Top end set' from parts4engines(for a 4108). It also came with the O rings. We fitted the lot but I was a bit unsure about the larger ones as they just seemed to sit on the valve with nothing to locate them properly but as the engines smoking habit was much reduced we left them fitted.

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  5. 47 minutes ago, DAVIDH said:

    I notice lots of members bemoaning the fact they can't see the Reform The Broads Authority Facebook page, presumably because they don't want to register as a member of Facebook. Just to say, you don't need to be a member (I think - tell me if I'm wrong) to just visit their page. Click on this link, which will take you to it.


    I was able to view it just now, thanks David

  6. 1 hour ago, oldgregg said:

    This is the thing.... Some hire fitouts are very nice and have aged really well.

    Broom were very good in the 80's and 90's, but then of course they were also a huge producer of 'private' boats so their standard was higher than the average hire yard.

    Fully agree with you there, my folks have an ex-Broom hire boat and the fit out was very much a factor in their decision to buy her.

    On the boat pictured it was the quality of the paint job that really threw us, it honestly looked like gel coat and it was only after close inspection once we were told she was painted that we spotted the odd speck of 'Broom Blue' where the canopy had rubbed.

    • Like 1
  7. Get a combi, I'm told that the air source heat pump stuff isnt really up to snuff, it gets less efficient the colder the weather gets and newer boilers are coming "ready for hydrogen blend" already so I guess that's where we are headed.

    I'm currently having boiler issues and luckily have mate of a mate who is of the repair rather than just replace ilk, although I'm happy enough if it does need replacing as it's been on the blink for years.

    Also, there really is no substitute for a mains fed shower heated by gas, I love mine!

  8. I fused my starter cable when I re wired my boat as when I looked online it seemed to be the thing to do these days, from memory I used a 450amp Mega fuse which has never blown(BMC 1500D). Peak amperage when cranking is at zero RPM and drops rapidly once things get moving(if I remember my college lecturer correctly that is).

    I crimped my terminals, using one of the cheapy chinese hydraulic crimpers off ebay, bit of a faff to use but decent results.

    For charging I used a Sterling Alt to Batt charger and I have been very happy with the results and it was simple to install:)


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  9. 7 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

    Also remove any objects dangling from rear view mirror ( magic tree etc) , our youngest had a car fail a couple of years ago as they stated it obscured the vision and allegedly they are not permitted to remove a defect once it has been spotted without a retest .

    suffice to say , a local garage has lost all our business since 

    They could've removed the items before starting the test, there is even an 'advisory' notice for it on the system so I don't blame you for going elsewhere..

    • Like 1
  10. I belive originally the letters were indeed to do with location but then became just an alpha numerical sequence. You can roughly tell the year of reg retrospectively but it wasn't specific like car reg numbers and they just used up the numbers rather than move on like they do with cars. Also you get odd ones totally out of sequence. 

    The database does cover it also.


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