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Posts posted by WherryNice

  1. 1 hour ago, Roy said:

    Thanks that really helps I’m looking at one on another waterway and just needed to get my finances sorted first. 

    Do they have any common problems to look out for when I’m viewing ? 

    Thanks agsin 

    Mine's a bit of a wreck but I wanted a project and it was the cheapest one I could find at the time,  so not really sure what problems are common as such.

    There is a pretty decent looking owners club(I'm not a member) that appears to have lots of info so might be worth checking that out if you haven't already.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Meantime said:

    My understanding is that when a boat leaves the Broads the reg number becomes available, but is not immediately reused. If the boat returns to the Broads and it is identified as being previously on the Broads and the number is still available, it will get the same number, so that would indicate that either the original number has been used elsewhere, or it wasn't known when the boat was re-registered on the Broads. Worth contacting the BA though if you think it is available and really want to change it back.

    When my folks bought their current boat(a Broom ex-hire)it had been on the Ouse for about 20 years. Using the Database and bits and pieces on board we were able to corrrectly identify her original Broads reg number and use it again once re-tolled.

    • Like 1
  3. That's really good to hear JA, I have been using the database since waaay before I discovered the forums and it is a fantastic resource for those of us with nerdy/geeky/boat spotter tendencies......(ahem)

    Will you be updating or just preserving it in current form?

  4. 1 minute ago, Bikertov said:

    How strange that a mobile phone signal can be worse at low tide - Wonder why that is ?

    It's not that the signal is worse it's that the boat will be lower in relation to the land meaning the signal can 'go over your head'.

    • Thanks 1
  5. A smart TV or Amazon Fire stick in a normal telly would be easier than the Sky dish/box combo these days I would imagine.

     I use my phone or tablet when required as space is currently limited due to the interior of my boat being somewhat dismantled but I may get a proper telly once it's done. 

  6. 39 minutes ago, Lulu said:

    I don’t do Facebook so can’t see it :( 

    I don't have Facebook but I can see it?? Did you click the link?

    *Update* Sorry, Scrub that, I can see it on my phone but on PC it asks me to log in without showing anything....ain't tekkernowledgy great!

  7. 1 minute ago, Wonderwall said:

    Has anyone had a peek at these moorings this week?

    Are there “ no mooring” signs in place?

    Yes there are "no mooring" signs and the 'dyke' has been roped off. It does, however, say "water point only"(or similar)on the front so presume that is still operational.

    • Sad 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    Beautifully put!  And all true!

    I would just say that the Perky 4108 should have an oil change every 100 hours, as per the manual.  150 hours will do, but no more, or they will sludge up.  I have seen them with so much black sludge around the rocker shaft that when you take the cover off, the shape of it remains there in the sludge, just like a jelly mould!  If you then turn the engine over on the starter, the jelly wobbles about as the rocker arms move up and down in it!

    I had an old Ford Fiesta that was just like that when I went to adjust the valve clearances, took ages to scrape, hoover and wash it all out followed by an oil change every month for quite a few months with the cheapest possible oil to clean it out. It lived on though, for quite a while:)

    • Haha 1
  9. I noticed it a few weeks ago, not a fan tbh but each to their own. It does make identfying boats harder but then I'm a bit of a nerdy boat spotter and perhaps not everyone would be bothered. It does give them an air of 'ex hire' (nothing wrong with that) until you can see the stern. 




  10. 18 hours ago, Vaughan said:

    Possibly.  It is best done with both hands, as it is.  Trouble is, a hirer in a panic to go full astern quick, has a very strong arm!

    I take your point about the 'strong arm' but my thinking was that it would prevent the incorrect helm being used to start with.


  11. 3 hours ago, grendel said:

    wussername, I can see this is a workable system, apart from one area- how would boat owners of several years (maybe decades) come about by their accreditation, it falls under the grandfather rights you mention, but could be ongoing many years after the change was made

    Well I would have a marker on the system to show that the customer claims previous experience despite not being on the system so that the instructor can tailor their approach(maybe call it a 'refresher' or something but other than that you just have to go through the system same as any other person. Might be beneficial anyway, brush up a few basics perhaps?


  12. I won't quote Wussernames post as it will take up too much room but in response I will tell of the handover experience that was impressed with.

    Small Southern yard, a short break booked to explore darrn sarrrf only, late season. We, my parents and I, all boat owners of quite some experience, various boats and various engine configurations over the years but we fancied a change, hence the hire.

     We arrive and, when asked, announce our experience to the trial run chap(owner of the yard). He then goes through the boat and it's particulars skimming the more basic stuff but clearly observing our reactions to what he is saying(we pay attention to the bits we need, canopy opening, gas locker location etc etc). There was also lots of relevant Southern info given, moorings/tides etc etc.

    Then we go up the river for a few minutes under observation rather than instruction and that's it job done.

    We were happy to recieve an accelerated but appropriate trial/handover, the owner was comfortable enough with us to take his boat, WE felt that we had demonstrated our competence and that HE was qualified to see it.

    My other hand over was given by someone who I felt wouldn't really have known the difference but gleefully took us at our word when he asked if we had been before....

    "have you been before?".


    .."oh good, I don't need to take you out then!"

    No further questions asked and no river trial.

    Didn't matter to us but I felt he would've taken anyone at their word which is not ideal.

    For the record I would happily go on any trial run that a yard wanted me to, it's their boat, their rules IMO.



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