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Posts posted by Meantime

  1. 5 minutes ago, TFrench89 said:

    Isn't it pure speculation to suggest the boat isn't tolled

    Not completely. The BA have a website you can go to where you can check whether a boat is tolled or not. However if it concerns someone enough, then there are more effective ways to use that information, such as contacting the BA.

  2. A genuine question, and I guess makes little overall difference in the grand scheme of things, but why wasn't a ban on fishing announced by the EA to cover a set area? for a period of time?

    I don't fish, never really understand the appeal of it, but each to their own. However it did strike me as rather bizarre to cruise up The Bure seeing lots of dead fish, and some really were quite large, whilst having to stay mid stream to avoid all the fishing lines just down stream of St Benet's.

  3. 47 minutes ago, ExSurveyor said:

    Taken before smartphones with a real camera I guess.

    Sort off, it was taken with a Fuli MX2700 compact. I also have a couple of Canon EOS cameras that take good pictures but I can spend days with them sitting on the seat just behind the helm and not see a Kingfisher. The trip I leave the camera behind I'll see literally dozens. 

    • Like 1
  4. 26 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

    Okay, I admit it, the heron was a distraction in the photo.  However, is it not a concern to boaters and boat owners on a Norfolk Broads Forum that craft are being used on the river, that potentially may not be tolled, insured or even have a valid BSS?

    I realise that this is a contentious subject, but is most definitely related to The Broads and surely worthy of debate?

    Thank you for being honest. I truly share your concerns, But there is a right and wrong way to go about such things. If you suspect a boat is not tolled, then why not report it?

    During my recent 7 days afloat I witnessed boats overstaying at Sutton Staithe, Horning BA mooring and the stern on moorings at Hoveton. It is annoying particularly if you are looking to moor at one of the honeypot moorings, such as Horning. Each of the cases I witnessed not one of them was a hire boat. Some may live onboard more frequently than others and at least two were forum members. For all we know the subject of your picture may even be a forum member.

    One of my gripes is over staying on moorings, but I won't post pictures here of any, or every boat I see doing it.

    • Like 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, ExSurveyor said:

    Perhaps people were destracted by a photo of a heron.

    The dilemma is, leave the photo intact and that breaks ToS,

    Edit the photo and that is wrong,

    Remove the photo and that is over moderation.

    We can't win.

    Personally and it is only my opinion I would have removed the thread as the picture was in the first post and it was being mischievious. Now the thread has been left to stand, it becomes more difficult because to remove the thread removes the contributions of a lot more people and risks upsetting more members.

    For comparison I offer you a picture I took of a heron standing on the pulpit rail of a boat in 2004. I haven't removed any numbers because it is 18 years old, but even if I had taken it yesterday, should I have done so? You need to look closely because the heron disappears because of the boat in the background. I didn't realise when I took the picture that the heron was going to get lost because of the background. However I still quite like the picture because you can still see the reflection of the heron on the water and it still captures a good boating scene.


  6. Well as it turns out, Flavours Bar and Kitchen at Horning was ours last week. Have just spent 7 days afloat and managed to eat out every night, but the hands down winner was Flavours Bar and Kitchen. Excellent food, all freshly prepared, good value for money, good service and cannot wait to go back there again. My only complaint is that the place was quiet. It is a new venture, I believe it opened in May 2022 and it needs to survive, so if you're looking for some where different for a change give it a try. 

    Flavours was in very good company last week, and whilst I would happily return to any of the venues we visited, Flavours would be first choice.

    We visited in no particular order,

    The Dukes Head Somerleyton

    The Harnser Stalham Green

    The Cross Keys Dilham

    The White Horse Neatishead

    The White Horse Upton

    The Rising Sun Coltishall

    • Like 5
  7. I think there are two issues here. The first is that the forum is in many ways, and it is only my opinion, over preparing for the Online Safety Bill, and in many respects using it as an excuse to moderate in the same ways that Health and Safety is nearly always blamed when something gets stopped, cancelled or tamed down on the grounds of Health and Safety. The Health and Safety laws have a place for making life safer, but are often used as a scape goat as well. In the same way this forum is in danger of doing the same and hiding behind the Online Safety Bill which as Palandine has rightly pointed out is not even law yet. It is my opinion only, but when it does become law it will go after the big boys and not the likes of the NBN and the many hundreds of thousands of forums like it. The damaging and highly personal trolling that happens on the likes of Facebook can very easily reach an audience of millions overnight and cause real mental health harm to the subject of the abuse. However, having said that, I am not personally responsible for the NBN, and we should respect the wishes of the people who are, if they feel they need to take a belt and braces approach to how they moderate the forum. No one is forced to read any messages here or post here.

    The second issue is this thread itself. Let's all be honest this thread has absolutely nothing to do with a picture of a heron, badly taken or otherwise. The original title of the thread made plain the real subject of the thread, as does some of the text that still exists within the original message. It is about a certain boat on a certain mooring, nothing more and nothing less, no matter how you try and dress it up. The picture may have been a very good picture of a heron, but let's face it they are two a penny on The Broads. I'd have been very impressed if it had been a picture of a Kingfisher, but even then IF I'd been lucky enough to get what I thought was a fantastic shot of a Kingfisher, and I wasn't happy with the background I wouldn't have posted it. 

    So let's be honest and stop hiding behind the Online Safety Bill, or the forum terms of service. My boat currently looks quite grubby on the topsides and I can assure you that if someone took a picture of it with a heron in the foreground and posted it here saying shame about the background I would be mightily (insert your own appropriate expletive here) about it. The forum should have removed the picture full stop without all the fuss about covering up the boat reg number in the name of privacy. It is someone's boat. It was the true subject of the picture if we're honest, and in many ways it is the very shaming that this forum needs to avoid. By all means take the picture and send it to each other on WhatsApp and email the local council if you feel your favourite mooring spot is being abused but keep it off the forum.

    • Like 7
  8. Might I politely suggest that really the title of the thread brings the forum into disrepute as much as the picture, modified or not! Without the current thread title no one would have thought twice about a badly taken picture of a heron.

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  9. 55 minutes ago, Captain said:

    Then you can concentrate on throttle use for maneuvers rather than worrying about putting some throttle on in neutral to ensure the thrusters are fully powered, having to come out of neutral to complete the mooring is an extra hassle

    Not sure I like the sound of that. I can just imagine in that moment when you get caught out by a sudden cross wind and the mooring has the potential to go wrong, that in the panic to engage extra revs in neutral to provide extra power for the thruster, that you forget to disengage drive and are suddenly providing extra power to the prop as well as the thruster.

  10. 17 minutes ago, ExSurveyor said:

    Direct customer feedback always helps any business, social media complaints don't and in a lot of cases do damage.

    Surely it is better to ask directly why the problem is happening.

    I couldn't agree more. A local Indian restaurant where I live had for years been consistently good then we noticed standards start to slip. We complained and were offered a discount off our meal. We declined the discount and explained that we were complaining not to receive a discount, but because we wanted it to go back to how it was. The next few visits the food was much improved, but then the standard slipped again. We again bought it to their attention and again were offered a discount which again we refused. For a while the food was good again, but the next time the standards started to slip we voted with our feet and went elsewhere. At no point did we feel inclined to take the discount offered, we are not professional complainers, nor did we feel the need to air our views on social media. We really wanted to carry on using the establishment, providing it could provide service and food to the standard we had got used to.

    By all means complain on social media, IF you've spoken to the management and not had your complaint listened to or handled properly, but otherwise it is unfair on the business. Rick is a member here and may get around to seeing the reviews here, but currently he is probably unaware and therefore unable to take action to improve things.

    • Like 6
  11. I often go on long distance walks, 15 miles plus, and certainly don't carry any facilities with me. It is normal to find a quiet discrete spot to go for a wee if the need arises, but I've never needed to do more than that when on a long distance walk. So why do so many day boaters, canoeists, stand up paddle boarders and fishermen loose control of their bowels when they are not near any facilities? However should the need arise, why can't they do it on a plastic bag, wrap it up and take it with them to dispose of somewhere more suitable? The majority of dog owners manage to clean up after their dogs, so why can't these people? Unfortunately I fear there is nothing that can be done about, it is just in the make up of some people to be disrespectful and have no common decency.

    The growth of canoeing and paddle boarding has really nothing to do with it in my opinion. It has a lot more to do with the general decline in peoples behaviour and common decency.

    • Like 2
  12. 1 minute ago, Vaughan said:

    Sorry, but I don't get that? We are talking about an oil leak from the rocker shaft.

    The later version of raw water pump with 10 vanes on the impeller rather than 12, was developed by myself and Peachments to avoid the back pressure caused by the small bore of the exhaust water injection bend. It was not possible to drill out the bend much larger so we had to experiment with the flow rate of the water pump. Early Nannis suffered from serious overheating until we found this balance, between the flow, and the back pressure.

    Sorry I should have been clearer. I understand you are talking about an oil leak from the rocker shaft, which you stated affected the early Nanni 4190. I have a Nanni 4190 and whilst I don't currently have that problem, I am now aware it could be a future problem if it is a weak known stock fault / problem area.

    However I do have a coolant, not raw water, pump that is showing significant signs of wear and over the Winter as preventative maintenance intend to change it. Those water pumps come in two variants. 11 or 12 I cannot remember bolt holes, or a slightly longer variant with 15 bolt holes which was fitted to the later Nanni 4190 engines. Since mine has 15 bolt holes it hopefully dates my engine as a later 4190, in which case it may not suffer the oil leak problem you helpfully described.

  13. Taking the thermostat as an example, Brundall based distributor £28.50, JEM Engines including gasket £12. However it is worth noting that the gasket supplied by JEM is not suitable for a Nanni installation. When marinised by Nanni the thermostat is removed from the thermostat housing and placed at the end of the heat exchanger which needs a rectangular shaped gasket. 

    Still some good savings to be made though if you know what your looking for and take into account any changes when marinised.

  14. 10 hours ago, JanetAnne said:

    It is. Absolutely first class service, couldn't be more helpful, excellent stock levels and overnight delivery. 

    Once you know which version of Kubota your Nanni is based on it gets very easy. 

    As an aside, and because I have been somewhat outspoken before on this, it would appear that, with the correct information, the Nanni is not the throwaway engine some would like us to think it is. "You won't get anything for that mate, it's too old, best to buy a new engine" was the advice I received elsewhere last Friday! 

    Good to hear from someone who has used them. I have a sneaking suspicion that my water pump is not long for this world and was planning on changing it over the Winter as pm. They also seem to be a fair bit cheaper than the UK official distributor for other common parts including thermostat etc.

    My Nanni is a 4190, which I'm 99.9% sure is the V1902. It has the later style water pump with 15 holes so hopefully a later version engine that doesn't suffer the problem described by Vaughan.

    I see on their website they sell a number of reconditioned engines at what appears to be a reasonable price. They have over 40 years of dealing purely with Kubota engines and they have 2 dyno beds to run them in once reconditioned. It evens says that if they don't have your engine in stock as a recon, to call them in case they have one due to be reconditioned and they can move it forward in their schedule.


  15. 3 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    Once you let them "fall into dis-use" you may have lost them forever.

    That's the fear. Many of these foot paths were established centuries ago and used by farm hands as the short cut to the local village, to get home, or to the pub after a hard days graft in the field. These days it can be a constant battle with land owners to keep them open. Use them or loose them. It must be said however that back in the times when these paths were first established there was no local council who used to come around and trim the undergrowth away from the footpath. It was mostly controlled by regular usage of the path treading the weeds and the undergrowth down.

  16. Everywhere has local residents all with their own view of how money should be spent locally. However that doesn't take away the fact that there is a statutory responsibility for public foot paths to be maintained, and as was seen during the pandemic there are great health benefits to going for a healthy walk, that in the long run probably provides huge cost savings to our over worked NHS. 

    Yes I know there are many pavements people could walk, but it is much nicer to walk in the countryside and people are more likely to take up, or keep up, the healthy outdoor activity of walking if they enjoy it and the surroundings they do it in.

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