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Posts posted by marshman

  1. That why you never sand antifouling - use elbow grease and wet and dry! Thats safest!!!

    Lots of people don't bother antifouling underneath on the Broads - in the past i have often antifouled down to around a metre from the waterline. You will always get zebra mussels but mostly just slime. Its not like in the sea where it grows proper stuff!!!!


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  2. Perhaps its something to do with the fact that in February we received over 2 1/2 times our normal rainfall for the month, in fact the highest amount for that period since the mid 1800's but no, this is 2024 and we have to "blame" someone rather than look for the obvious answer. Remember that rain was falling on already saturated ground!

    Plenty of boats can still get under Ludham - perhaps we should blame those designers who insist most modern designs now have an "extra" layer of sundeck on top as well!! I would never, on the Broads, have a boat with an airdraft much over 7' as all the best bits, normally, would still be inaccessible.

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  3. Another day, another load of rain - yesterday we had another dollop! Over half an inch in my garden and we are just about to have another load this morning! None of which will help matters on the rivers I am afraid.

    I see on the news that after another dry winter, Sicily are beginning to ration water with some places only having water every other day - mainland Spain is not much better!!!


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  4. Take up the offer of a support boat and just tow it alongside - you then have all the time in the world to sort out the fuel and the engine without worrying about whether it will start or stop midriver!

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  5. The EA have had the final say on dredging, both where and how much, for many years now - or rather they have to approve it, which effectively amounts to the same thing.

    I have been trying to tell members here that for as long as I can remember, but as you have suggested, it suits, to put the blame on someone you can directly relate to rather than some faceless civil servant no one knows! I am not saying the BA are faultless by any means but its nice to see your overall views!

    Lets hope for a drier March so this bl**dy water can get away!


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  6. The short answer is stop it raining!!! So far this February the area has seen 2 1/4 times the average rainfall for this month and somewhere I saw the bizarre fact, if it is one, that this February has been the wettest February since somewhere around 1846. Combine this with what we have already had, excluding this month and the fact that unquestionably sea levels are rising, and I think we are coping as well as could be expected!

    There has been no loss of life and little real inconvenience - there has been isolated flooding but given the above that is not hardly surprising! Whilst I have some marginal sympathy with farmers, lets remember that a number of them have been architects of their own difficulties by turning what was grazing marsh, into arable land.

    As Mouldy quite rightly says the Upper Wensum, Tud and Yare are everywhere upstream, but with spring tides around, the ability to release this excess through New Mills in Norwich is limited - those of you who have cruised this stretch of river will be familiar with the sheet piling normally exposed and probably10/15 ' high. Not now, the water the other day meant the water was almost overlapping  - where do you send the water when the sluices cannot be opened because the river is full??

    It will drain when the sluices can be opened and the Yare downstream and the Wensum, go down to allow it, but until then you will have to put up with a little inconvenience and keep your fingers crossed for Divine intervention - and no heavy rain preferably!!


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  7. With rain this February, about double what we would normally expect, its hardly surprising that everything is pretty wet! However looking a bit further out it looks as though the wind may go round to the NE and this would normally be a cold wind, but a drying wind - normal for this time of year but almost welcome after the rain!!!

    It will take some time though for this water to go away- with Easter being early, I suspect river levels will still be relatively high. My view of course but we shall see!!

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  8. Dear, oh dear, oh dear! You lot are enough to drive anyone to drink!

    You don't need the BA to shut the Broads down, and leave it to the birds, you lot can almost manage that on your own!

    I suppose it must be the weather - I cannot see anything different or indeed worse, than it was in its heyday - ask Vaughan!! I suppose one difference is that people now take it on board from the supermarket but I do think it just shows some people perhaps have nothing better to do. My guess is its changed very little over the years and not worth the discussion or paying people to perhaps try and enforce it. How on earth could you even begin to enforce it at sea. 

    If it ain't broke, don't bother to fix it - its bound to be reflected in tolls and all to what end? 

    A lot of not a lot at at all!!

    • Like 6
  9. Really? I had an electrical fire in the engine compartment AND had the subsequent claim turned down as the WHOLE system had not been tested regularly! Even had it been tested I can guarantee the fault causing the fire would not have been found - nothing surprises me about insurance companies!

    Fortunately I was on board and coped by shutting the whole system down - that did the trick but at least I had the presence of mind to shut everything down thereby eliminating the heat source. Damage only a few hundred quid!

  10. I think, sadly, you just have to move on. How do I know? I am in the same position- and I think you just have to look back upon the good times you had - somehow I have managed to stick all those thoughts away at the back of my mind.

    In part its been helped by the fact that it comes also with a sense of relief that I no longer have to do all I had to do - I have realised quite how much I had to do, but all the deadlines, and worry that came with them, have gone. Everything else now takes longer, and I long for the warmer days so I can sit in my summerhouse and reminisce. I no longer have that all consuming desire to be afloat.

    Curiously, my Dad went through the same phase, despite actually living in Ranworth - he gave up his boat and never went near the water again, not even down to the staithe. Its strange I know and I always could never understand why he acted as he did - but I do now!!!

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  11. Looking again at my figures, which are by no means a proper weather station totals, but merely me trying to remember from day to day, I can see that I have severely underestimated the total  - I reckon its probably around 55mm or over 2 inches. This weekend alone has seen around an additional inch falling on already saturated ground.

    In other words its been pretty wet!!!

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  12. Don't think you will have to worry about any plans in the the short term - this week we have had nearly another inch of rain cumulatively so any expectation of lower levels will have been blown totally out of the water - unless it flows out of the rivers over Herring Bridge!

    This amount of rain on top of existing levels will do nothing for lower lying levels - I have never seen anything like it on land away from the river, let alone anywhere near a river! Some local farmers even on light heathland have not been able to get on their land since about October. With another cooler snap likely, thats not going to help either - perhaps some sun would help!

    We just need it to stop raining for at least 3/4 weeks to see any sign of rivers receding

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  13. If it looks like water on the Broads you will probably float as the next foot or so, or more, will be liquid mud!

    Different of course if you are going to sea but I must admit to never having felt the need for one on the Broads, nor can I remember ever getting stuck - different if you are a sailie as you have a big pointie thing underneath - usually!!

    Having said that, as long as its not right next to the keel, my guess is not not likely to be more than 20mm or so, although in those days they did tend to lay them up more heavily.

  14. Oh I understand how easy and quick Faceache is, but if other places can put a menu on their website and change it regularly, then surely others can? Depends how keen you are on getting the business I suppose but there again you never know how many look for your website and not finding it, go elsewhere. If you cannot be bothered to do it as others do, then you will never know what you are missing I suppose!

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  15. What is it with people like Ferry who think that the whole world is on Faceache? 

    Even pubs are now dong this - the Stag in Salhouse doesn't have a website either. Whilst I appreciate that its an easy option, IMHO if you cannot be bothered to have a proper website, then you are only half a business. Quite a few people do not "do" Faceache and as a result you must be missing an opportunity? Surely I am not the only one to think like this?

    Or am I just too old and grumpy??:default_sad:

    (Sorry - thread drift!!! )

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  16. Wilds at Hickling will always squeeze in a little one I expect but you would have to ring them re prices. Nice and quiet up there - perfect for pottering! Not sure if you have an engine but if you have an outboard that is not bothered by the weed as you can remove it easily - after you have turned the engine OFF!!!!:default_biggrin:

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  17. The water about may be something to do with the fact that we had virtually an inch of rain last night - thats more than double in one day, what we had in the whole of February last year!!! Probably blown out of the window a picture that was beginning to see some improvement!!

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  18. I wasn't knocking the Aweigh app, as I have it on my phone, but merely pointing out a limitation. After all its free and the information is never going to be 100% accurate but it provides a useful tool but like many electronic aids, be mindful its not gospel!!

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