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Posts posted by brandenjg

  1. To enable or disable Number Lock on the Aspire ,press and hold the Function (Fn) key and press the F11 key once. The Number Lock indicator will light up when the Number Lock is enabled and will be unlit whenever the Number Lock is disabled.

    Taken from acer website

  2. Hi Charlie, glad you made the trip. It's definitely worth going along at least once. I wouldn't suggest anyone going further than where I turned in the video as the currents will just push a boat sideways, plus A lot of trolleys etc are dumped where it widens.

    Surprised how blatantly people are fishing but I guess if they fish out of season, they probably never buy a license. Branden :)

    • Like 1
  3. Norfolk broads pocket boating map.

    I've been using it for the past year. Has maps of the broads, tracks your location, tells you your speed and shows you where the nearest pub is. Available on android :/ and apple devices :)

    • Like 2
  4. Maybe a hunting camera would work as far as capturing an image of the thieves.

    Static camera in a box which triggers to take a photo when something moves past it.

    If one could be hidden in a cabin, engine bay or on a nearby tree it would be less obvious than a cctv camera and might finally get a face to put with the crimes. Branden

  5. Well today turned out to be quite a success. My dad had been keeping himself busy after work all week by smartening up the dirty roof from ebay, so with a fresh lick of paint and gloss on the rails it was time to work out how on earth to fit it onto the boat.

     For those who have followed the project, you may remember I modified my windscreen which meant that the roof which was designed to fit the original shaped screen would not fit. :o


    After a bit of head scratching we spun the roof round and the rear side fitted the screen fairly well considering the shape.

    So we grabbed what we had to hand (L brackets and rivets) and managed to secure the screen to the roof at the front, then cut down the metal canopy frame to rest the back on which was secured with plumbing brackets.

    It means the roof wont fold down so my journeys will have to be planned for the tides, but I'm happy with how it turned out.


    I also had a surprise visit from my pregnant wife who hasn't been on the boat since last summer. She was happy with the work I've done and with her bump kicking away, I think I have my daughters seal of approval aswell. :baby


    Photos below, Branden :P








    • Like 4
  6. I'm off down the boat today to hopefully make a start on fitting the hard top i won on ebay a few weeks ago. Twas a 200 mile round trip but i finally got my hands on a dawncraft roof, so lets hope it will fit on my modified windscreen.

    Also today will be a chance to finish off the odd jobs like fitting the fenders and getting the boat ready for a day out.

    Will be taking the in laws and my niece out next week for her 5th birthday as she finally fits in the life jacket :-D Lets hope she gives the boat the seal of approval as she's seen the project from the start and wanted to go out on the boat since i bought it.

    Wish me luck Branden :-D

    • Like 2
  7. Hi easyrider, that looks better than an original dandy window shape :) you'll have to get some close ups of the screen when fitted as I know mine was leaking like mad due to the metal frame being riveted on and not sealed by the previous owner.

    It's good to see another owner putting the time and money into a dandy restoration as most are just wrecked and abandoned. We'll have to head to a forum meet one day and show of the dandys. Branden :P

    • Like 3
  8. I should be getting down the boat this weekend after the jumble on sunday to put the screen on, so i can take some external pics then. :-D

    The outsides not quite there yet but definately getting there. I think a good project never finishes.

    I'm toying with whether to vinyl wrap part of the boat aswell so if that works ill upload pics.

    Branden B-)

  9. Hi easy rider, looking good so far :-)

    Right, time I did a bit of an update on how things are going. Well that lovely windy day we had on tuesday seemed like the perfect day for me to launch my boat back on the water (note to self, next time check the forecast before booking a trailer). So she's back afloat and safely at the moorings.

    Now to try and remember what jobs were done since my last post.

    My Cork rooflining has been fitted and thanks to using the correct adhesive has stayed firmly in place, all walls and bunks have had a fresh coat of paint.

    The boats rope roof rails are secured and work perfectly.

    My transom has been raised so that my long shaft outboard will sit properly in the water but the transom can be quickly lowered for a short shaft if needed.

    Carb cleaned, gearbox oil and 4 stroke oil changed and hydrofoil fitted resulting in a much more responsive motor.

    Horn installed and working, cabin speakers relocated for better listening experience.

    Perspex for windscreen cut, frame modified and almost ready for instalation but looks like the hardtop plans are out of the window for now :'(

    I'll upload the remaining pics when i can get to my laptop.

    Thanks for reading this project, its certainly not over yet.

    Branden :-D

    • Like 4
  10. Hi Jim. Im not 100% sure how to answer the bilge pump question because so far i've not had enough water in them to need to use my own bilge pump so never installed it.

    I sponge the condensation out every now and again and that's all that's needed.

    On my dandy the bilge runs from the bow to about half the length of the boat towards the stern, then there are fibreglass patches to block off the rest ( not sure if yours is the same) so the only viable place for the pumps would be under the bunks.

    The boat does sit deeper in the water at the bow so any water would collect at the front.

    As far as a hardtop and bridges i think if you can keep the height under 7ft you should be fine to go under most of the bridges on the broads without having to lower it atall.

    Hope this helps abit :-D Branden

    P.s You'll have to put some photos of your own project on here at some time so we can see how its going.

    • Like 2
  11. Hi everyone, my new mercury prop turned up today and like the old one it doesn't fit properly into the housing. My question is how is the thrust hub washer meant to sit on the shaft. My prop fits perfectly without the washer. My washer doesn't sit flush to the inside section and has a gap of about half a centimetre. Is it meant to sit with a gap or is it meant to be flush?

    Any help please.. Branden




  12. It's been a slow 2 weeks work on the boat but it's finally starting to take shape.

    The hardest job was removing the boat from the trailer. Simply put, it just would not roll on the rollers, so instead I had to jack the boat up using a trolley jack and rest it on tyres above the trailer so we could pull the trailer out by hand after lowering it all the way down.

    Brandens Top Tip, boats on tyres slip. The trailer caught one of the tyres and the boat fell at an angle rather than lowering down level on the tyres. Fortunately it's on the tyres and stable just a lot closer to the ground so I can't paint the underside at the moment. I'll jack the boat and place on blocks in the coming days.

     The following is the work that's been done so far. Branden :D



    The old broken wood rails have been removed and I'm almost ready to attach the rope rails I've made up.

    Windscreen and canopy removed.

    All holes/scratches on the boat have now been filled and lightly sanded and awaiting smoothing out.

    Full exterior pressure wash and topside buffed with mystery bottle of liquid? ( cream coloured liquid missing label on bottle).

    Rubber strip removed and gaps filled, broken rivets removed and replaced.

    Solar panel relocated and new horn lined up to be fitted and wired.



    Everything removed and stored in shed :P

    Fittings stripped, full wash down and hoovered.

    New roof lining ready to be installed ( Note: last attempt at roof lining failed as I'm using an unusual material), Bead to hold roof lining up sitting in place to get it used to the shape.

    Table shortened to allow more leg room.


    Pictures below icon_










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  13. Took three hours longer than expected, cost double the amount as have to rent the trailer till Monday, but the boats out and ready to be worked on :D

    I have to say a massive thank you to the Carrow Yacht Club as without them I would of been up s creak without a paddle. A rowing club were using the slipway I was meant to be using and wouldn't move to let me quickly get the boat out so fortunately the CYC let me use their slip.

    A bonus of this was that I found out some history of my boat. Turns out it used to be moored at the CYC and owned by a police diver. The name I was given was the same as I had on the old documents and by chance the bloke telling me was the signature on the document as he performed the BSS a good few yeas ago.

    Attached is a photo of the boat just as she came out the water.

    Branden :D


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  14. It's been a long time coming but I'm finally going to get some work done on the boat.

    The trailer is booked for this saturday so if all goes well i can begin finishing the boat this weekend. I've got 2 weeks booked of work for my wedding so the boats being done at the same time (my fiancee may tell you otherwise).

    I'll be taking lots of photos so i'll try and add the best bits on here as i go along.

    Branden :-D

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