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Posts posted by brandenjg

  1. 20 minutes ago, FairTmiddlin said:


    These parts are greased for a reason, as they rub against each other degreasing causes wear! If you don't reapply grease afterwards


    I agree, a greasy outboard is a happy outboard :) 

    The lever also opens the butterfly on the engine side of the carb.

    heres a pic of the entire carb and the butterfly opened and closed.





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  2. Just to clarify I've replaced the Head Gasket already so the original thread is resolved. But whilst I had the outboard out of water I checked the whole engine then found the gasket for the mid section exhaust needs replacing.

    I thought it best to ask advice in this thread about the new part that needs replacing.

  3. 1 hour ago, MBA Marine said:

    Anchors?? are you taking your Dandy coastal?

    I wish :D but no I'm cutting half off some to turn into rhond anchors. The other ones will be "foliage anchors" where i throw it into whatever lines the land around the broads if I need to wild moor in emergencies.

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  4. 4 hours ago, Viking23 said:

    What does the gasket do, where is it placed?

    In some situations, you can buy gasket sheet in various thicknesses and cut your own.

    Might be an option.


    There's a plate with the exhaust vent pipe in the mid section of the outboard. The gasket is the seal for the plate. It was completely soaked with water and had bubbled and split. I think making a gasket will be the only way to do it if I can find the right material.


  5. Quick question, does the pee pipe stream water for the few seconds it fires up for? If so before calling a mechanic check the primer bulb is pumped (to check if fuel is going through the pipe) and try turning the idle screw up a little and see if the engine stays running for longer.


  6. 1 hour ago, BuffaloBill said:

    So who organises this for the middle of the week?

    Surely, if you have an auction, then you want as many people there as possible?

    The more people to bid against each other, the more an item makes and the more the auctioneer makes.

    Or am I missing something? Never made due to it being in the middle of the week.

    I've only been to 1 auction last April but it seemed 90% of people were there to make money from selling the items on. Most items can be found on ebay or gumtree the next day.

     The bonus of this is private buyers like me get the items cheap as we have no plans to sell on so can afford to spend a little more to start with.


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  7. My birthdays on the 4th so me, the wife and baby will be either out for the day or overnight at oulton broad. I'll be cruising as much as possible this year, so keep an eye out for a mustard coloured boat on the southern broads and Yarmouth area. Branden:swordpir:

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  8. I've tried stripping pallets in the past to make a picket fence. Very very time consuming to get each plank off without damage. Good idea trying to make use of the pallet though as thousands are dumped but the wood lasts ages.

     Keep an eye out for skips, that's my source of wood on the boat :)


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  9. Hi everyone, after noticing my 15hp mercury was running smokier than normal I gave her a once over.

     Checked oil level and found the oil was overflowing, watery and cloudy. Not good.

    Then checked the spark plugs to find them thick black. Not good.

     So I got my brother to have a look and he's told me it seems like the head gaskets gone.

     Does anyone know an average price for a head gasket replacement on a 15hp mercury. Also any recommendations for mechanics on the southern broads to take it to.

    Great start to the season :(

    thanks in advance Branden

  10. Cycling is my only means in transport and I've found a great network already for getting from a to b. They're called Roads! Turns out there's a lot of these Roads already in existence and they're great for cycling on. 

    More public money thrown at another cycle scheme. We cyclists pay nothing to be on the roads so why waste money making lanes for us. Common sense from cyclists and drivers on roads is the most effective solution all round.


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