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Posts posted by brandenjg

  1. Hi everyone, thanks for all the responses, some useful, some interesting( a new use for the mudweight).I've left it a few days to reply as I wanted to give my wife a chance to look through the responses first as she wanted me to start the topic.

     We're taking the little one down tomorrow to see if the travel cot fits on the boat and give her a chance to have a little look around. Thanks to the replies backing up a lot of what I've told her, The wife seems a lot happier about the idea of taking little un out when she's one( only 4 months left).

    Thanks again and keep an eye out this summer for a baby on board sticker in the window. 



    • Like 4
  2. Hello all :)  I'm looking for advice, tips and personal experiences of babies in particular aboard boats.

     My reason for asking is that my daughter will be one in June and we're hoping to be able to take her out on our boat this year for over night trips.

     The main points I need help on are:

    1: Safety of getting baby on and off the boat and safety whilst onboard e.g buoyancy aids.:baby

    2: How well do babies sleep and play onboard, what are the chances of sea sickness? :???:

    3: Baby underway. Is it best to put baby in travel cot or strapped Into a seat when cruising.:gracie:

    From what I've read you should never have a baby in a car seat on a boat? I could easily bolt the car seat base inside the boat then simply clip baby and car seat into base.

    4: Baby balance. With the general movement of a boat would a baby be able to keep it's balance?:party2:

    Any other points I may of missed or extra tips would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance, Branden 

  3. I've got an android phone aswell but find the format more suited to children, also have a windows phone and not a fan of either platform. My sony Ericson from 10 years ago is the best phone I own.

     My iphone was a hand me down from my dad so didn't cost anything :)

    I'll get an antivirus and have a scan :? 

  4. Has anyone else been tormented by the pop ups on the edp website? Every time I go on the site to check local news an annoying iphone ad appears and I have to come off the site then go back on.

     I don't mind ads if they're relevant but this is just frustrating.



  5. Thanks for the replies. I'll speak to the father inlaw about whether he wants to pay to convert the tapes. The ones I've already done have been a mixed bag of results. Some of discos from years ago where all you can see is shadows and music. Others are of his daughter who sadly passed away many years ago singing and dancing in competitions and at the family hairdressers.

    £5 a video is very reasonable if they contain family memories so thank you for the link.

    ive attached a picture of the camcorder I've been using to play the tapes through the capture device.


  6. Hello all. I've been tasked with making digital copies of the in laws old photographs and videos. I bought an old camcorder, a VHS player and a video capture device so now have nearly all the videos sorted. I have 2 cassette tapes left which I don't have a device to play on. The tapes look like this.

    Does anyone have a converter for this type of tape or a camera that would play them that I could possibly borrow for a few hours to get the digital copies.

    Thanks in advance Branden


  7. Some might disagree but I've always found the most useful security on the broads is the live aboards. They're the most likely people to spot suspicious activity as they're always about. Better relations with the liveaboards could be a free 24hr security service :)


    • Like 7
  8. To be fair, the BA don't seem to be able to keep track of their spending so I can't see you getting an answer to that one.

    Please don't ask them directly as they'd most likely employ a new member of staff to do the calculations. Branden

    • Like 1
  9. From my knowledge Permission was granted for 25 boats including mine on the provision that certain criteria were met and plans were submitted but unfortunately that never happened so the permission was revoked.

     My boats have always been tolled insured, BSS'd and we'll maintained in the mooring but unfortunately not all the boats are the same. 

    If the BA win and the mooring basin closes there will be 25 boats that have to move somewhere else,  so we'll all have to find new moorings. How many mooring owner will take in the boats considering the condition of some?


  10. Hi John, I've not phoned yet as hoping to head up north rather than further south. But I've saved the number incase I can't find anywhere in my price range around the stalham area.

    your pm definitely caught my eye price wise though so thanks for the suggestion :) Branden 

  11. I'm sure they thought the same thing in November 2011. 

    As I've said from the start and will say when I go to the BA office this week, offer or help me find another mooring within my budget and I will move. But I dread to see a derelict overgrown waste land which is what the basin will become with no boats.

    unless of course the BA have a private investor ready to whack up some posh flats on the land.

  12. Are you saying you are moving permanently up north for a while or just a trip to see whats what up there first?


    I cannot get out of my mind "no more hanging over the side".     Surely not.

    The plan is to move for a minimum of 12 months and then see how we feel after that. At the moment we can walk to the boat in an hour but once we move north it'll have to be buses or trains to get to the boat.

     Haha hanging over the side is more of an expression. :? 

  13. Hi Brenden,

    Cool tale mate. We've had a similar journey and like you quickly got carried away! 

    Really bad news on your mooring there. Good luck with your find for a new mooring. I'd say look under the bridges as it maybe cheaper, or any yacht clubs as they will may be willing to do you a deal if you are willing to do a bit of work for them (that's certainly happens down here, hoping it's same up there). 

    Let me know if you would like us to delete your first post. cheers 

    yes can you delete the first one :) thank you

  14. Hi everyone, I'll start with a little back story of my last 4-5 years on the southern broads. I started out with a £30 inflatable boat I would carry down to Thorpe green and row around with friends.image.thumb.jpg.15e53b0da1ac64129dc6a7f1

    I soon upgraded to a wood slatted floor inflatable with a 2hp outboard and started to explore postwick and bramerton and started to take friends along for the ride. After a while we decided to take our rods and tents and do some overnight fishing.


     It wasn't long till it was time to upgrade to a fibreglass boat. I found a 14ft Mayland cuddy cabin project nearby to norwich for a very cheap price and got to upgrading it in my parents front garden with a budget of about £50. 


     This is when my love of boating really kicked in. With my 5hp outboard on the back and double inflatable bed aboard I was ready to expandmy cruising   range with an overnight trip to reedham. The journey took hours but I made it in a boat Id customised and did all the work on myself. It have me a real sense of accomplishment.

      The downside of having a non inflatable was that I needed to find a mooring. I saw a hand written sign on the side of a boat opposite Thorpe green offering moorings so phoned the number an secured a mooring that day in jenners basin. 

     Once I'd got used to the boat and the area I decided it was time to upgrade to a bigger boat. An 18ft Europa 4 complete with portaloo (no more hanging over the side).


     I spent a long time and for once had to put my hand in my pocket for this boat due to something called a BSS.

    I learnt so much following the guide for the BSS and put in a crazy amount Of late nights finishing work at 7 having tea then working on the boat till 1-2 in the morning. It flew through the test and with a 20hp on the back it flew through the water aswell.

     I learnt to use the tides to my advantage and having a bigger engine meant I could cruise for longer without the worry of overheating. I took the boat with friends from norwich, through postwick and bramerton, past reedham and onwards to oulton broad. My longest journey yet on the broads.

     I enjoyed so many day trips and overnights on the boat, the only issue was the non existent head room. Time for another upgrade to a dawncraft dandy.

     It was around this time I met a lovely girl called Beth(now my wife and mother to my daughter Emma-Rose).

    Trips with Beth re ignited my love for the south, being able to show someone all the sights I knew so well and the way she took it all in with amazement.


    2 years on though we both feel we've seen all the sights, ate all the food and fished all the spots the south has to offer. 

     With let's be honest the soon to be demise of my current mooring, we've been looking into moving our boat permanently over to the north side.

    The hope is that the new cruising area will get us both back excited about the broads. And with our daughter turning 1 next June were hoping to let her experience the nature on offer.

     I've loved the idyllic south side of the broads these past years and I hope I'll feel the same about the north.

    Branden & Beth

    • Like 18
  15. Hi forumites.

    I went down the boat today optimistically hoping for a trip out which ended up being a cuppa t aboard and a tidy up. I noticed a few of the nearby boats had enforcement noticed stuck to the windscreens including my old boat which is now owned by my brother in law. I phoned him and he said to pull it off and have a read. The notice was for not having a valid up to date toll yet his boat is fully tolled and insured and all displayed correctly which i found strange. The next thing i noticed is that the notice was dated as issued on the 15th july at 10:30am, yet it wasnt on the boat last weekend when i went down there and non of the other boats had them either.

     I went around some of the other boats and they had in date tolls and enforcement notices aswell??? It seems very odd to me. Some of you may remember the area i moor, i dont know if its a scare tactic to do with the recent issues surround the moorings.

    Any thoughts or knowledge on this would be appreciated.


  16. Branden, With all due respect, why is it any business of the BA where you moor, providing it is a lawful mooring with planning permission?

    Because there are no other moorings available that I could access or afford, my options would be moor illegally which I won't do, or sell the boat I've spent a lot of time and money on getting it ready for my family and I to use.

  17. I've moored on the island for the past 5 years. I moor there because it's the only mooring I can get to as I don't have my own transport and the only place I can afford.

    If I was no longer allowed to moor there where exactly would the BA expect me to move my boat to? Branden

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