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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Yes indeed, Neil. I'm very happy to say the Ferry House is as good as everyone says it is. It was a lovely meal, not just standard gammon, egg and chips but huge gammon, two eggs, sweet potato chips and a plate of freshly cooked vegetables. The atmosphere is warm and friendly.
  2. Have a great time. Wow, side on at Ranworth, not the most considerate. I'd have asked them to switch to stern on or if they werent aboard, moved the boat for them.
  3. I'll mention the battery issue when I return the boat tomorrow and I know the boat isn't going out again until Wednesday. Well it's been challenging in very wet and windy conditions today but I've enjoyed it, having made it safely to the Surlingham Ferry House. I was umming and ahing about whether to tackle the Chet but made a decision to do so as I approached the Chet mouth. At the confluence the boat rocked violently from right to left as I turned in, much more so than I can remember experiencing and sufficient to shake a couple of items to the floor. It's a good job coffee jars are made of tough glass. I kept the canopy side panel rolled up which made for a cold, windy experience but at least I had the fall back of being able to peer out and see. I made it to Loddon Staithe and headed straight for Rosie Lee's tea rooms. What a lovely little old fashioned place it is and coffee and gluten-free cake went down very well. On returning to the boat I made the decision to set off straight away and catch the last of the incoming tide when I reached the Yare. It was raining even harder now and piloting took all my concentration. When I reached the Yare the boat rocked less this time but it was proper choppy nevertheless. I ploughed on and decided to stop again at either Cantley or Langley Dyke. Cantley was a no no because the water was so high I would have needed welly boots to step off the boat. Thankfully the quay at Langley Dyke was sufficiently high and it made a relatively sheltered spot. I had some food and a good break and then set off for Surlingham. It was an uneventful cruise despite still needing to peer out of the side every now and again. In the whole of my cruise today, I passed two boats on the Chet, zero on the Yare (yes, zero all day) and that was it. I'm sat in the Ferry House now and very much looking forward to whatever I have from the menu.
  4. Here you go Howard, you thought Beccles was quiet.
  5. My dual steer boat... MOV_0050.mp4
  6. I've moved to The Ship which seems more welcoming. My pint of Aspall is 20p less also. I could do without a big noisy TV that no one's watching though.
  7. Yes of course Neil and to be honest I ended up regretting my choice. Its just I never seek to minimise the cruising I do, even on a wet day and to go the long way round just seemed the more interesting choice. Earlier, as I expected, I had to pull over in the lay by at Somerleyton Bridge to lower the canopy and screens with clearance at 7 foot 11. I then raised the screens on the move (handily easy on this boat and opted to carry on to St Olaves where I dropped the screens once again for the bridge there. I took a break for some food at the St Olaves BA moorings and then whooshed along with the tide until turning for the aforementioned Berney Arms. I know the south Broads is quiet but the weather seems to stop everybody coming out. I passed a boat coming upstream just before midday then saw zero boats whilst stopped at St Olaves and the sum total of one on the way to Berney Arms. I left Berney just after my last post around 4-15. Some years ago when solo I almost got caught out untying at Berney and had to make a leap on to a boat which the tide wanted to sweep away to Great Yarmouth. Today I had that in mind and on leaving looped each rope around the post and back on to the deck cleat. That way I could release each rope from the safety of the boat. The ebbing tide was still very strong and at full throttle all the way to Reedham I made no quicker than 3mph. What I did enjoy is realising that with life jacket on I could stand on the side deck and steer with my right foot. I could enjoy fresh air for a few minutes then! I opted to stop at Reedham Quay for the night having cruised more than far enough bearing in mind the weather. As I arrived at 5-30 I doubled the occupancy of the moorings! I cooked on the boat tonight and I'm now in The Nelson. It's the first time I've been in here and it's ultra quiet and all fine except the interior resembles a restaurant with nothing but dining tables and chairs.
  8. Well today is once again proving a challenge. The weather is appalling - winter wind again and constant drizzle with it. I'm currently stopped at Berney Arms having come down the Waveney all the way to Breydon and then turned left. From going with a strong tide down the Waveney once I turned for Berney the boat was hardly moving even at full throttle. Rather than battle the tide all the way to Reedham I decided to stop. The boat is bobbing up and down now so much (and banging the quay) I'm at risk of getting sea sick. I'll move on soon and stop at Reedham I'm now thinking.
  9. It's still winter here at Oulton Broad this morning and drizzling again. Ive only just started the engine to heat the boat because there are boats either side of me and behind. Unfortunately on this boat once I turn the engine off the heating cuts out after about 20 minutes. I've decided I will go to Loddon for tonight and stop at Pyes Mill and walk to the town from there. I don't think I've ever been in Rosie Lee's Neil but if I do I'll pass on your message.
  10. Indeed Howard. By the time I returned to the boat last night it was just me and White Champagne you can see in the background. Well the Wherry was a disappointment. It was very busy because a wedding party was going on. When I moved to one of the dining tables to eat I made the mistake of picking the one next to the doors that open on to the car park. I moved mid-meal to escape the draft but the one much further away was almost as bad. Could they not keep those doors locked on cold nights and just have the main entrance? To eat I opted for the carvery but it was pretty ordinary including a pureed suede that had tons of pepper in it for some reason. Alas the place has a lovely position but I shan't bother next time.
  11. No such problem today Neil thankfully. It was a quirky little set up. The lady at reception was friendly but said they were just about to close the tower so they could have lunch! She radioed to the chap at the top to say I was about to go up and then again as I started up the stairs about a minute later, mmm! The chap at the top was friendly as well but let me admire the view in peace. I left the Lido mooring at 2-45 and the bridge was showing 6 foot 11. I had about 3 inches clearance and made sure I ducked right down and being unsightly trusted the boat to continue straight. It had started raining earlier and so I pulled in on the BA moorings by the road bridge and raised the screens and canopy. It was nice to be with the tide this time round (I was punching against yesterday) but it was a cold wet run all the way to Oulton Broad. I managed to clear the screen of the drizzle a couple of times but the benefit lasted all of a minute before lack of visibility resumed. I've been thinking about Loddon for tomorrow night but the thought of negotiating the Chet in the heavy rain forecast for Monday morning fills me with dread. I arrived at Oulton Broad Yacht Station around 5-30 and the rangers assisted me to moor on the pontoon side. I write this in The Wherry Hotel where I'm going to eat in a bit.
  12. Thank you all for the kind comments. I'm enjoying myself much more today having resolved that I need to take the positive from the sudden loss of my friend by living in the moment much more and enjoying and appreciating all I'm so lucky to have. Having paid the £9.50 fee for mooring at Beccles and taken water on, I folded down the canopy and screens and set off through Beccles Bridge. It was a couple of hours after low water and clearance was around 8 foot so with the level rising I knew I might not be able to return until this afternoon. I wasn't bothered, however, as I couldn't pass up on the opportunity of cruising one of my favourite stretches anywhere. The section of river immediately above the bridge before you leave Beccles is absolutely lovely and easily under-estimated. The weather was cold but thankfully just about dry so I kept the screens and canopy down. I passed no boats at all on the way to Geldeston Lock and there were none moored when I arrived there. I decided to turn straight round and started thinking it would be handy to be able to pass straight back through the bridge. I couldn't resist, however, chugging down the little stretch that leads to The Wherry and the village as I think I've only been down there once before. I turned around at Rowan Craft having decided not to stop only to change my mind afterwards a d turn back to moor because it was such a nice spot. I made the short walk to the village and The Wherry which wasn't yet open but I'd like to try it one day. I set off back downstream and enjoyed that lovely tree-lined stretch once again. By the time I reached the bridge just before midday it was only an hour until high water and sure enough clearance had reduced to 6 foot 6 (official height of Lady is 7 foot). Handily Lady has a pulpit rail which is higher than the rest of the boat so I was able to safely edge close to the bridge to see if I could pass without wrecking anything. As I suspected the water was too high by 2 or 3 inches so it was into reverse and back to stop at the Lido mooring. Earlier I spotted some folks at the top of the church tower when I hadn't realised it was even open to climb. I walked straight there and sure enough for £2.50 you can climb to the top and get a fantastic view. I'm currently still at the Lido moorings waiting a little longer for the water level to drop back. Oulton Broad is my plan for later.
  13. Having received the news this morning I pulled in at Somerleyton with the rain teeming down and the canopy still lowered. I had to spend a few minutes grappling with the canopy to raise it. It's not too bad actually and perfectly doable solo but it does take a bit of effort with all the poppers, ties and paraphernalia. I managed to reflect for a while over a coffee and later walked as far as the Dukes Head. It's a curious looking pub because if it wasn't for the pub sign outside you'd think, with its two front doors, it was two semi-detached houses. Is that what it used to be? Clearance at the bridge was 8 foot 6 so I felt OK to leave the screens up but I thought I'd better lower the canopy to be safe. Having negotiated the bridge I pulled up in the upstream lay by to raise the canopy again. I chugged as far as Waveney River Centre in the rain. Visibility through the screens was terrible, its a good job I could keep the side opening open and peer out that way. On arrival at WRC I stepped off the stern and promptly fell on my back side in the skating rink that masquerades as a quay side. It's wooden decking and us in dire need of treating with a non-slip decking stain or some such. Thankfully I didn't hurt myself. It was my first visit to WRC since the camping pods have been introduced. Most were unoccupied at this time of year and they just look like odd-shaped tents but fun in the right weather I would imagine. I decided to head for Beccles for the night and had a peaceful cruise to the Yacht Station. Mooring at 5pm there were only two other boats. I write this in the King's Head.
  14. Here's some pics from sunnier times yesterday.
  15. Thank you Jean. The news has very much coloured the day which has ended up a miserable wet one weather-wise so not my best Broads day ever.
  16. My meal at the Reedham Ferry was fine, if not especially memorable. Then it was back to the boat, a bit of TV then bed. How civilised to have perfect quiet being the only boat on a pub mooring. I had a good night's sleep and when I was ready to set off had to make up my mind as to canopy up or canopy down with Reedham and Somerleyton bridges coming up. I decided to go for down, put up with the drizzle and avoid faffing at the bridges later. I set off at 9. There were a few boats at Reedham Quay but plenty of room. Despite the weather all was well until as I reached the New Cut my boss phoned with some shocking and terrible news. My close friend and colleague Garry died last night in a motorcycle accident at the age of 44. Not only does he leave behind a wife and two young sons, his mother lost Garry's dad only a couple of weeks ago with the funeral still to come. I feel shocked and numb at the moment as I write this at WRC.
  17. I'm already planning that one. I won't worry about booking though as there's plenty of stern-on space and no boats there at all as I passed around 3-30pm today.
  18. I've had a fabulous day so far and all to plan, so I'm writing this sat outside the Reedham Ferry in the sunshine. I set off from home in Cardiff at 0625 and the journey was fine except the M42 was slower than usual. I arrived at Sainsburys near Thorpe at 1145 and stocked up with what I needed. I wasn't too impressed with customer service as I spent much longer in the checkout queue than I've done anywhere else for a long time. I had some lunch and then drove just up the road to Freedom boatyard. To get there you have to traverse an untarmaced lane with some challenging pot holes. There's also an old fashioned level crossing where you have to stop and open the gates and shut them again once you've crossed - all very Norfolk! I arrived at the boatyard just before 2 and was greeted by Mark who was friendly and happy to chat. We talked about the Richardsons solo cruising debacle (without which I would have been boarding Symphony 4 this afternoon) and the prevalence of ex-Astons in the Freedom fleet (there are 3 in all). I asked for a look aboard Song of Freedom and he kindly obliged - my parents hired one when I was 12 so it brought back memories. They've done a great job on the interior. I was soon boarding Lady and unpacking. The boat suits me fine and very much what I expected - I'll write a boat review when I've had more time to test her out. By 3pm Mark had completed the handover and I was off. The weather was lovely being sunny and not too cold. Canopy was down and I head off downstream, excited to be here and on the Yare after a 3 year gap. Having negotiated a group of rowers I found the river ridiculously quiet. It took me two and three quarter hours to reach Reedham Ferry and in that time the number of boats cruising in my direction was zero. In the opposite direction, I saw the sum total of four boats. Whilst I'll always love the bustling North today was a very pleasant change. I was pleased to see a change at Reedham Ferry - the rickety pontoon upstream of the ferry gas been closed since I was last here. Ive moored there several times over the years but it always felt unsafe. Unfortunately, however the closure means there's precious little mooring capacity. Tonight, however, I'm the only boat on the grassy area downstream of the pub. As I pulled in to moor, the oil pressure alarm sounded when the revs dropped and the warning light came on. There was no such issue when I increased the revs, however, and I phoned the boatyard and was told all is OK. It's time to order some food. I'll post some photos when I have WiFi.
  19. Thanks Jean. Yes I like Langley Dyke too. It's many years since I moored for the night there and you've reminded me that could be a good option.
  20. Thanks Howard. I agree about mooring with the aft steering position. I've hired aft cockpit a couple of times and it's the faffing about with the canopy bit I'm not looking forward to.
  21. Early tomorrow I'm Norfolk-bound for my first of three hires this year, 5 nights solo on Lady of Freedom. Although this was a replacement booking for the much afore discussed Richardsons cancellation, I'm really happy to be have the opportunity of a short break entirely on the southern Broads, a first for me. In fact I haven't been south since 2015 and haven't started south since 2006 so it's long overdue. My loose plan for the moment is to head Reedham direction tomorrow night, possibly for a night at the Ferry. Friday I'll head for Beccles or Geldeston and then after that I'm not sure although I do fancy a night at Loddon. I'll have my forum logos visible so give me a wave if you're about.
  22. Pacific have made a couple of changes this season. Out have gone Shadow and Grayling and in comes Vista (ex Alpha 44 foot centre cockpit) and Sky (Broom 29). http://www.pacificcruisers.co.uk I think at least one of these has already been mentioned but I just wanted to credit them for their efforts in trying to update in these difficult times for smaller operators.
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