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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Looks unchanged from its hire boat days except much grubbier.
  2. I agree Ferry Marina boats are ugly, but Richardsons were spot on with the RC45 centre cockpit on my view. It's elegant and slightly retro and yet very modern all at the same time. The forward steer designs are a throw back to the days of the Caribbeans, Bountys and Horizons and there's nothing wrong with that in my view, proper Broads boats through and through.
  3. We made the short walk to the Riverside area of bars and restaurants. We chose Wetherspoon for food which was probably a mistake in hindsight. All Wetherspoons are large but this one is absolutely huge and being very busy it ft like a school dining hall. The whole Riverside area was something of a disappointment being rather soleless and devoid of anything that makes the environment attractive. Strangely, restaurants tend to back on to the river rather than make use of the river frontage. We finished up in the Compleat Angler by the Yacht Station which is nothing special but was reasonably quiet and friendly.
  4. Hi and welcome. My children are grown up now but both have been coming to the Broads since they were very young. They both enjoyed simply playing in open spaces next to moorings. There's been some good suggestions so far, to which I'd add the Waveney River Centre swimming pool if you do decide to venture south. I hired San Francisco 1 in 2014 with just myself and my wife aboard. It's a lovely boat. The aft cabin has a luxury feel to it and the centre cockpit area is comfortable and spacious. On that design I really like the side hatch next to the helmsman's seat which is great to have when the roof is closed. My only complaint was a minor one - the roof was winch-operated and is set up in such a way as you need many windings of the handle to make the roof inch along very slowly. This makes lowering and raising the roof a little more effort than it should be.
  5. No Peter, it's the one immediately before the Yacht Station on the left, as you arrive by boat. By road, we came in past the football ground and station on our right and then turned left over the bridge (Prince of Wales Road).
  6. Blimey, are the electric ones that power hungry?
  7. It was hammering with rain when we left home in Cardiff this morning but it didn't last long and it was a straightforward journey. The Yacht Station is quieter than I expected given its a Bank Holiday weekend and the weather is quite nice. Our room overlooks the Wensum but I've seen zero boats pass since we arrived around 3-30.
  8. I love reversing at Neatishead. It's a great place to do it because it's so sheltered so there's no wind or tidal flow to worry about. As you discovered, dead slow and tiny throttle bursts to correct yourself and its no problem at all.
  9. Thanks for all the replies, I feel better informed now. Yes I was already aware of the fact they're just an aid and only use them when necessary. I wasn't sure about stern mooring but I'll feel OK about using them in that situation now. We shall be north Broads only for this break so unless its particularly windy I can't see myself needing them very much but we'll see.
  10. In the morning my wife, Mel and I are driving to Norwich for a two night stay before we board Swan Roamer on Tuesday for four nights. It's Mel's first visit for four years and I'm so pleased she's with me this time. I'm hoping she enjoys it as to be honest boating has never been something she's passionate about but she is looking forward to it. We picked 2 nights in Norwich first because most of it is unexplored for both of us, save for the Yacht Station and immediate vicinity. We're staying right on the river at Premier Inn, Nelson Street. If you spot us on Swan Roamer from Tuesday onwards give us a wave and say hello.
  11. Having been hiring for many years and well practiced at boat handling, for the first time in my life I'm out to hire a boat equipped with bow thrusters. I've no doubt they'll come in handy for coming alongside and leaving side-on moorings. However, I imagine myself sitting at the helm for the first time and thinking "What the heck do I do with these?". When should I use them and when should I not? Are they useful for stern moorings or for turning a boat around? How are they powered? Is there anything I need to be careful about?
  12. Wow David, you've got the beginnings of a great write up there, I'm looking forward to the rest. No need to apologise and you can make your tale as long as you wish.
  13. Great night spot. Would Indy fit down the New Cut? It could get interesting meeting a boat coming the other way.
  14. Ah Tamar Bridge, still on hire until a couple of years ago. I get the goldfish bowl thing having hired Broadland Wave twice (Westward 31). Isn't that the case with most sedans though?
  15. I've always liked the sedan version, they have quite a presence I feel. They have an unusually large sliding roof which I really like. They never really caught on as a Broads cruiser though with never many on hire. They were popular on the Thames where initially Maidboats then later Richardsons New Horizon had several.
  16. Hi Russell, Simon Jarvis here, welcome to the forum side. I'm looking forward to watching Adventure 5, hoping to watch Day One soon. I think the NBN Facebook is handy but the forum is especially good for the in depth stuff. It's also good for those of us who enjoy writing.
  17. OK Vaughan. We'll definitely be coming to Wroxham, probably Wednesday. It'd be great to meet for a pint so I'll PM you nearer the time.
  18. Sounds like you're having a great time Vaughan. How is Monte Carlo? Are you on board until Tuesday? I'm coming up to Norwich on Sunday with Mrs Broads01 for 2 nights in Premier Inn then boat from Richardsons on Tuesday pm. I don't know if our paths will cross but it would be good to say hello.
  19. Janet's interior looks good, Peter. I'm pleased to see Martham have kept themselves in the sensible club of hire operators that still allow solo hirers. I've never hired a wooden boat and I love it above Potter so I could see myself hiring from Martham.
  20. I agree £70 per week for a dog is completely unacceptable. If Silverline are trying to put people off bringing dogs then why not just say 'no dogs'? I think you can't go wrong with Forth Bridge. I love that design and I've hired similar and we went under Wroxham Bridge on that trip.
  21. John, is next year's Salhouse meet on the same weekend again, so starting Friday 17th May 2019?
  22. Having been there a year ago I wish I was there now. The cruise from Malthouse was a great idea. Enjoy all.
  23. Hi there. Bridge craft tend to get very good reports on here, as do Silverline. I've not hired Wisper but I've hired the same design and whilst far from new the design has stood the test of time well. You'd have a lot of unused cabin space with only two of you aboard but that's no bad thing. It'll fit under Wroxham but air draft isn't the lowest - it's over 7 foot if I recall so you could be disappointed at Wroxham and Wayford if water levels are high. The boat was originally Wisper at Gale Cruisers and then bought and refitted by Silverline around 20 years ago.
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