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Bilge cleaning,

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:grin: Right most of you have probably read I'm inline for a new boat, the offers in and as I like the boat so much I'm prepared to pay the full price if I have to, you may also have read this would be my first diesel boat, Yah! I'll be a real stinky, :grin: anyway back to the plot, I went into the bilges to look at the engine, nice and clean, starts well and no smoking, seems it's been looked after, but! I did notice that even though the engine bay was dry, there was quite a bit of black staining in the engine bay, had a little rub in it and it's an oily residue that I presume is diesel, whats the most effective way of cleaning this off, as I'm very fussy in my bilges I like them clean and shiny and I intend to paint them, I used Gunk on one of my petrol boats, but I seem to remember reading that bio washing powder is just as good,,


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There is nothing better than Virosol, available from Hugh Crane in Acle. It's also rapidly biodegradable . It seems to 'eat' oil, grease diesel spills etc.

I've heard of Envirosol - is that the same thing?

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I would recommend wearing gloves when using the Citrus based degreasers! They tend to be so good at removing grease, oil etc, they suck the natural oils out of your hands in a jiffy, (No pun intended) leading to painfully cracking, very quickly!

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