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Nhs Colon Cancer Testing Kits: Take Care.

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I sent off a test kit a week ago and received another one with a letter stating that there is a slight hint of blood in the samples. I have now sent off the second one. On my previous test a couple of years ago I had a false positive as I was taking iron tablets at the time Having an enquiring mind, I went on the Immunostics.inc website to find out how the kit works.

To my amazement it states on their pdf that you should not eat red meats, liver and a range of veggies or take iron tablets for at least three days before using the kits as it could cause a false positive. In the enclosed leaflet it does not state that fact anywhere. Heaven knows how much NHS money this omission has cost and how much worry this has caused patients.

I have contacted the NHS with regards to this mistake and hopefully the leaflet will be corrected.


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I wish more people would make the effort to follow through things that are clearly wrong. Many people would have thought oh well never mind.

But with your feedback, it could well prevent further anxiety for the waiting patients. Well done.

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We must take unto account that a lot of our NHS services are basically a privatised business.

Could it be that in not supplying that important information ie. don't eat red meats for three days prior to testing could mean a lot of false positive results? This would help justify the tester's existence and create a lot of unnecessary waste of NHS expenditure down the line.

The information is on the hema-screen website, so why is the information not published in the enclosed pamphlet?

After all, when I get my cholesterol notification that I have to go for a blood test it is stated not to eat anything for about ten hours before the test.

Could it be a case of jobs for the boys (girls too)? Sorry for a cynical old git. 

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Having had to do these tests by a privately funded organisation the dos and donts are very clearly stated. maybe they don't want to have to do free retests!!! Until on outsourced NHS organisation  

it does seem mad not to give you all the information though. 

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