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Can You Remember......

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the first time we went to the broads, when we came to the moorings below Potter bridge my wife was driving, I was detailed to jump off and set the rhond anchors. well we hare in towards the mooring - brakes- reverse- what are those, crunch, off I jump, the boat is still in gear, and in forward at that, the wife watches serenely from the boat, doing nothing, while I struggle to stop a rampaging boat from charging away up the river, do I get respite to stamp an anchor into the ground- do I heck, ah well a quick turn around the only bush for miles, then I can get an anchor in, head back to the boat, and get the wife to take it out of gear, then back to the anchors and sort them out, safely anchored now. this was only day 2, day one was spent on the mudweight in South Walsham broad (just outside the area for no mooring through the narrow bit), then we had to head back to acle to sort out the puddle on the carpet (the cold water system sprang a leak and emptied itself everywhere, a quick phone call and back to acle where it was all sorted (new cold water pump), not fun getting out of bed and finding the floor wet I have to say.

(The bush seemed to survive its harsh treatment, I wonder just how many times its been used as a mooring post here)

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1st time for me & Kaz was 9 years ago on a weekend trail run on Silver Gem, Our 1st stop was Ludham near the water point, all new to me sat inside at the front with a wheel instead of stood on the rear rain or shine with a tiller on narrowboats or the trip boat where a brush with the bank was a touch up with a paint brush.

It was the first time for Kaz on a boat and I'd shown her how to coil and throw a straight rope and tie the boat up etc before going, into the bank I go worried whats happening with the stern will I clip the boat behind etc then Kaz went for a leap to the bank (big mistake with her foot) bang she was down. Thought thats the weekend over. She rushed not wanting to let me down.

It was a great weekend after that and booked for another week a month later and been twice a year since.

ps - she still won't moor the boat even after loads of test runs and can do it, she still gets the ropes.

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