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My Thoughts For 2017 Yours?


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The start of the year,The boat was out of the water until almost Easter.Seemed forever.So pleased when we got back on the water.July 2,Marina and I was married 40 years,Which we spent in Berlin.Mum in-laws home town.Great to revisit we hope to go back next summer.July Marina had a op on her wrist.September two weeks on the boat,Sadly the weather was not great.27 September I fell over,after just finishing a health and safety course. I did not make that up.Breaking two bones,one in each arm,as if that was bad enough will have a op on my hernia next year.

My wish for next year is a very tall order.Lets hope there is more peace in the world.Those that hate,should look to those that put there own lives at risk to help others.So many have done so this year.Men and women.In Mancester,London and sadly in many other countries. In uniform and members of the public.They are true heroes and deserve respect. 

To all my friends on the Net I wish you all a great Christmas and a happy 2017.

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My thoughts for 2017.......This year saw me get through a very dark tunnel but came out the other side winning, Just one small battle to deal with and deal with it I will. Made some great friends on the forum, you don't have to meet someone to know them, my Aunt says (the one who hates boats) that I could be posting to axe murderers or some such, I tell her they are pretty nice axe murderers Lol.

This year saw me beat my fishing personal best a 16 pound 7 ounce carp, well made up with that, my next target is a 20 pounder, although how I will land it is anyone's guess and it possibly could pull ME in, I will let you know. No great shakes in achievements really but very happy to be alive and kicking. Oh and apart from my lovely Police Officer, I got to know a Firefighter too, now that aint bad :default_norty:

Ian, I'm sorry but I had to chuckle at your comment about falling over after just finishing a health and safety course, you couldn't make that up. I hope you are on the mend, bless you. I agree with everything you say about peace and the real heroes in this world and it's nothing to do with celebrity

I would like to spare a thought for those members and their families who are working over Christmas to keep us safe, they are the true heroes

Have a lovely evening everyone and a smashing Christmas

Grace :default_icon_kiss::default_xmas2:

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