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Lowestoft Airshow

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Obviously there is lots of meets being organised at the moment what with Summer coming, but just a quick note to say that the Lowestoft Airshow is on on the 12th and 13th August.

Its an excellent time to take the boat out !

We will be doing it this year and probably mooring up at RN&SYC if there is space, otherwise through the lock each day.

The official website is here:- http://www.lowestoftairfestival.co.uk/

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We should be from the summer cruise for this. Why not join us in the anchorage and spend the night at Southwold.

Jonathan :Stinky

Where are you cruising to/from Jonathon ?

Using Haven's Lowestoft, Hamilton Dock, Marina would save locking back through Luke, it is at the end of the fish docks, very nice marina with plenty of space but not much in the way of restaurant's or pubs around.

Thats a good idea Ian if RN&SYC is too busy. Do they have electric down there ?

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Where are you cruising to/from Jonathon ?

Thats a good idea Ian if RN&SYC is too busy. Do they have electric down there ?

Southwold then further South poss St Catherine's as the furthest destination. Woodbridge and the backwaters en route.


Re the haven's satellite marina, you could use the life-raft to get to the rnsyc for dinner :lol:

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We have been out for this in previous years and always had a superb time but then we have a bunch of friends permanently based in the RNSYC so always team up with them. We have already booked our annual leave to cover this.

In the past the airshow has always co-incided with the power boat racing. I took this a couple of years ago:


A few things to think about though. Firstly, the RNSYC is incredibly busy at this time because it's like a magnet for boats and their owners. Expected to be rafted very deep if you can moor there at all. Secondly, going out to sea and anchoring at not exactly the same. In the end we did around 5 runs to sea on Silver Dream, all local, but we only anchored the once. That once was the calmest conditions of any of our trips out but Susan turned green within minutes of dropping the anchor. When we jacked it in and got under way again she was right-as-rain just as quickly. Anchoring is not for everyone.

Thirdly, the dates of the airshow are normally roughly the same week in July but this year that have shifted considerably. This might mean that it no longer co-incides with the power boat racing (I haven't checked) in which case by Friday evening it will all be over.

The addition of the Hamilton Marina might well make it easier to find moorings on the outside of the harbour bridge but it may be that an NBN fleet, if one was arranged, might end up split between the two marinas and I don't know what facilities (if any) are provided at the Hamilton. Still, that's what tenders are for, I guess!

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