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Wembley Home Do Football (sometimes Chelsea)

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Thanks to Marina I did a tour this morning of Wembley. On the way going through London bridge station.It was completed on Monday,after three years.They have done a good job.Where possible they retained parts of the arches.Wembley,went to the old ground this was the first time in the New one.What a great stadium.We lined up in the tunnel as there were a few Germans it was England v Germany.I was picked to lead out England.So I can say I have lead out England at Wembley. A great day.If you like football and have not been give it a visit.Some pics.







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Looks like you had a great day mate,

I wasn't going to like your post purely because the last photo shows a win for Chelsea, however it was against the eternal vermin therefore I allowed myself to do it, actually maybe it should have been a thanks not like......

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6 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Yes I am a Chelsea fan,but also a big fan of England,Football,Rugby Cricket you name it.If we were playing  world cup of hop scotch I would be rooting for the team.

Good effort mate. Glad you had a great day :default_biggrin:

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