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eberspacher d5w installation

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i've just bought a d5w unit for my boat

i am thinking of putting a heater matrix in-line with it

i will be running rads off it mainly but just had a thought about having blown air as well

has anyone done this?

if so can i use a car heater matrix

i know eb do one but i also know eb's stuff isn't cheap

i just like the idea of having blown air on the screen when driving because once it misted up so bad i had to stop

and i'm not sure if there'll be room for a rad once i do the rear cabin/bedroom

i'm also after a 22lt roughly twin calorifier if anyone has one knocking about

and some info on how to plumb it up to my ford 6cyl dorset engines

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You can use a car matrix if you like, if you plumb the whole thing in with your engine and calorifier and the correct valves you can heat the water and the boat, I think we ahve a plumbing and installation guide in PDF format on the site in technical, if you can't find it let me know. Matrix of all sorts including Webo and Ebo and bus ones can be found easily on ebay. If the installation is below the engine header tank then it's a good idea to fit a swirl pot at the highest point. Anyway it's all in the manual.

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no the only manual i can find is about the d2-d4 not the d5 which is completely dif

they are air where as the d5w is water based and not air

i have been looking on fleebay for matrix's etc but wondered if anyone has any recommendation to a particular one

i know some say the mini but they aren't very adjustable


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This forum cracks me up!! It's just like our local hardware and farm supplies shop.. You ask for something completely random and they will give you a nod and disappear off round the back, but ALWAYS return with what you wanted, no matter how obscure the item you want :clap:clap:clap:clap

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By the way the old Ebo and webo control boxes are a fortune and very difficult to source but are repairable at component level. It is inevitable that you will have to destroy the outer casing but few of the internal relays, timers and resistors are anything special and can be reassembled into an aluminium or plastic project case. I've known (too late) of people who have scrapped perfectly serviceable units when all they needed was the likes of a good old fashioned TV and radio repair guy with enough interest and motivation, mind you they are a dying breed now.

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thanks antares as always a mind full of useful knowledge

i'm lucky enough to have reserved a new unit thankfully for a second hand price :clap

so hopefully fingers crossed i won't have any problems with faulty buts for a while yet

it would be great tho if i can get some info on heater matrix's etc before i get the actual unit as it'll be like christmas and i won't be able to wait to fit it lol

patience is not one of my strong points unfortunately but i am trying to learn

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it would be great tho if i can get some info on heater matrix's etc before i get the actual unit as it'll be like christmas and i won't be able to wait to fit it lol

patience is not one of my strong points unfortunately but i am trying to learn

If you can't find what you're looking for here then you are really hard to please. :naughty:


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