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Special Southampton Boat Show Ticket Offer - From Teak Carpet Uk

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Hi All, 

Teak carpet UK - Which is an NBN sponsor is attending the Southampton boat show this year, We will be in main marquee on stand number J200. 

The show organisers have kindly provided us with a special offer ticket code which I can share with all NBN members.

Offer: £13.00 (per Any Day flexible entry ticket) - saving £12.00 on gate purchases

To take up the offer click: https://nbs-southampton.yourticketbooking.com/p/SouthamptonBoatShow-EntryTickets/uniqueCode/EPTO18CHJ8 

Or enter Unique ticket code: EPTO18CHJ8 on the main website: https://nbs-southampton.yourticketbooking.com/events/SouthamptonBoatShow

Expires: 13/09/2018 at 23:59

If you are a existing customer of Teak Carpet UK (Or Trimnet) or if you wish to visit the show to visit us in order to aid purchasing the teak carpet product please PM me (or email me at alan@trimnet.co.uk) and I maybe able to offer a special VIP ticket.


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  • 1 month later...

Long range forecast looks good, you should cook nicely inside that tent !!  Your stand is quite close to the permanent park café though which does nice slush puppies to cool off !!

The organisers have also moved the official Guinness bar to a different location, not sure where the secret Guinness bar is yet.... :default_drinks:


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I hope you have a successful show! It’s been a long time since I worked one from a stand in the tents, hope the weather is kind to you. Not too hot, or cold or windy!!


Hey what am I saying, almost all of those elements are worse on a boat on the pontoons... :-)


Sent from my iPhone using Norfolk Broads Network


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  • 2 weeks later...

I think we are ready?!! It's been a maze and a ton of paper work, let alone sorting the stand! We have moved slightly and are now in the corner.. Stand number J200! (just behind you there Neil).

We will have 5 thousand samples to give out and some door mats to sell at the show.. So do stop by if anyones at the show! I'll also have some free pens!

We are heading down to Southampton on thursday and I'm there until the end (At present though I'm not sure when I'm home as no ones confirmed the breakdown times!).. hopefully we have a good show.. it's been hard work just to get this far!

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Depending on the A34 I should be there from about 9am on Thursday.  A friend of mine at work is restoring an old Fletcher, I'll try to persuade him he needs some Teak Carpet and drag him over!

The organisers will bring the breakdown info to you during the show, it's a bit of a bunfight to get any vehicles in on the Sunday night so try and sell as many mats and give out as many samples as possible!!  May be able to wheel the stuff out if you have a trolley, we use a folding festival one to distribute VP mats around all the boats.

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