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Boatyard Hull Report For Insurance


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12 hours ago, psychicsurveyor said:

Any recommendations for insurance companies that accept a boatyard report instead of a full survey. Thanks

We have just swapped to Navigator and General through an agent, and they require no survey irrespective of the age of the boat, as long as it has a Broads safety certificate and is in the condition you state on the application.

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Mark, You know I swear by surveys. After Orca was damaged and the huge mess it caused we was really only saved by our recent survey and our surveyor (This was underwritten by Nav&Gen - who were very very good and very understanding) but to note: 

48 minutes ago, eddybear said:

and is in the condition you state on the application.

It's proving this when you need to claim, The underwritters take little notice of what individuals think and say certainly when it's thousands of pounds of their money at stake, they will only listen to what a "professional" states (Neglecting that a surveyor isn't necessarily a professional nor qualified, although proper ones are insured and governed) although from our experience a survey really helped settle the claim and deal with the legal fallout, the underwritters will also (as they did with us) get a survey done by their own surveyor before paying out, so you really do need to balance this with your own survey really). 

If it's your buyer considering this then naturally I would still advise a survey because it's not fair for anyone to struggle if a claim is needed.

The only surveyor I use and trust is Alf (http://www.marinesurveyorskent.co.uk/) he goes to Norfolk although will charge expenses. 

For Orca we use http://www.craftinsure.com/ whom are underwritten by Nav&Gen, they have a special relationship with them but you do talk to the same underwritting team with Nav&Gen even if you pay more and go direct.  Both companies were amazing with Orca's claim and I'll stay with them whilst they have this relationship .

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Thanks Alan, 

This is for Whitey,  I am having a lift out for antifoul in February.  The initial survey 7 years ago found it to be in excellent condition.  In 2 years she will be 30 triggering the need for a recent survey with Craftinsure.

GJW have a 10 year survey requirement so it is a bit of a catch 22.

The yard are able to do a report but it would then need a full survey in 2 years if I stayed with Craftinsure.

The BSS is also due in March so I may just bite the bullet and get both done at the same time.


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Just get Alf up and get a full survey, it's well worth the effort and you will get piece of mind. I know it's a pain to do but as long as you do with otherthings like antifouling it makes sense. He maybe able to do in the slings although moisture readings maybe a bit out

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