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Stern Rails

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I'm after 2 stern rails for my boat,

just to go round the back of the boat 

something similar to the pic, just to go round each corner of the boat 

nothing fancy like this one just a corner rail about 500-600mm high

if anyone has anything like this knocking about pls


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There are second hand chandleries at St Olaves, by the bridge, and off Victoria Terrace, Oulton Broad. Often see such things there. Word of caution though, if you moor stern to then stern-rails/pushpits can sometimes be a disadvantage. If you are a long way away then I can take a peep at Oulton Broad and let you know what he's got. Mind you, I'll need to cover my ears, he's ex matelot and can curse for the Grand Fleet! Either shop would probably have a suitable mudweight.

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