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Hello all!
I've recently become the owner of a rather run-down "tupperware" boat just outside of Norwich and have since made the spontaneous and likely premature decision to move aboard. My goal is to completely repair and renovate it over the course of what is likely to be a LONG time, there's plenty to do given the distinct lack of essential items such as a motor, bilge pump, battery bank, ballast, etc and extensive "wear" inside and out.
Here comes the catch: I have no experience of working or living on boats (but I've done a lot of forum diving and youtube binging:default_biggrin:). As such I hope to be a relatively active member with all kinds of annoying questions to ask and dilemmas to resolve. This is a project that I've wanted to attempt for a long time and I'm very excited to finally be starting, I hope I can contribute something of value to the group!

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