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I Don't Like Cricket, Oh No I Love It.

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Some say the red ball game is finished. I've  never agreed with that statement. I love all forms of the game.Watching England play New Zealand at Lords and Trent Bridge was great  Cricket. Yesterday  perhaps one of the best performances by a England  team,certainly in many years.Are NZ a push over?No they are at present the red ball number one.

Perhaps the England  football boys can see how it's done.

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Shameful performance last night.  I switched off after the second goal went in.  I was struggling to understand one of the comments made by a pundit on Channel 4 complaining about Harry Kane’a part in conceding the first goal.  I thought he was supposed to be the centre forward.  Why was he defending, for crying out loud?  Can’t remember Gary Lineker doing that.


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