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Riccos Moorings


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I can confirm that Richo's newletter has no mention of price rises, though Clive has mentioned a possible small rise. :?

I am in the wet shed and support others view that the moorings are good value for money (apart from the rust showers) :naughty:

As for being north or south it's only one days cruising between the two, and cruising is why I have a boat. cheersbar

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Just to clear this confusion up...

The Newsletter went out much later than we wanted it to and would not normally mention the increase which

is usually sent out with the renewal form.

there will be a increase but we have not decided what it is yet as we like to keep it down as much as possible.

I must admit the slight rust showers are a little annoying as is the condensation from the shed roof, but not having green windows, slippery green decks or grass growing on the rubbers more than makes up for that :grin:

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And although it is much hated by many the Ant is simply the best river on the whole system IMHO but also a lot of others who moor up our way


Hi Rod,

I totally agree with you there, and i`ve spent many happy hours cruising the Ant, and am always sad to leave it behind. In fact, when we went on Karen`s first trip on the broads, i think we spent over 2 days exploring every bit of it, except for Neatishead dyke. One of my all time favourite places is Dilham staithe, yet in all my years, i`ve never moored there overnight. Mainly because there`s no water hose, but the moorings are superb, and we`re looking forward to going back there hopefully in May. All i meant was that IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, the Ant is too oversubscribed with boats. That`s the main reason why we don`t hire from Stalham, which is a shame, because Clive`s got a great selection of boats up there.

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Just to clear this confusion up...

The Newsletter went out much later than we wanted it to and would not normally mention the increase which

is usually sent out with the renewal form.

there will be a increase but we have not decided what it is yet as we like to keep it down as much as possible.

I must admit the slight rust showers are a little annoying as is the condensation from the shed roof, but not having green windows, slippery green decks or grass growing on the rubbers more than makes up for that :grin:

sorry my fault :cry:cry

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