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Footpath Closed Hoveton Viaduct Moorings


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Work is apparently underway to do some renovations around the Hoveton Riverside Park area. This runs between the Hoveton St John and Hoveton Viaduct moorings. I haven't been down there for a while as it appears the footpath closure started a couple of weeks ago, and has maybe a couple of weeks more to run. Hopefully this will all be open again by Easter.




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Oh yes, I did that myself at lunchtime. However I had started at the station and intended to carry on along the path towards the village but there's no sign until you reach the closure. So you then have to walk back up to the station to then carry on down the road instead. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So true. The year that we moved to the area it was lovely. Clean paths, grassy areas that made it a pleasure to spend time just sitting by the river. Now it’s a constant muddy mess, the grass doesn’t grow back and the paths are hidden. One area is fenced off and left wild. Almost constant flooding and the BA have had the fences around one of the decked areas awaiting repair for months. Add that to the derelict buildings and land along Station Road plus the empty shop that was the butchers … it’s just such a shame. And I can’t see it changing anytime soon. 

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I’m always amazed (not) how councils and similar bodies can take on such projects as this park with an agreement in place to maintain it , including the bridge in this case , and then fail to do so .

If it were to be a private individual that behaved in such a way then the full forces that be would come down on them.

A few years ago the wall which runs along the bottom of my brother in laws property needed repairing and since if was very old and flint knapped  he was informed by the local planners that he had to have it rebuilt in a similar fashion which cost thousands to have done.

A couple of years later a further section of the same ancient wall had “blown” this section was owned by the village council and their repair was a simple brick wall which was rendered and with flint stones pushed into the render to replicate the look of a proper flint knapped wall .



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