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Hi all,

I'm looking into the possibility of putting a TV on my boat. I'm not really into televisions on a boat, as I have just had a week onboard ( on my own ) and with the rain etc, I became quite bored, and I didn't see the football, so,I thought a tv would be a good idea, so is now on the list. The set must be both 12v and 230v capable, with added DVD player. My boat is quite small at 27ft, so therefore a smallish tv would be fine, digital of course. Now the question is, which one to choose, and this is where you good folk come in. Suggestions and experiences would be gratefully received.

Many thanks. Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Mods may move it for me eh.


Baz cheersbar

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Hi Baz

We have just bought a Digihome 19" LED TV with build in freeview and DVD player from Comet for £120. It has the added advantage that it is 12V with a transformer for 240V use. All I've done is cut of the transformer lead and wired it to a 12V cigarette lighter plug. It only draws 25W too, so easy on the batteries, and is very light too! Picture and sound quality are what you would expect for the size/money.

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It has the added advantage that it is 12V with a transformer for 240V use. All I've done is cut of the transformer lead and wired it to a 12V cigarette lighter plug.

My thoughts exactly too.

I have a 19" Tesco TV/DVD player that was £85 and it works perfectly in the boat, coupled to a Glomex omnidirectional aerial, so it's neat and can be left in place with no fiddling around at various locations. Since the DVB-T signals from Tacolneston were boosted by a factor of ten last November, I get a good signal at all of my mooring spots on the Broads.

It's well worth selecting a set with the external "brick" power supply that Mark suggested, it's the simplest and cheapest way of getting a 12v set. Some people on forums have muddied the water by stating that a boat volatge can fluctuate up to 14v and blow the TV, but I've never had any problems with several different TVs, in boats and motor caravans. The 12v transformers are usually quite crude affairs, supplying 12v only nominally.

Be careful though, many of the newer small TVs now have built in mains supplies, so would be much more difficult to use with 12v.

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When I put one in our Viking 20, I went to Curry's and Comet and looked at the power connections on all their 19" TV's to see, like others have suggested, which ones had a 12v input. In my case, a got a 19" Hitachi (model no. escapes me) from Argos with built in DVD player. I kept the mains adapter supplied then bought another 12v cigarette lighter type lead for battery operation.


And the aerial set up from http://www.aerialsandtv.com/onlineaerials.html#Log40


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Hi all,

Many thanks for the replies gents, but just to let you know, that I took onboard what was said, and looked and looked, and finally settled on a set that was recommended by a friend. It has all of what was advised, and more to be honest. The only thing it doesn't do, is make a cup of tea, but I'll work on that later. So thanks again all, really appreciated the advise.

Have a nice day all.

Baz cheersbar

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Another bonus of modern flat screen digital TVs is that many, (even my cheapo Tesco/Technica) have USB sockets and have full blown media player functionality.

I have a 500gb USB powered 2.5" hard drive (£50 worth), and it has around 250 films on it, in mpg2 format (DVD quality), and 200 music CDs in MP3 format.

The films were recorded on a PC using Windows 7 Media Centre and then converted, and the CDs were converted using Windows Media Player.

The whole lot is viewable from simple menus on the TV screen, and is the size of a bar of chocolate.

Yes, it sounds very sad, but it's just handy to have the facility as convenient as possible, on the occasions when the weather is lousy or when the off season nights draw in quickly.

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Blimey, you've lost me now. I know the set does have a USB socket, so I suppose it should do as you've done. My computer is a Mac, whether or not that makes a difference, I don't know. I'll have to have a word with my son.


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Blimey, you've lost me now. I know the set does have a USB socket, so I suppose it should do as you've done. My computer is a Mac, whether or not that makes a difference, I don't know. I'll have to have a word with my son.


Despite the sound of that Geeky stuff, I'm a muck and bullets man myself.

The USB socket on a TV means basically, that it can then usually display still images and most video files stored on a USB hard drive or USB pen drive.

Those files can be put on it by a computer (even a Mac ;) ), and, if they're in a recognised format, the TV will play them, just like a DVD disc.

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Took a tv to watch the pageant last time down (bbc yawn) never used it again so brought it back, won't be taking it again.

For sound and vision where you are is the best.

I also have tinternet (3) unlimited , so have iplayer etc on a tablet pc, if needed.

Still prefer shouting at Radio Norfolk.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Firstly, a bit belated I know, so sorry for that, but just to thank you all for your comments, and to let you know that I'm now up and running with my new tv and aerial. The aerial is a 'Log 40' and the tele is called a Cello. The picture is as good as I get back home, brilliant in fact, so really set up for the long dark nights of winter.

Thanks again all

Baz :Stinky

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