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And we Complain about traveling times


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I've just been looking on Broadland Memories and came across this, it's from the log book  of a holiday on a yacht called Frolic in 1918, the two days include an over night stop on route, but just for fun I Googled the time it takes on todays roads and it came out at just under three hours, by Train it's four and a half hours, I'll never complain about the two and a half hours it used to take me to drive up from London,, the Log is quite an interesting read, I never realised there was so much good stuff on the site,,
Arrived at Wroxham about 5 o’clock in the evening after travelling from Rugby and taking 13½ hours to get here. Thus ended our 2 days travelling under not too enviable war conditions and which we were glad enough to finish.
Enquired at the “Kings Head” for a room and found that a “gentleman from the Admiralty” had the only vacant room.
Having admitted my identity as such we got our room which was a very nice one.
We had tea first and then had a look around the place and at the old familiar haunts not seen since the good old days of 1914.
Had dinner at 7.30 and had a quiet smoke in the Kings Head garden before turning in early as the journey had been tiring and tiresome.

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