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New Torch


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That's a relief.


I was worried that I was a torch Anorak, but that cutting edge of Torchnology has no danger from me buying it.


(Too bl**dy expensive....  :) )

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But Strowager! you get 191 loyalty points with it,, :dance
JTF! re your remote control spotlight, don't know if this will help, Brian Ward is now a sponsor and doing the Jabsco one at a discount, plus if you mention your a member of NBN you get an extra 10% discount so might be worth a look,,,




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JTF! re your remote control spotlight, don't know if this will help, Brian Ward is now a sponsor and doing the Jabsco one at a discount, plus if you mention your a member of NBN you get an extra 10% discount so might be worth a look,,,




That Jabsco 135SL is what I have on my boat. £149 is a pretty good price, particularly with an extra 10% off, which brings it down below anything I've seen on-line. The price in Norfolk Marine this morning was a little bit north of £190  :eek:

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I'm just going to get one of Strowagers headlights, I won't need a spotlight then,

Palidin do you ever actually use yours?? I've had two now! one came still boxed when I bought my Seamaster 813, the other was a present a few years back, apart from playing world war two with them and searching for planes to shoot down I never used them, :River Police

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Mowjo, it was already fitted when I bought the boat and I have never felt the need for night navigation, so, no I have never used it. Some people even argue that a spotlight shouldn't be used when navigating at night, but I think you do what you feel safest with. I suppose it would be useful when coming into a mooring in the dark. If I didn't already have it, I wouldn't bother getting one.


(I do use my Bofors 40mm occasionally, though).

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Paladin! I find it strange that people spend a fortune on these type of lights, and I don't think I've ever seen one used even at night, I used to do a lot of night trips and the only time I ever needed a light was on a couple of Moonless nights on the Ant just to see where the bank was, I only used a small handheld plug in spot for that, I'm not tight but I only buy stuff I can use or actually need and it makes me wonder just how much money people waste on stuff they have no real need for on a boat,,


Don't laugh like my wife does! but I have been know to shoot boats with my imaginary gun or torpedo's

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My Jabsco light gets stuck when facing to starboard, as if a gear wheel tooth has worn. I'm not that bothered, 'cos I don't use it, but I emailed Jabsco regarding a replacement part. I was most impressed with their speed at responding. Just saying.


Strowie, you're off the hook now. The little torches have arrived and they're just perfect for pocket or handbag (the wife's not mine!). Three settings, full, half and strobe, plus zoom. Nice. I was worried at first, though. I put batteries in and the thing didn't work. There must be some sort of internal circuitry which needs initial charging, as the torch came on after several seconds. Since then it comes on instantly. Each torch (3) displayed the same characteristic.


Mowjo, don't relax yet. The rechargeable ones still  haven't arrived!

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...... Three settings, full, half and strobe, plus zoom......


If it's the same circuitry as mine Paladine, you may find that your "strobe" is actually morse for SOS.


I kid you not...   :)

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Strowie, that's very strange, then. I ordered them from the link you provided, so you'd think they'd be the same. But the strobe is just a very fast flicker. It's at a continual rate, so I doubt that it's spelling out anything. Each half press of the on/off switch just cycles it through full, half and strobe. If you've got another SOS setting on yours, I'm gonna dock you half a point!


Although, fair dos, they were 25p off, so that might account for it :roll:

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Jan! get your coat this is a man thread! you should know from Mike, we love gadgets and anything that shines, they don't have to work or even have a use but to us they are treasure, the worst thing any woman can do is look in the man cave and say it's about time you cleared out all the junk, that's divorce talk, to us it's real treasure and we keep it because we know that a week after we throw something away we will need it, so we keep everything,, well I do as long as it's shiny,,, :dance

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Yep keeps him quiet for hours, charging and polishing them and he loves walking around in the dark with his fav torch of the day putting it on different settings to see how far and wide it will shine.

If it makes him happy then so am I ❤️

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Well! I don,t care anymore I now have two new hobbies, collecting stainless steel screws and i,m learning to speak Duck, I havn,t quite mastered d

Duck yet as they ignore me, I think it must be my London accent,,,

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I must stop posting with my tablet that last post is even worse than my usual ones!!!


Iain! Judi has a pet duck here at Broadsedge it's been back for the last three years, always turns up around 9am if we are here then again around 5.30pm, running low on bread? tough Judi's duck Daphne comes first, it turns up goes quack! quack! and gets instant food, usually my Rice Crispies,  then bread and left overs at tea time, she talks to Daphne all the time and I get no sense out of her if the ducks around, hence me learning duck so I might just get a conversation out of Judi and if that fails at least I can talk to the duck,,, just as an add on my collection of stainless screws is going well, walking around the marina today I have found over 50 of varying sizes all in as new condition, I was tempted to start a fender collection because I've seen at least half a dozen floating around the marina but they take up too much space,,,,,  



Iain! I forgot to mention! my boat is actually call Crackers, need I say more,, :wacko:

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