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boat gone up in flames at sutton


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Peter! unfortunately the chap that actually took the video only admited that the lady didn't know she was being filmed after I posted the link and when he was questioned on it, anyone can find the link if they wanted to and most will know where I got it from, after Clives reply it seems that even in the video there are a few hearsay facts, so best it was deleted,,,,



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this is a sad ole do i have aired my views on the other forum that says it all ..................


poor ole ruth ......................a sad ole time 



i.ll tell the truth 



and i will be back ......


nuff said 

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I'd just like to say a big thank you to all the members here for keeping level headed on this topic and not turning it into an us and them or personal vendeta, some of you will know why I'm saying this, it's the reason I love this site because no matter how strongly we feel about a subject, we never turn it into personal attacks and even if it goes Us and Them, we agree to disagree and move on, there seems to be so many rumours and half truths going around about the boat fire topic I'm not actually sure we will ever know the real truth about what's happened, so once again thanks for keeping everything nice here,,



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