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Maffett's. Thank you John

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What a great company Maffett's are.

Thank you John :bow :bow :bow


One of our owners was having a problem with our aft toilet, they were moored at Loddon Staithe. 

The pump out facilities had a sign on them saying they were closed and my fellow owner phoned me to say the toilet bowl was filling up with blue coloured water, I asked was the handle locked off and that the switch turned over to pump out. The problem was of course the choker valve, no doubt effected by lime scale.


We have a spare pump on-board but David is not mechanically minded. I suggested the he contact Maffett's and have a word with Lynda, Graham or John. John was good enough to attend the boat and confirm my suspicions, sadly he could not change the choker valve (from our spare kit) without the possibility of a discharge from the pipe that goes from the toilet to the tank. Because their pump out could not be accessed because of their boats were blocking their facility.


This is not the first time we have called upon their services and like many other Broads boat owners we are always singing their praises.


They were unable to change the valve but reassured our owner that the toilet would fill but not overflow.


Ranworth Breeze is going to Broom's today for a pump out on that tank and the replacement of that valve/complete pump.


I thought I was in store for a journey down to Norfolk to fit a valve, Paying for my fuel it may have been cheaper but not on the 6 hours two way journey.


The joys of boating strike again.









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