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Posts posted by Jupes

  1. Hi all

    A little late, however, we had a really great weekend three weeks ago, amusing, fun and frustrating so I thought I would post some pics and comments and hope no-one falls asleep reading it :lol: .

    We, the jupes crew (Adam, Suzanne, Lydia and Mercury) set out on Friday afternoon from Goodchilds to meet with the Mariotech crew (Jonathan, Tammy, Rebecca and Jessica (doggie) ) at the Berney Arms to spend Friday evening before a little morning sojourn down Breydon on Saturday :naughty:. As I'm dishing up lasagne, the phone rings and Jonathan explains that they have arrived sans boat key and are locked out until Senator crew (Ian, Heather, Tom, Rachel and Charlie (doggie) ) arrive (who have the spare key). Jonathan suggests we head up to Reedham marina and join them there, so post-Lasagne we moosey on up. On arrival, we find M crew drinking wine from mugs they had left on the flybridge...... :lol: and duly offer plastic glasses ;). S crew arrive and keys handed over. Mercury is delighted to see his best friend Charlie and spends all evening either crying for Charlie or following him everywhere.

    Sat morning about 5am, Adam gets up for a drink and lets Mercs out for his leg cocking exercise; only to find he has disappeared.... giving up he comes back to bed. Rising just after Adam, Ian opens the patio door to find a black streak go past him into the boat. When Ian goes back to bed, he has to share with Heather, Charlie AND Mercury who has settled himself down very comfortably.

    Anyway, sun shining and knowing there is sea mist over the coast, we all decide we will head to Pyes Mill for the evening. We and Mariotech set off, while Ian takes a detour to fill cans at Asda for their forthcoming holiday trip. Moored up, and space saved for Ian, Jonathan and Tammy took the girls and dogs into Loddon to choose meat for the bbq from the great butchers. Flying Fortress also moors up and comes to say hello. So we all get our chairs out and BBQ's and sit around on the bank for the evening in the lovely weather watching a barn owl stalking his prey all evening in the fields.

    The boys then get busy and serious with the fishing tackle (strange how this happened when clearing up needed doing ;) ) Lovely evening, not a bite on the lines, however, not helped by Mercy having eaten the bait :shocked

    Following morning, the blow-up kayak appears and the girls give it a go up and down the river, bumping into every boat on the way down and back up and having a nice chat with each boat owner too. Then the 'boys' get going.....

    We then headed up to the Ferry Inn at Reedham for lunch. As there wasn't much mooring space left, the weather being glorious we tied onto Mariotech. A lovely lunch, bye byes said and off we all go, Ian first...... then we hear Ian on the radio saying Reedham bridge is stuck, so we all moor at Reedham. The girls are all given stickers by the ranger for wearing their life jackets and so to are the dogs, whilst Radars, etc are hastily removed and measuring tapes come out to measure the tide at the quay going down. This is getting late on Sunday afternoon, and Ian, Jonathan, etc have long journeys, work, school, etc Monday morning. Being the smallest we attempt first and it was lovely to see both crews waving us off and crossing their fingers at the same time :naughty: .

    A fun, relaxing weekend that we thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you Mariotech and Senator crews.

    Oops, pressed submit, when I intended to add pictures!

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