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Posts posted by Jupes

  1. Thank you Antares.

    I am not sure about the Raydome, other than that it was definately installed with the C120 at the time of original purchase (2002 by previous owner) as I have a copy of the installation invoice.

    Clearly it has never worked. The previous owner didnt even register the product for warranty. I have actually just managed to register it online (clearly if it had already been, it would not have accepted the serial number).

    This has enabled me to download the lastest version of the c120 software. I am going to put this version on (cant do any harm I guess) and it will either fix it or not!!!

    Would be great to meet up with you at Goodchilds....just let us know when and if its still not fixed, any help would be welcomed.


  2. Hi all,

    Jupes here (adam).

    We have on board a Raymarine C series (C120) display with st60 speed and depth together with GPS linked to both the C120 oand the VHF radio.

    There is also a 2kw Raydome, however, since we acquired the boat, the radar has never worked. So now its time to fix it!!!!

    I have only a little knowledge of these set ups, but what I have ascertainined is the following....

    a) When we power up the C120 unit, the radar page displays the error mesaage No SCanner - No data (though I have been unable to locate this error message in any of the manuals).

    B) in the top right of the c120 display, you can see the components connected and their status (ie the GPS icon shows "fix" indicating that it is working. The Radar icon displays nothing, indication (obviously) it is inactive/not connected.

    c) Using the C120 diagnostics tools, one screen shows active connections to GPS, Depth and Speed devices, but there is no Raydome device displayed.

    d) in the software diagnostice screen on the C120. Apparently the Radar system is running version 0.0, possibly suggesting that it requires a software download to operate???

    I have checked the C120 back panel to ensure the connection cable is secure and it seems OK and beyond that I am not sure where to go as it will involve removing the dome for example. or whether its simply my thoughts on the software version.

    Any clues???


  3. hmm...to add to my dear wifes excellent reply!

    Yes...exchanges are good at LCE. With regards to warehouse express...their prices are extrenely good and so is their service.

    Whenever I have had an issue, as long as goods are sent back sensibly they will always replace. They also have a "proper" customer service department, just like the old days...no call centre stuff!

    A good place to shop online and I have no probs thoroughly recommending them.


  4. Hi Mark

    Suzanne here as Adam on phone, although will no doubt have something to add.... ;):bow:bow

    Adam has always got the best deals in part exchange at London Camera Exchange, so you might want to try there in Norwich and see how it stacks up against Warehouse Express who he also uses for lots of boys toys thingymajiggys :naughty:

  5. Hi Mark,

    adam here...not suzanne!!!

    I shoot weddings for a living, and have grown up with the EOS20d, 30d and still have a 40d as my back up camera for my EOS1d mk3.

    Each time I upgraded in the series there were always great improvements on what was already a great camera and streets ahead of the 350d.

    Firstly, you probably have with your 350d the 18-55mm lense I suspect. Simply changing the lense to the efs 17-85mm which I bought with my first eos20d makes a huge difference and would be an upgrade in itself. Suzanne now uses this lense on her 400d when she comes to weddings with me. So if you whack a 17-85mm efs on the 50D you will get stunning perfomance. I have a great deal of experience with the 40d and the main difference on the 50d is the new 15.1mp image sensor (and no compromise on speed as it will still shoot up to 6 frames per sec...more than enough for anyone.) You will need fairly large memory cards though, especially if you shoot in raw mode.

    It is also more "camera like" than the 350/400/450d and I would even dare to say that I prefer its layout against my awesome 1dmk3. I have taken all of these series to Corfu, Egypt, Thailand and the USA, and they all performed superb under sometimes difficult conditions. Its a very robust workhorse benefitting from a magnesium alloy body. I have always used mine with BGe2 battery grip (which holds 2 bp511 batteries) It gives the camera a bit of weight and is also extremely useful when shooting portrait as the main camera funtion buttons are duplicated on the grip in the place you would most feel comfortable to find.

    One word of advice though. The 20/30/40/50 series will accept both EFS and standard EF lenses. However, the standard EF range of lenses are generally superior and more usable than the efs range. My point being that if you ever wish to go for the major upgrade to a 5dmk2 or 1dmk3 or whichever variant is around and the time, your efs lenses become redundant. I have used my standard ef 24-105, which I bought with the 1d, on the 40d and given that the 40d has a magnification effect of 1.6x it is the equivalent of 38-168mm...results were superb, but I am still keen to migrate totally from the efs system itself.

    The 50d will serve you extremely well, and only if you have concerns that you may wish at some point to go way beyond this, go with it.

    Otherwise....the 5d mk2 with 24-105 is an outstanding solution, but at £2596 its a tad more than the very reasonable price of £1068 for a 50d with 17-85mm efs lense.

    Hope this helps and if I can help more please let me know.



  6. 29th, a little embarrassing incident today! We decided to spend the night on the Goodchilds side of St Olave’s bridge as it is a stretch we haven’t visited before. We had a good run down from Reedham via Goodchilds, very cold, but bright and rather windy…… hmm!!! I was now starting to feel quite poorly (my excuse anyway). We spotted the public staithe and were heading into the wind and tide, Adam slowed down, went into neutral and I got ready with the stern rope – missed the first time, then hooked the duck (as I say!) but I hadn’t secured well enough and we lost it. So, back round again and this time I was determined and got a line on beautifully, or so I thought, but I had taken too long and the wind had caught the bow and even with the wheel turned to the mooring, the wind pushed the bow out until we had the perfect stern on mooring! At this point, the Broads Authority boat appeared……what timing….. the rope I had tied on had now completely jammed with the boat turning and we were stuck and very red-faced! :oops::oops: The guys very kindly took the bow rope and pulled us into the mooring. Thank you guys.

    After we had recovered our dignity sufficiently, we walked Merks up to the Bell to see what they had on the menu and then introduced him to the Llamas at the place up the road, which he clearly enjoyed (bark, bark, bark) more than they did, he is only a puppy). So, having seen the menu at the Bell, which suited us and we haven’t been in here for a very long time, we left the dog, having moved fudge, choccies, etc away from harms reach. We had a very good meal in the Bell, and we would go back there again. I had Roast Turkey dinner with all the trimmings and it was very good and Adam choose two of their starters, mushrooms and thai prawns. We rolled back to Jupes feeling very full and happy, to find Merks was also feeling very full from the last of Tesco’s finest mince pies, he had got out of the box and scoffed, naughty puppy! XO finished the evening off beautifully, that and the lectures about tieing ropes properly! :roll:

    30th, Grinchomatic is arriving, aka Lydia our youngest who had spent her first ever Christmas with her other family. So, we motor back to Goodchilds for our rendezvous at lunchtime. We moored at the front as we were only taking on water and a grinch! I was walking Merks along the front when she arrived with all her pressies in tow and everyone went mad, dog included at seeing each other again! Bags were sorted into, what she wanted or needed and what could be put in the car and after settling her in, we again decided to go up to Reedham as Lydia had not been to Reedham and wanted to go and feed all the ducks. We arrived to find another boat also moored (shock horror), we probably saw about 10 boats on the water over the whole Christmas period, but were able to plug in and get the extra heater going. We like to sit on deck rather than making use of the Eberspacher downstairs and this then gives grinch somewhere to lie and watch DVD’s on her laptop, etc. Merk walking exercises again and lots of duck feeding, good food, then over to the Lord Nelson where a group was playing. The place was absolutely heaving, standing room only and again another nice evening finished off with a rather nice cognac! Snore!!


  7. Well winter blues with the weather we are having and boat withdrawal symptoms are hitting hard, I am bored, bored, bored......... so bored, I have added a bit more to our Christmas trip blog :lol:.

    So if you are as bored as I am either find something interesting to read or fall asleep reading this!

    Boxing Day arrived, cold but bright, I saw the morning as did Mercs, our puppy, but Adam with his man-flu didn’t surface until after 2pm looking like something out of a graveyard, poor thing :kiss . As a result, we were very naughty, staying at Reedham for another night :norty: . Lots of reading, Christmas TV, watching the sunset, good food and wine and he cracked open the XO (a Christmas pressie) which soon put some colour back in his cheeks and a spring in his step!post-445-136713485532_thumb.jpgpost-445-136713485613_thumb.jpg

    27th, we set off late morning towards Norwich, our destination Bramerton, as we had never been this far up before. We moored at the pub and enjoyed a couple of drinks. The pub was very comfortable, real fires and plenty of people eating and the menu looked good for future visits! We then headed down to the public staithe so we could hook up and power up the extra heater. At dusk, we took Mercs for a walk and then settled down under the canopy on deck, nice and warm with the extra heater to enjoy yet again, good food, good wine and a tipple of XO. We had a lovely surprise though when there was a knock on the side of the boat and some locals let us know that they were going to be setting off fireworks and would go down to the other end of the staithe if that was OK with us, which it was….. we enjoyed over 30 mins of great fireworks, which was lovely, although Mercs didn’t agree and went downstairs to save his ears, bless.

    28th, woke to a rowing team going up and down on the other side of the river. We mooched down to Brundall and moored up at Brooms. We then headed up to Budgens for supplies (more tissues and toilet rolls – man with man flu having depleted our supplies), giving Merks a good walk at the same time. We were rather undecided as to where to go and chose to be lazy, going back to Reedham for the evening. Adam was now starting to feel a little brighter, so after dinner, we took Merks over to the Lord Nelson for the evening. We had a lovely evening, great conversation. It was very quiet, just a few in there but all so friendly including the landlord and landlady who kept Merks supplied with loads of treats. We retired to Jupes feeling all was well with the world and rounded the evening off with a drop more XO!post-445-136713485915_thumb.jpg.

    Anyway, if there are any takers for more to fall asleep too, it hots up on the 29th :oops: hehe!!!

  8. Hello Hockham Admiral

    Sorry, I have only just spotted your and Perry's replies. Getting boating withdrawal symptoms at the moment, so was reading through the holiday tales!!

    Yes, it was us and it did seem a good friendly crowd at WRC, I was just feeling so rotten with the man flu thingy, I just wanted my boat comforts :lol:

    Our pride and joy is out at the moment while Adam services her and gets her ready for the BSC. He is getting plenty of constructive nagging to hurry things along :naughty::norty: , so we will no doubt see you very soon. Come and say hello.

    We have to agree about Goodchilds, they are extremely helpful and are giving Adam lots of advice. He is struggling at the moment with bits of impeller which have shattered and ended up somewhere near the heat exchanger, deep joy :evil:

  9. Hi all....

    "stupider mist" here again.

    We have a big white blob on top of our radar arch, which I believe to be a Raymarine 2kw dome connected to a C80 plotter.

    The chart plotter/gps works fine, but since having the boat, the radar has never worked. When I flick onto the radar mode it says no signal.

    I have done the obvious and checked the connection into the C80, but beyond that...where would I start to trace the fault????

    One very helpful gentleman we met last year at Lowestoft Marina suggested that it might be the drive belt in the dome itself (as he had a similar problem).

    Does anyone know who stocks raymarine spares?

    yours mistily....

    adam and suzanne

  10. Hi all again...

    Thanks for your help with oil change!

    I want to replace the anodes on my stern drives. I know that I should use Zinc for saltwater and Magnesium for fresh but just exactly where do we sit?

    The boat will spend most of its time on the southern broads, so the area from Goodchilds where we are moored, Burgh Castle, with frequent trips to Brundall, Reedham, Oulton broad and Beccles. I would like to do the odd sea trip, but suspect that this is not enough in its own right to warrant zinc.

    So can anyone tell me whether the water in the area is more fresh than salt???

    What do you guys recommend?

    kind regards

    adam and suzanne

  11. Hi guys....virgin here! The SWMBO has finally got me on line!!!

    Our first boat...as you know, and just about to take her out of the water and going to attempt to perform most of the servicing myself....

    So you will all get lots of silly questions over the coming weeks!! :) hmmm so where exactly do i put this anode???

    So.....the oil change looks quite easy for my first task...but....any good ideas of how to collect and safely dispose of the oil. are those electric suck out pumps any good that suck the oil through the dipstick thingy and what should I pump the old oil into?


  12. Hi all

    Just starting to come back to reality.

    We were lucky enough to spend Christmas and New Year on the boat - 23 Dec to 1 Jan. It was also our first ever Christmas alone... no kids, MIL's, extended family, etc.

    We unfortunately both developed the flu virus, hubbie getting 'man flu' on Christmas Day :naughty: , and then myself catching a far more virulent, clearly mutated and much more worser strain of said 'man flu', just in time for New Year which is lingering on :naughty::naughty: .

    So what did we do, where did we go... We purposely didn't have an itinerary, apart from Christmas Day, as what we wanted was plenty of slobby time to relax, which mainly involved good food, good booze and pretty good Christmas TV and lots of films with shortish cruises between.

    We spent the 23rd and 24th at the marina.

    Christmas Day, having opened our pressies (dog included), we set off for Somerleyton mid-morning, to have Christmas Lunch at the Duke's Head with our eldest son, who joined us there. This was a real treat, particularly for me, having cooked more Christmas lunches than I would admit to ;) . I have to say, I was very impressed that the food and the service was as excellent as always. I had half expected to find far more tables crammed in, not enough waiters, etc but it was the same number of tables as always with the same staff. The food was superb, mulled wine on arrival (which I have never liked) but was good and 2 glasses later.... Between the three of us, Winter Veg Broth and Game terrine as starters, all lovely. Norfolk Black Turkey to die for with Roasties, Pigs in Blankets and roasted veggies and the best turkey gravy I have ever tasted. Pudding, coffee and gorgeous hot home made mince pies.... I'm drooling writing this :grin: .

    We came back to the boat to find the puppy can now jump on the cushions, reach the table and the storage areas behind the sofa and had taken the fur ball from one of snowmen santas hat, and had chewed the berries of one of the candle holders but hadn't managed to uncork his daddy's XO .... phew :dance. We then left our eldest son (who was working over Christmas) and motored up to Reedham for the night. Reedham looked very pretty with houses Christmas lights and no surprises we were the only boat moored. We hooked up to the broads point to allow us to sit on deck with an electric heater and watch the Christmas Day tv, walked the dog, and enjoyed cheese, pate, biscuits, etc later on.

    Enough for now.

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