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Posts posted by Jupes

  1. mmm yes...well just got back from a week on the broads and with the help of johnathan (mariotech) who was with us we ascertained that it was in fact the scanner itself causing the current draw, as disconnecting it completely solved the problem.

    Once disconnected, the C80 funstions fine with no extra current draw, albeit with no scanner that never worked anyway.

    Got brave and onto the arch and took a look inside the scanner, only to find about 1" of very salty/sandy water which has corroded much of the unit!!! (this might explain why it didnt work in the first place!!) How on earth it got in there in that quantity god only knows but it looks like its had it to me.

    Anyone want a knackered 2kw dome???


  2. Hi all,

    I have a new problem with my chart plotter!!! The Raymarine C80 has been working fine (still not sorted the radar issue though) but we now have a new fault.

    The scenario is it keeps tripping the fuse panel on boot up, but (and this is the odd bit) even when the unit is switched off, when I go to the fuse panel to open the circuit, the ammeter needle drops and something is drawing about 10 amps!! then when you power up the Raymarine, within seconds it trips.

    Can an nyone suggest where I might start to trace the fault...any likely causes as I dont think its the C80 itself?

    Boat wiring not my strong point I might add


    adam and suzanne

  3. We stopped advertising through the yellow pages a year ago, although we still do yell.com.

    Adam keeps a spreadsheet showing where all our business comes from and it splits something like 70% word of mouth, 25% bridal fayres, 5% other. Out of the other, we have not had one booking in two years from the yellow pages. In fact, we find the only people that ring having looked in the yellow pages are those who have left it too late and are desperate and every time, we are booked. We have however taken bookings from people who have linked to the website from yell.com.

    So, for us just not worth the £2k.

  4. Suzanne did you take the dog with you for a cruise this time?

    Jonny ice sliceice sliceice sliceice slice

    We did take the dog, although he tells us that he prefers his 'broads paws' to his 'sea paws' :shocked. He is not overly happy at sea, well to be honest, I think he is very scared...... long way to go here.

    Jonathan - haha!!! cheeky so and so!! Haven't received a PM.

    Guys, thanks for your replies re trim tabs however Adam hasn't read your replies yet, busy with wedding piccies and albums and 3 weddings over the next week :yawn:

  5. hi guys...adam here (jupes skipper!)

    As suzanne has said.. I have been the first to aid anyone, in spite of our sea fears!!! and when we came through lowestoft said afternoon we heard on the radio that a jetski was in trouble and we made ready to assist. Thankfully two other motor boats (they know who they are) closer in the area helped and we saw said ski paddle towed and come into RnSYC as we arrived so all was well. Didnt hear any others (with sails) offering help!!!

    When in the harbour holding area itself....as far as I am concerned, once the sails are down, we are all equal as we are all under motor power with no sails and I was shocked after having offered assistance to the four extra yachts with temporary mooring that having being patient enough to let them go first to the bridge lift, I came out of the holding area at lowestoft and there were two unidentified yatchts cutting across my exit (lowestofts harbour should have been a bit more helpful here!)

    Can I just say to any vessels with sails...I WIll give way to you always...but when you are under motor your "sail" passport expires!!!!!!

    Am I wrong, advice appreciated?


  6. Thank you both for your replies to my rag and stick query. Yes, they were cleat to cleat and and the second one that came in said yes they would moor to us until they thought they had a better invitation..... :evil: By the time the 5th one came in, Adam didn't even bother to offer and who can blame him.

    The first one made some comment about their size not being conducive to ours and the second said thank you we will circle again, then moor to you, only to moor to the clique in front???

    And I will adda, that Adam appears to be on permanent look-out for any boat mooring and is always the first out to offer assistance. Whether it is needed or not. He clearly spent too long in the scouts and is too British :dance:clap:clap

    I hope we will get further afield, however, confidence is the key and that is not there yet. I would ask, if anyone fancies coming out with us at some point, I think that would help massively. Although Adam brought her up from Burnham on Crouch with an RYA instructor, he was unconsciously imcompetent at this stage, and is now consciously incompent which means confidence levels are dropping although we had a good passage this weekend. The sooner we move this forward into consciously competent, if you know what I mean, the better. :party2::party2::party2:

  7. Monday – a morning visit from Mariotech on his rib, having moored in Hamilton dock to invite us out to sea to play with them and Senator…… how could we refuse!!! So, plans changed, we followed Mariotech out of the harbour around midday and had some playtime or I should say learning time (Adam will be posting for help re tilt and trim tabs when he has time, it is the wedding season, so he is snowed under duh!). Senator brought up the rear and thank you to both you guys for your help, advice and support, it is much appreciated :bow . The sea was flatish and great fun and Lydia, over-excited at her first sea-going voyage concocted a sea-going shanty to the tune of ‘We are Family’, think it was the Pointer Sisters, which involved ‘We are going to sea’ and made us both laugh at her excitement. She loved it and it was her main conversational piece at school the day she went back. We broke away from Mariotech and Senator around Hopton and headed back towards Lowestoft achieving 24 knots, although she is capable of much more and she plained rather nicely. We played around a little more, then gained clearance to head into the the holding area for the next bridge lift.




    Can anyone please explain, why 5 yachties would prefer to moor to each other which must create immense strain on the yacht moored to the cleat rather than a stinky? We offered assistance to all 4, are we so smelly???? We felt like persona non grata.

    Through the rail bridge and lock and into Oulton Broad for the rest of evening. Lydia walked the dog, then played in the park and had a try on the trampolines, then a quiet night relaxing.

    Tuesday – time to go home day duh….. although not straight away. We cleaned up, packed and organised before we left Oulton. We appear to have developed a ritual of always eating our last meal at the Duke’s Head, Somerleyton on the way back to the marina. Today was no different, and a wonderful lunch was had. Adam ordered the sausage and mash which was the dish of day at £5 and Lydia and I had haddock, chips and pureed peas which they do so well; very fresh haddock caught off Lowestoft that morning, the batter superb, the peas delicious and the chips were new potato chip seven better than GY market! Followed by a chocolate pot for Lydia, which I knew she wouldn’t finish…….. We really must get their discount card, we could at least feel justified in spending so much time here. Got distracted and have now signed up for said discount card!!!


    The end of another wonderful long weekend and back out tomorrow. This weekend the dragon boat festival at Oulton Broad with Lydia and friend in tow.

  8. Hi all

    Just back yesterday evening after spending the bank holiday weekend on the Southern Broads.

    Friday - motored up to Reedham which was busy and not enough room to get next to the electric post, however after gesticulating like a mad woman (which him indoors informs me, I do rather well :lol::? ), the very nice ranger moved a very nice saily up so we could shoehorn in and thankfully we managed it beautifully first time.... phew :shocked. Please note that the clip below refers to the final scene in said mooring episode, not the ones below which 'him indoors' refers to as my driving abilities, which are mentioned later :evil:

    http://fsmail02.orange.co.uk/webmail/en ... LDER=INBOX


    3 hire boats decided to show off as they came into view of Reedham, carrying two parties of men and one of women, and floored it creating a huge wash......

    Ate dinner washed down with a nice bottle of sparkly which was unfinished :o , we spent the rest of the evening in the Ship with Mariotech and his family and a nice time was had cheersbar . Came back to Jupes to find the champagne bottle on the floor, cork out and a very happy snoozy dog!!

    Saturday – beautiful day and hoods off down to WRC, where we moored next to another group of lads side on already on the pop by 1pm.... and very pleasant they were too and not a peep out of them. Whereas the crowd of 9 boats from (I won’t say where!!) clearly had a great party night!!! Anyway, as the hoods were off, it gave Adam the perfect opportunity to continue his waterproofing of the hoods, whilst the kids went swimming and I made the most of the comfy sun lounger :grin: .


    Cooked dinner which we was left halfway through when Mariotech arrived and there was no mooring space available in the basin, so we moved the boys next door into a stern on position and Crackerjack was able to moor. In her wisdom, Lydia had put the dog in the galley, whilst all this excitement was happening only to find the meringues with strawberries meant for dessert were now in the dogs tummy and all over the cushions!!!


    Another nice evening and far too much pop meant a late start to Sunday!!! cheerscheers

    Sunday – followed Mariotech to Oulton Broad and although timed well, we arrived 10 minutes or so too early for the lock so Crackerjack moored temporarily and we moored alongside. At this point, him indoors rather facetiously pointed out the new piece of pontoon I had very innocently managed to back the car onto in Goodchilds Marina, and I hasten to add that there were mitigating circumstances ;)two gunstwo guns. They wanted us in the lock first, so off we went only to find a problem had occurred for Mariotech so, as we were committed we went through on our own and off down to RNSYC for the night. Just as we were coming through Bascule Bridge, an assistance call came across the radio, asking for anyone in the vicinity to help a jet skier who had got into trouble…………. We waited rather nervously :shocked to hear whether anyone had gone out to their rescue, whilst at the same time, thinking we would try and help if needed, and Adam could put his man overboard lessons to the test :?;):) . Fortunately, for the jet skier ;) , Jupes’ assistance was not needed as two boats answered the call, and we watched the jetskier paddle back into RNSYC. We then had the task of mooring stern-on in what seems a very small space in rather strong winds and current next to a gleaming 53’ Broom, which looked very new and sparkly and had no fenders on the starboard side where we were backing in ….. gulp …….. Perfect execution, thank god!!! :dance:dance:dance

    A walk on the prom, the shooting fountains are great and we know Lydia will love running through these in the hot weather. They are pretty terrific in the evening when all lit up and they dance to music, a round of minigolf on the front, which was good fun and although small has beautiful gardens and a nightcap in the clubhouse finished the day off very nicely. ice slice


    Now writing the next bit and waiting for photographs from him indoors!

  9. We head back to Beccles and tie up in the marina for water and a wander.The weather isn't as good as Saturday and very overcast and damp. Whilst filling with water, I spot Jupiters Mist on the opposite bank and introduce myself to Adam and Suzanne. It was lovely to meet you both, and I apologise for pouncing on you after you had only just got up! Your hair wasn't that bad Adam, honest :liar:lol: .

    Upside down, he would make a good sweeping brush in the morning :naughty::naughty:

    Good tale, enjoyed it. Thanks.

    Surprising the difference in weather in just a few miles, we woke to blue skies and brilliant sunshine albeit probably later than you ;).

  10. :(

    Hi ya...

    well.....I briefly pressed the power switch and, as you rightly said, a menu above the soft keys appears (least I know how I should turn on the unit). However....the radar tx/standby and the scanner options are not hilighted, whereas the final option of palette (day/night lighting) is higlighted and can be selected using the soft key. In other words, I am unable to enter a selection under tx/standby.

    Talking to another chap today, and looking at the diagnostics screen again, the raydome is listed as having "0kW" power. His suggestion was that power was not getting up to the dome perhaps because there is a blown fuse. Do you happen to know if there is an in-line fuse somewhere either in the cabling or in the dome itself?

    kind regards


  11. Hi ya,

    that sounds really positive :) Will give that a go...spose I should have read all the manuals, but the previous owner very kindly left me with a whole sackfull and I assumed this stuff would work when you press the "on" button. All makes sense and will give it a go tommorrow.

    If you are right, and I am sure you are...thats a very large beer I owe you :) redeemable anytime! :bow


  12. Hi ya...

    The raydome screws on this unit are located on the underside, rather inconveniently, as there is less than a 2" gap between this and the arch (would need an L shaped screwdriver to get to it.) Unbolting the whole units seems fairly simply, but would mean i could be in a precarious position holding the unit up whilst trying to undo the 4 screws.

    Good question about how I turn it on...I dont...I am assuming that with all the switches on the main switch/fuseboard controlling power to Nav, Echo, VHF etc set to on, then power is getting to it, and then assuming that when I turn on the c80 it all then would work..(but clearly not).

    Think along similar lines, if whoever wired it in didnt wire the power to the obvious switchpoint, there is a very slim possibility its been wired to the aux switch (which I will try tommorow). Its rare that I switch this one as all it controls is the cigarette lighter point, a small map reading light, and as I most recently found out to my delight, an Ipod dock and transmitter on the instrument panel which I originally thought was a mobile phone dock. Maybe, just maybe the power is on this circuit.

    I will check tommorrow when I am at the Marina.

    Thankyou all for all your help on this, and I am sure its probably something stoopid like this that is the problem, given all the process of elimination help you have given.

    kind regards


  13. Hiya all..

    I have to replace the manual toilet pump in jupes. I have bought the newest replacement which has the twist n lock feature.

    It looks pretty simple to retro fit, but any tips would be really helpful as I neither want to sink the boat or get covered in poo whilst replacing.

    Am I right in assuming that closing the sea cocks will be the right thing to do to prevent becomming a submarining jupes?


  14. Hi guys

    oopsy....my wife always says its my fault too!!!

    No, I havent checked inside the dome, I cant find a small enough screwdriver to get to the screws to open up the top cover, and it seems the only option to get into the dome is to remove it from the arch...which was what I was trying to avoid...doh!

    Having installed the latest version of the software...as expected...no change, however, the update gives me a slightly different top right set of icons on the screen which shows the status of attached components.

    GPS shows "fix" so its working, I now have an AIS Icon and this is crossed out (as I do not have AIS functionality) The radar icon is white...but does not have a cross on it, and there is a boat icon (dunno what thats for) and that is also white but with no cross on it. There is also an icon called "pilot" and that has a cross on it.

    I do recall speaking to a chap some time ago who suggested that he'd had a similar problem and that it was the drive belt that rotates the moving part of the scanner that needed replacing.

    Is the general concensus that I should remove the dome and do a physical inspection?

    Thank you all for your help on this...

    kind regards

    adam...(stupider missed)

  15. Golly,

    I knew I would end up getting involved in this topic at some point. As you can see from all the posts...its a huge subject area and there is probably no one correct answer.

    When I started to change my own colour profiles it ended up very messy indeed...largely because one component, somewhere in the whole process, didnt recognise I had profiled.

    I became so frustrated with the whole concept of colour profiling, I decided the best way was to keep it simple. I use a superb Eizo monitor screen, which is key to the result because when I am making image adjustments I am comparing what I see on the PC...if its not right there, then every stage afterwards is not going to make it any better. Its calibrated using spider 2 and I have stuck with sRGB throughout the whole process. Its been a great starting point.

    My photos are largely for weddings. So photobox, tescos and Jessops are out the window. I Use Dunns prophoto for all the finished album work as the quality is second to none, and you could also try Peak imaging, One Vision and Redwood (all can be tracked down on the web). Eventually you will find a combination that works well for you, however, you could spend the rest of your life trying to find it by tweaking every stage of the digital process.

    Once you have found an acceptable combinaation...stick with it and forget about it...which allows you more time to go and take great pictures!!!

    yours photographically


  16. Hi again,

    I have just dug out the original invoice.

    Oopsy its a C80 not a C120 s/n 0740845 product code E02020

    The Raydome is simply described as 2Kw x18" serial nr 0840412 product code M92650-s. All fitted in Sept 2004.

    The scanner Icon on the top right hand corner is not greyed out, suggesting that it is not connected??



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