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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. I upgraded mine last week Mark and like you can't see any discernible differences. I am sure the site expert will be along shortly to let us know
  2. When you do gain mobility back it will be a worthwhile project Simon and much safer than those planks of wood
  3. Very nice Mark, I really like the Church ones
  4. I am sure it will be used little now but to be fair to the site I think the recent complaints have focused on how to respond should they be received. I am sure this 'policy' will now sit and gather dust
  5. It has changed then Rod That is one of the Marina's not the Creek although the Dhow is a slightly unfair distraction and dozens of them in the Creek plying their trade to India. The one in the shot was 'off territory' and used as a Ferry for the Dubai Boat Show. Jebel Ali was a couple of miles down the coast. I will pass on your wishes to Tina.
  6. Hi Rod, As you elude to I did not say which East it was!! Your memory does serve you well although given that they are creating offshore land masses probably a bit more to 'bump' into now. I would also hazard it may have changes a tad since you were last there. It would have been good to catch up on 29th but Tina has a major operation on 26th and won't be out of hospital to at least the following week. I hope I can rely on you keeping the beer 'turning over' while I am away Regards to Shirley from us both.
  7. Yes thanks Jonny we had a window between her treatment ending and two operations in the next 10 days.
  8. A weeks R&R for my patient some boats and other snaps from the point & squirt
  9. Adam I would agree I was very impressed with these when I looked at them at the recent Focus On Imaging at the NEC.
  10. I am sure Simon will update folks when he gets back but as I understand it from his explanation he hit a Piste Marker which put him off balance causing him to hit a sign at 60mph. As you can see these signs are substantial things this is the example he sent us from his trip last year http://www.flickr.com/photos/plesbit/22 ... 816817855/
  11. I ended up getting a Lacie Blue Eye Mark as at the time I could not find the Spyder in stock. They all seem to do a similar job from what I can see just a few extra bells and whistles.
  12. I think this is the most frustrating part of workflow. I admit I had differences Mark but this was cured when I calibrated my monitor following Bruce's advice on the thread he listed above. I was getting an on screen image I was happy with and sending for output only to be disappointed at the result. It became clear that whatever the on screen image if the screen was not calibrated then the output would clearly differ. Of course if your monitor is calibrated ignore the above but it could be one reason. Bit of reading material, there may be something here that assists. http://www.nikonians.org/html/resources ... ex-68.html http://www.adobe.com/digitalimag/adobergb.html http://www.computer-darkroom.com/lr_col ... colour.htm http://livedocs.adobe.com/en_US/Lightro ... 8917D.html
  13. I am convinced the 'Bionic Man' was based on him He is certainly being rebuilt
  14. It did sound complex Ian. Lets hope his last two operations go well and he can think about getting back.
  15. Bruce - just wondered how you are getting on with your 5D11 and what your initial thoughts are. Perhaps a first NBN product review
  16. I did not hear the Champagne being broken on the bow Jonny
  17. Yes seeing the details Jim make you realise that even though the numerous operations etc are serious enough he is a very lucky chap to be able to even tell his tale.
  18. Hi Colin, It was pretty serious Simon is still in hospital in Austria and has managed by hook or crook to 'pinch' access now and again to a fellow patient's computer. Messages are short for obvious reasons coupled with mastering the Austrian keyboard layout He thanks all for their messages of support and in aswer to some of the speculation about his injuries has asked me to post this précis. . As I outlined this was a serious accident.
  19. Was in Birmingham today and in the guise of work research called in here for an hour or so : http://www.focus-on-imaging.co.uk/ There was some very nice moving scenery and a good opportunity to chat to various manufacturers who can't sell product at the show so tend to send their technical bods. Had a very good chat with a Canon Technical guy who introduced me to the mystical world of micro focus If you are in the area between now and Wednesday it is worth a look for £6
  20. Had a very brief update yesterday via an e-mail from Simon who managed to borrow another patients laptop for a few minutes. Unfortunately this patient leaves hospital today. It was not particularly clear as Simon has been on Morphine, that combined with an Austrian keyboard layout made it a little difficult to follow but I did glean that it could be longer than the next fortnight before he gets home. He is very lucky from what he has said to be around and will need a recuperation period in N&N when he returns.
  21. I an beginning to agree with Webasto re High Sulphur content fuel, based on my experience. My father in law was a Logistics Manager for one of the countries bigger Haulier's with almost 300 vehicles under his control including the maintenance budget. I asked him were the 'Night Heaters' (as they are known on Lorry's) as much of a problem as on boats, his answer was they virtually never had a problem with them. Seems to me that fuel is the key culprit and it does make one wonder about fitting a separate fuel tank and run your Webo with White diesel. Trouble is I might not be able to claim the 40% rebate for my heating
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