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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Just for you Bruce, have one on me
  2. pks1702


    Jonny is the undoubted King of the Wroxham webcam but you could try this Geoff. Click View and Zoom in the toolbar to zoom in or Ctrl + When you have the size of image you want to take a screen shot it is Alt and Prnt Scrn key this takes a screen shot which you can then paste.
  3. Wells offers some terrific opportunities. When you are mobile Simon get yourself on the sand when the tide is out, there are some great shots to be had.
  4. Well both your models look contented Simon
  5. Keep posting Simon. The Reeds is an interesting shot that shows a good illustration of depth of field (or lack of it)
  6. Very nice compositions Mark I know what you mean about manuals; I am still getting to grips with the Custom Functions on my new acquisition. As you say while RTFM might be good advice getting out and taking shots is probably the best way to get to grips. Look forward to more of you images.
  7. pks1702

    SLR help/info

    I have read the post incorrectly then! I took this as Jonny wanting to 'learn' photography as something he could potentially be good at. If he wants to put the time and effort in then an SLR in my humble view is going to be the best step. If he wants to take p&s photo's then clearly buy a p&s but I did not read the post that way
  8. pks1702

    SLR help/info

    This is the right route Jonny in my view. Better to spend this sort of money on a second hand SLR than a new p&s. It will allow you to 'learn' photography rather than pressing a button, you will I believe derive pleasure from the shots you take. The 20D is a good camera and was the next model to the 10D I used up until recently. Reviews here: http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/canoneos20d/ http://www.luminous-landscape.com/revie ... art1.shtml I think it would be fantastic hobby for you not only on the Broads but back at home. Always plenty of help here if you need it.
  9. Its easy surely...... Just turn the dial to P - P for Professional
  10. Yuk!!! I would not want to be the next hirer using that mug!!
  11. If you have not seen what Diesel Bug looks like have a look at this post .............. Me; I'm going to continue to add the treatment to our ship http://www.ybw.com/forums/showflat.php/ ... w/1#UNREAD
  12. A good time for a safety reminder David. Having been in a couple of times once in the Thames Estuary in my late teens I would not be on the water without one, the Thames incident was caused by getting too close to the sandbanks we were fishing to and getting pitched out of a small boat by a wave I learnt my lesson. Fortunately it was just a case of getting to the bank and then running the boat up to pick me up. The second was on a Topper Dingy where I was trying to teach a novice while looking back to try to give instructions we had a crash gybe and the boom hit me across the bridge of the nose and knocked me in. Fortunately this was in warm water not too far from shore and the shock of the water brought me round. One reason I have an aversion to two man sailing dingy's. While the Broads may seem benign the biggest issue is getting back onto your ship but a Life Jacket buys you time and could well save your life if you have had a bang on the head and are wearing the right type. I would always recommend David's number 4 the 150N version can be bought quite competitively, if you are baulking at the price, ask yourself what price your or a family members life! You can buy a version suitable for the Broads at sub £40 e.g. http://marinestore.co.uk/Merchant2/merc ... _Code=mrst For our offshore work we have invested in a 275N version with Sprayhood
  13. Best price I can find 'in stock'. http://www.jacobsdigital.co.uk/index.ph ... t_id=12343 I had my latest baby from here service was very good.
  14. Good result on ebay then Mark. As you say you will enjoy it all the more when you get it. In the meantime here is something to keep you busy http://canon-50d.org/eos50d-h-en.pdf Edited for typo
  15. pks1702

    Lens lust

    You need a bigger bag
  16. pks1702

    Lens lust

    Some good points made already. It would be interesting to try to put your finger closer to what the issue is Simon. As Bruce has outlined all digital images need some level of sharpening. Are the images not sharp after sharpening or could it be they are they very slightly out of focus? I found better sharpness and detail throughout the range when I upgraded my lenses as opposed to a 'sweet spot' at a certain focal length and aperture on my old lenses. Not wanting to get into pixel peeping I have had an issue with my new baby which was back focusing more that the micro adjustment scale would allow. It went back to Canon just weeks before the current recall has had the fix and a firmware update and is now perfect. What it did show me however was the very small difference between an in focus image and an out of focus image with the auto focus system. If you have the time have a look http://focustestchart.com/focus21.pdf the information relates to a D70 but the principals are the same. My Lenses are: EF 17-40mm f/4.0L USM EF 50mm f/1.4 USM EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM Extender EF 1.4x II For my 10D as a walk around lens I use: Sigma 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 DC OS My next lens in the future will be EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
  17. I think you will find all the key photography posters are still here and alive Colin I don't see that being changed by recent events.
  18. I could do that in our ship port side to and it would look very professional the stern would tuck in virtually within the boats length. Starboard side to however would see the stern pirouetting to port and out into the centre of the river (not that I would try it starboard side to). The moral for me with the kick Kiki has is to wherever possible and unless there is no chance... go port side to.
  19. Those are some top quality shots Mark No better excuse to have a couple of pints again IMHO if it gets you up to take shots like these Thanks for sharing them.
  20. Put two boat owners together and it won't be long before the discussion gets around to boat lavvies....... If it is any consolation I have a 'job' to do on ours tomorrow
  21. Thanks for the background Lab; I picked a brochure up at Excel in January so that was one that was worth giving away Handy to have a supplier like this on the Broads. I am generally trying to support our local Chandlery Fox's who offer a discount card and have a fairly extensive range albeit mainly aimed at but for specialised items the service at ASAP is very good.
  22. Not a technical question or answer but these are Beccles based and have given me excellent service, so thought this might be the best place to put it but mods move if you wish. I intend changing the Primary Filter on Kiki as it is too fiddly to change under way - Lets hope I never need to but forewarned and all that. See: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2948&hilit=east+coast+diary&start=20 Finally got around to ordering it but needed some advice on tail sizes etc, I e-mailed ASAP and got a very detailed reply with a invitation to use their online 'live' support if needed. They informed me that the tails were out of stock but they would check with the supplier and ring me back and did within 20mins to say they would be back in stock next day was that OK or did I want to cancel the order Prices are competitive but the willingness to help was evident - needless to say they got an order but even phoned to let me know it was about to be despatched, got an e-mail with tracking number and goods arriving within 24 hours I have no connection and I am not recommending them over any other Broads supplier but the service was excellent. http://www.asap-supplies.com/
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