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Posts posted by Polly

  1. We came to the Broads and discovered sailing. We owned a boat on the Nene, and had many other boating holidays on the canals. Last year we had a Thames holiday and most years we make it to the Lake District. 
    Of all these, the Broads has been the most rewarding. 

    • Like 2
  2. I don’t think I mentioned the day we spent mending Brilliant’s shelter. 
    Phill has done his arm a mischief so I was up the ladder Some 12 to 15 ft replacing the rope lashing the gables of the shelter to the rest of it. UV had done for the original. Spiders up top and stingers below added to the joy of that job. 
    I am standing on the stern of Brilliant to take the photo so about 5ft up. 
    The wind and rain were all outside once the job was done so I am happy with that secure for winter job. 


    • Like 5
  3. Polly’s Caravan survived the tow relay home really happily with one mysterious exception...the loo roll looked like an Andrex puppy had got hold of it with a massive concertina on the washroom floor as a result. I will take that. 😀

    We now need to solve the car issue, and no, Timbo I do not wish to hitch it to a pony.

    Our very good mechanic has been inundated with work so the car has been sitting waiting for his investigation since Monday when the AA dropped it at his garage. 

    We either get a reliable fix or a new car, until then, Polly’s Caravan is comfortably sitting on our drive. I must say sorting it before and after trips is therefore easier than the boat. 

    • Like 2
  4. Thursday We looked at the worsening weather and decided to head home with Polly’s Caravan.

    All went well and we left Upton at 10. 
    It didn’t last long!!
    The car lost power on the A47 and  I just made it into Hethersett/Thickthorn Services where we called ‘International Rescue’, actually Mayday Caravan and Motorhome Club Recovery.

    Thunderbird 1 came and attempted surgery, the theory was that it was a coil. It wasn’t and current thinking, excuse the pun, is that it is the alternator+ other possible issue.  
    We were now awaiting Thunderbird 3 to tow us to 5 Ways on the A 11 where we will then have a relay to ???? Home hopefully.

    Ah but Covid! We can’t travel in the cab, no screening. IR decree a taxi for us to home, car and caravan relayed there.

    So we waited..........

    No Taxi........

    Several phone calls to IR ......

    Ah Covid, nobody wants to do the job.

    We waited.....

    Ok a taxi to take us to liaise with the caravan and car so as to then travel in a screened Thunderbird home.

    Yes but the car left an hour and a half ago.....say we miss the link? The idea of a night in Elveden Forest held no attraction at this point.

    More phone calls and a lovely operator called Georgie said she had taken personal responsibility for sorting the whole thing, and she did.Bless her.
    We got a taxi  (4.30) to take us to Five Ways (Elveden) the car and caravan went there ages ago.

    We didn’t miss the link....

    The second truck came at 6.40 And we were home at 9.30 that was 11.5 hours after we set off for a 2.5 hour trip. 🙂

    So now to get the car fixed.....but that is another day.

    • Sad 3
  5. Please get a Carbon Monoxide alarm. It costs peanuts and could save your life with that diesel heater. And yes take all the advice about ventilating really seriously too. 
    I wonder if a load of cheap damp absorbent crystals packs would help as well, most people have them aboard in winter. 
    Bilges you might think of a few packs of wood based cat litter to absorb moisture.

    • Like 7
  6. Well now. If we are motoring, Phill helms, I think it’s boring and noisy. I will be elsewhere aboard taking in the scenery away from the engine.

    If we are sailing then I like to helm, it’s interesting and quieter. 
    Actually I think everyone should be able to do all the roles aboard....in case of the unforeseen. 

    • Like 6
  7. Thursday We looked at the worsening weather and decided to head home today with Polly’s Caravan.

    All went well and we left Upton at 10. 
    It didn’t last long!!
    The car lost power on the A47 and  I just made it into Hethersett/Thickthorn Services where we called ‘International Rescue’, actually Mayday Caravan and Motorhome Club Recovery.

    Thunderbird 1 came and attempted surgery, the theory was that it was a coil. It wasn’t and current thinking, excuse the pun, is that it is the alternator+ other possible issue.  
    We were now awaiting Thunderbird 3 to tow us to 5 Ways on the A 11 where we will then have a relay to ???? Home hopefully.

    Ah but Covid! We can’t travel in the cab, no screening. IR decree a taxi for us to home, car and caravan relayed there.

    So we waited..........

    No Taxi........

    Several phone calls to IR ......

    Ah Covid, nobody wants to do the job.

    We waited.....

    Ok a taxi to take us to liaise with the caravan and car so as to then travel in a screened Thunderbird home.

    Yes but the car left an hour and a half ago.....say we miss the link? The idea of a night in Elveden Forest held no attraction at this point.

    More phone calls and a lovely operator called Georgie said she had taken personal responsibility for sorting the whole thing, and she did.Bless her.
    We got a taxi  (4.30) to take us to Five Ways (Elveden) the car and caravan went there ages ago.

    We didn’t miss the link....

    The second truck came at 6.40 And we were home at 9.30 that was 11.5 hours after we set off for a 2.5 hour trip. 🙂

    So now to get the car fixed.....but that is another day.

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