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Posts posted by Polly

  1. A good step forward. The port side planking has mostly been hung by Whelptons. We have a wait now to build up more in the restoration fund before the next professional input. 
    We will be priming new wood  and varnishing cockpit area during the last two weeks in September. Staying in the caravan on their CL site will really help. 

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  2. Ok I now have a fundamental linguistic problem. Sorting out the caravan and putting stuff in, I am habitually referring to it as ‘the boat’. 
    I am putting a lot of Brilliant’s cabin equipment in but I think the confusion needs to stop before I try to launch it!

    • Haha 1
  3. Well the shocker this week was 300 cases in the M&S sandwich place. They didn’t mess about to be fair, there was a small cluster and the management bought in a testing and tracing company to go through with a fine tooth comb. 
    They are blaming workers car sharing and going to the pub as much as disregarding safety measures in the plant. 
    There are 2000 employees and a 24 hour operation going so they really met this problem head on; I hope they have succeeded.

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  4. We had Cleo on board Brilliant. She loved it except when we were sailing, then she went into the ‘wine cooler’ under the bunk until we stopped. 
    She viewed her life jacket as an immobilisation device and just sat there looking annoyed until we took it off. 
    She did a bit of fish watching off the stern but showed no desire to join them in the water.

    The reason we didn’t make a habit of taking her with us was her hatred of car travel, very vocally expressed all the way, and she was an oriental (very loud). Also I was always on edge, worried we might lose her, we also saw a big dog otter crossing our mooring to the wood behind, where she liked to explore. 
    On balance, the lovely cattery we always used was a better option.



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  5. So here we are...into our 6th month of dealing with COVID-19. These words made me laugh but there's a lot of truth mixed in to consider. . .

    🦠1. So let me get this straight, there’s no cure for a virus that can be killed by sanitizer and hand soap?

    🦠2. Is it too early to put up the Christmas tree yet? I have run out of things to do.

    🦠3. When this virus thing is over with, I still want some of you to stay away from me.

    🦠4. If these last months have taught us anything, it’s that stupidity travels faster than any virus on the planet.

    🦠5. Just wait a second – so what you're telling me is that my chance of surviving all this is directly linked to the common sense of others? You’re kidding, right?

    🦠6. People are scared of getting fined or arrested for congregating in crowds, as if catching a deadly disease and dying a horrible death wasn’t enough of a deterrent.

    🦠7. If you believe all this will end and we will get back to normal just because we reopen everything, raise your hand. Now slap yourself with it.

    🦠8. Another Saturday night in the house and I just realised the trash goes out more than me.

    🦠9. Whoever decided a liquor store is more essential than a hair salon is obviously a bald-headed alcoholic.

    🦠10. Remember when you were little and all your underwear had the days of the week on them. Those would be helpful right now.

    🦠11. The spread of Covid-19 is based on two factors: 1. How dense the population is and 2. How dense the population is.

    🦠12. Remember all those times when you wished the weekend would last forever? Well, wish granted. Happy now?

    🦠13. It may take a village to raise a child, but I swear it’s going to take a whole vineyard to home school one.

    📫14. Did a big load of pyjamas so I would have enough clean work clothes for the week.

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  6. We tried out the caravan on Wednesday and Thursday at a nearby site. Where were the boats? Just over the hedge. The Grand Union Canal at Stoke Bruerne is a lovely spot, and there is a small Caravan Club ‘Certified Location’ there. This meant we were nicely anti socially distanced, because a max of 5 caravans are permitted.

    There are two pubs to choose from too.

    I admit that this here Caravan is decidedly more luxurious than Brilliant, more like the conditions on a stinky! 😋

    However, there was less to do. No ropes to sort, no sails to trim. I am going to factor that in on longer trips. I don’t do boredom!

    We had a lovely wander along the towpath and admired the swan family that was successfully raising eight cygnets. They saw off a fellow camper taking their dogs for a walk the next day, resulting in them taking a mile long detour. 

    Warp and Jessica came over for a BBQ on Thursday evening which was very pleasant, and chilled out. They did recognise Brilliant’s plates and cutlery which have migrated; eventually more will be needed, but for now, it is great to shift some of the boat clutter out of the house!

    On Friday  morning we packed up awning, windbreak solar panels and the like and got hitched up to leave. The motor mover on the caravan means it can be shifted by remote control and lined up to the tow bar, it is good fun and so much easier than the dinghy to manage. I am sure it has the makings of a party game.

    I finally managed to place the deep roaring we could hear today and yesterday. Of course F1 practice at Silverstone. It is very nearby, so much so that in a normal year nobody would be travelling in that part of the county when the punters were coming to or from the track.

    So, caravan v boat?  Well.... Caravan gives more location flexibility, and easier living.

    Boat for me though, for character and sailing experiences, we press on with getting Brilliant back afloat.

    The caravan will help with that, providing us with a base whilst working on the boat.

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