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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Back to reality, I have been in correspondence with the CEO of the Campaign For National Parks. I won't bother you with the debate but I have now received confirmation that the Broads is NOT a national park!!!! Dear Mr Waller You are of course right, it isn’t a Park but for shorthand we, and others, refer to it as being part of the National Parks family. Apologies. I appreciate the decision by the Broads Authority to refer to it as a Park was and is controversial. As you say, there is no legal boundary of the Broads NP as it isn’t a National Park as set out in the 1949 Act. But there is a legal boundary to the Broads and the protections set out in the 1988 legislation and the National Planning Policy Framework apply to it. Best wishes Fiona If anyone has any doubts about the NP status of the Broads then perhaps this will help convince them.
  2. No more letters from France, that is sad, really sad!
  3. Agreed, an excellent idea. Will it remain in the public domain though? I have just come home from a spot of fishing to two e-mails asking what has happened to the other BA threads, such as is the standing of NBN! It would be good if they could be migrated to this new Speakers Corner.
  4. Let me answer that again by stating this time that someone at the BA has! We can only guess who the driver behind that was! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/norfolk/4850052.stm
  5. And just after the NP & Secretary of State grants were slashed the BA made a few token cuts before triggering a major hike in tolls in order to make up the shortfall.
  6. Further to the mythical NP grant, a little dicky bird has reminded me that it was a phrase coined by you know who. The Act actually says: 15 Grants from Secretary of State. (1)The Secretary of State may, with the consent of the Treasury, make grants to the Authority for such purposes, and on such terms and conditions, as he thinks fit. So there, and no names!
  7. And do any of us really and truthfully trust politicians?
  8. Have any of us actually said that? Intimated, probably, but is that any different to JP's continual use of the BNP term? I take your point though.
  9. I just hope that the welcome presence of BA Tom on the forum is in any way a gag on members comments or opinions. Some of us are indeed less than complimentary towards the BA's top end but surely no one has been less than civil to Tom. Facts have been unearthed and published that substantiate suggestions of shortcomings, surely that is to be encouraged. I note Poppy's comment regarding outside influences.
  10. Now you are asking! He may or may not have written, 'The Broads is a National Park' but he undoubtedly does use the BNP term and he very clearly encourages others to do likewise, ad nauseum! Surely calling the Broads the BNP is no different to saying that the Broads is a NP?
  11. This is expedient for HMG book keepers, the money has to come from somewhere and the NP coffers are, I suppose, convenient! Not sure when and where the term actually came from but it shouldn't be seen as a ministerial endorsement for BA Ambitions. Perhaps it should be referred to as the DEFRA Grant.
  12. Perhaps power points should be reserved for charging batteries that are used for propulsion? Perhaps not!!
  13. Such removal is patently wrong, these issues concern not only ourselves but also members of the wider cathedral that is the Broads. Regretfully we have now lost Paladin's input and wisdom, not very clever, in my honest opinion.
  14. I think that it is up to individual forum members to decide for themselves if any particular individual is lying, and then to keep it to themselves.. However, as far as the Authority is concerned, I don't see it as being in anyway unreasonable for us forumites to discuss whether they, the BA, are being entirely honest with themselves let alone with us mere minions. We have a case where a judge has allowed the Authority to use the BNP term for marketing. Whilst making that decision I do wonder if that judge was made aware of the actual and complete contents of the Barry Gardiner letter? I have to say that I doubt it thus I would ask whether the Executive was entirely open and honest when presenting their case? I also wonder just how many Authority members are actually aware of the numerous ministerial dictates that have made the BNP position abundantly clear? I have to say that I doubt it thus I would ask whether the Executive has been entirely open and honest when presenting their case to past, present and incoming members? An question of honesty, or lack of, and to a greater or lesser degree it has the potential to impact on us all, whether we like it or not, evan Marshman!
  15. There has long been a differential of tolls between power and sail so really there should be no surprises there. What I do find annoying is that much of the rise is to provide a second 24hr mooring in Oulton Dyke, in this instance to provide access to a rather splendid new nature reserve. Having paid for this extravagance, a one off event, I wonder if the toll will be suitably reduced next year, some hope! Will this unfair rise encourage people to discard their gas guzzling motor cruisers and invest in a pair of oars or even to buy a sailing boat? I somehow doubt it!
  16. Regretfully the majority of members repeatedly add weight to the accusation that they are poodles and easily led, witness the BNP road sign debacle.
  17. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/politics/broads-authority-toll-rise-charges-petrol-and-diesel-users-more-1-6470064
  18. Regarding the Court Judgement regarding the brand and its usage I wonder whether the Executive actually presented the unabbreviated Gardiner letter or whether it was the more helpful and suitably edited and rewritten interpretation? If it were the latter then perhaps there could and should be repercussions. I feel another FOI coming on!
  19. "The Broads as a National Park 2.21 The Broads is granted national park equivalent status under the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Act 1988" The Doctor is adept at twisting the truth to suit his obvious agenda.
  20. Seems that the Martham sign/lie has also been rejected!
  21. Our good friend Poppy has unearthed one reference to that letter: This is an extract from The Blessed Authorities 'communications strategy'. " NAME AND STATUS 4.1 The Authority name and status has been the subject of much debate and some confusion. However in his letter dated 2 September 2006 the Minister for Biodiversity, Landscape and Rural Affairs, Barry Gardiner MP, confirmed that the Broads has an equivalent . . . . . . . . . . . .
  22. It popped up recently, will see if I can find it.
  23. You can but to be right and proper address your demands to the Chairman of the Authority: bill.dickson@broads-authority.gov.uk
  24. Yet it is the letter that he uses to substantiate his NP status claims.
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