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Posts posted by JennyMorgan

  1. 30 minutes ago, Canarytops said:

    I've just noticed that there appears to be a winch forward and aft, artistic license (?) as I was under the impression that the winch was aft on the keels ?

    I can find no evidence either way. I suppose a winch aft would provide a substantial, adjustable back stay for the square rig. I did see Dee Dah when she was being excavated but regretfully took no photos, I left that to others. I have no recollection of a winch either end but your impression is an interesting one.


  2. 37 minutes ago, LizG said:

    I wonder if it a church say on the one of Suffolk rivers - as a suggestion St. Botolphs at Iken on the River Alde

    I'm not saying it is that church but its the right shape!!!! (ish)

    The fly in the ointment regarding that picture is that the painter has clearly identified the picture as being The Broads but your suggestion is good.

  3. I'm not convinced that there isn't a degree of artistic license involved. The composition is almost too successful, adhering to the theory of the 'golden ratio' a treat. Effectively a text book composition, creativity doesn't always truly reflect reality!

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  4. 38 minutes ago, Bytheriver said:

    Maybe they  had been reading their history books & thought the channel was reserved for Coasters ? 


    What continues to surprise me is the length of the 'prop' trench. Surely common sense would have suggested that the noise of the mud & debris being churned up was not good, that neutral would have been more sensible?  Might not going astern have been worth considering? 

  5. 12 minutes ago, Hylander said:

    "thank you", is a rarity,  people just grab.  So rude.

    Rightly or wrongly I get the impression that many youngsters appear to feel uncomfortable with simple terms like 'thank you', 'after you' or simply 'sorry'.

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