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Posts posted by JennyMorgan

  1. John, my mum in law had Alzheimer's. It was hell for my wife and I. We had mum in our home for nearly two years but thankfully welfare eventually saw our problems and mum was taken into respite care, where she was assessed and she subsequently stayed at what was a specialised Alzheimers/dementia care home where she died three years later. She tended to go wandering, imagine that on a boat. For your own sake, John, be cruel to be kind. You can visit weekly but be prepared for his decline, it won't be pretty. An aunt of mine also had Alzheimer's, she also went wandering, her son went through hell caring for her until the last few weeks of her life. Alzheimers requires 24hr care, for two years our sailing was curtailed, we were always on call. I admire your loyalty but I don't envy your position. Will you be able to cope when Rufus becomes doubly incontinent as surely he will? Will you be able to lift him when he tumbles as surely he will. I very much doubt that welfare will allow him to live on your boat.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, marshman said:

    Good stuff Mr Waller - hope this means yours are all digitalised now.

    Nothing by W Leslie Rackham? Now he could paint a good Norfolk Wherry!!!!!

    I believe that you have one that could easily be digitalised, please.

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