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Posts posted by JennyMorgan

  1. 17 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    I challenge those who feel there should be better training and/or better marking for crossing Breydon, to say just how they would regulate for anything as silly as this!

    I am not going to accept that challenge!

    I have crossed Breydon scores of times, I take the hazards for granted, ingrained knowledge I suppose. In all those crossings I don't recollect ever seeing any warnings regarding the risks of grounding should I go outside the posts. 

    • Like 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, andyg said:

    Would seem to be a far better pilot of his drone then his boat 🤦‍♂️

    Perhaps he was piloting his drone whilst driving his boat, must have been a Sunday!

    • Haha 1
  3. Lifted from the British Medical Journal:

    The covid-19 pandemic is taking a harsh toll on healthcare workers. In the Mirror newspaper on 20 January 2021: “52,000 NHS staff are off sick with covid.” [1] Over 850 UK healthcare workers are thought to have died of covid between March and December 2020; at least 3000 have died in the US. [2-3] 

  4. Not showing much respect for his prop then! Only had himself to blame, the posts are clear enough. Perhaps the BA should install motorway style barriers (joke).

    • Haha 1
  5. 4 hours ago, FreedomBoatingHols said:

    You don't get behind the wheel of a car without training and passing a test. Perhaps this is what is needed here? 

    We all share a right to navigate, some would claim that a test and certificate would negate that right. Was a time when I was 100% behind  that unhindered right. There will be those that fear the hireboat industry would be severely damaged by a requirement for certification but I am coming round to the idea. We would still have the right to navigate, but it would be subject to knowing what we were doing. As it is our right to navigate the Broads is subject to having a boat safety certificate, insurance and having paid a toll so why not a certificate of competence?  I certainly don't see this solely as a requirement to hire, there are some longtime privateers who would clearly fail all but the most basic of tests.

  6. 3 hours ago, FreedomBoatingHols said:

    As a public relations exercise at its very base, this is a damn good idea.

    This is one for elephants, those of us with long memories!

    Those of us who petitioned in Parliament against the Broads Bill soon realised that 'safety' was simply a smoke screen, an inconvenience for an Authority that was clearly disinterested in boating, apart from our money. Anyway, that's history now but the reality is that the Authority is also the Navigation Authority, a role that it has not been particularly interested in or indeed good at. Following this past summer's tragedies it has been dragged, kicking and screaming, into responding. In the past, as a public relations exercise, safety has not always worked well for the Authority. Will they do better this time, we can only hope so? 

    Personally I see safety as paramount, a function of both the industry and the Authority, it should be seen as a duty, not a public relations exercise. It's got some catching up to do. If as much effort goes into safety as it has into the faux Broads NP then perhaps we shall get somewhere. Perhaps we should have been there decades ago.

  7. Andy, I don't expect you to agree with me but surely the training of holiday makers should largely be down to the hire industry? As for the training of private boat owners, that should surely be down to the individual? 

    Granted that there would and should be shared safety measures but it strikes me that the hire industry is not now paying its fair share at the moment. Witness the injustice of boat storage afloat. There is an understandable drop in toll income for 2020 and we are now expected to pay for it. In fairness to us all it would be interesting to know what was the drop in toll income from both the hire and the private fleets. 

  8. 35 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    Is anyone seriously expecting the tolls to stay the same next year?  Or maybe go down?

    Certainly I'm not! 

    What I do object to is the blatant waste of what is effectively OUR cash, oh dear, where should I start on that one?

    On top of that, any excuse to grab yet more of OUR cash. Granted there are often good reasons but that is different to poor excuses.

    There is an undesirable culture of galloping obfuscation which has lead to an understandable level of distrust along the rhond.

    Above inflation increases at this time are bound to raise hackles.

    Any increase in the toll allows for greater spending elsewhere within the organisation. 

  9. 41 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

    . . . . . . . . . the 4% increase is for operational purposes and is largely down to a shortfall in tolls from both hire fleets and private owners, its simple really if you want the system maintained then it has to be paid for, like everything  in life  nothing comes for free.

    And when things are back to normal and we are all back to paying our tolls will the charges then go down accordingly? 

    • Haha 3
  10. Whatever we say or think JP will justify his 4%, at least to himself and his faithful followers. 

    40% to 50% of our toll usually goes to overheads rather than to navigation, I don't doubt it will be the same this year. Obfuscation is the name of the game, I don't expect it will be any different this time around.

  11. 28 minutes ago, PaulN said:

    I'm no expert, but tht looks like a mahogany veneer to me, possibly Sapele

    You could well be right. Vaughan suggested that it might be a veneered table top. Vaneered finishes, ply for example, generally have an A and a B side & I suggest that Floyd's photo shows the B.

    • Like 1
  12. Many years ago I sometimes sailed with a Mr Gomme, originator of G-Plan furniture. His boat's internal joinery was largely Aframosa, although I don't think that I have spelled that correctly. That was back when Danish was first fashionable, maybe Mr Gomme used the same wood? My by now old G-Plan is also straight grained & of a similar colour.

    • Like 1
  13. If I remember correctly Calm, Crystal and Dazzling all had similar dual steering. Those boats were our most popular and if I were borrowing a boat for a late season weekend it would have been one of them, especially good with my then young daughters.

  14. In most respects little different to a central cockpit set-up without the collapsible roof and sides. With the then new Morse Steering it was relatively simple to install the internal, forward steering wheel. It was modern stylish and practical. darn site easier than lowering all the cockpit gubbins. Back in time people liked fresh air, the first thing off after boarding was the cockpit cover!



    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, NorfolkNog said:

    Ha ha! Few interesting ones particularly outside JM's old gaff. Nice little sports car there - Triumph is it? 

    Quite right, joint licensee at that time as we had a manager in by then.

    • Like 1
  16. I heard today that of those that died last week of Covid in a local hospital a noticeable number were all born in 1946 :default_blink:, oh dear, ominous or what?

    All of my four daughters have now had their jabs. As one put it, not something to look forward to but she's glad that she's had it. My wife and I are now both booked in, exciting or what!

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