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Posts posted by RumPunch

  1. 1 hour ago, marshman said:

    But the individuals operating it do not want to face  abuse, and why should they?

    Perhaps one way forward, at a cost, would be to reintroduce real gates, if possible, so it would  be easier to stop individuals approaching that area which the barriers " shut off" ? The lifts happen so rarely perhaps it could be a solution, at least in the short term, to have some greater security presence ,  when lifts are scheduled? 

    This cannot be the only lift bridge in the country open to pedestrians as well - what do they do?

    Watched a video of Tower Bridge - automatic gates

  2. 45 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

    And patio magic is far cheaper than wet'n'forget for canvas canopies too.

    It always helps when there's not a boat picture on the tin.

    But carries warnings of its danger to aquatic life, so be careful

    • Like 2
  3. Just one thing nagging me with the talk of skimming the reeds etc, please remember some us sailing boats may draw quite a bit, and not have a lot of excess thrust under power may need to stay away a bit

    And then there's trees............

    • Like 1
  4. Tinkle, tinkle, splash. Or in the case Saturday, bump, thud, splash as my electric ( battery ) drill went over the side.

    I was working on the boat at the mooring, and the battery had died, so I took it down to charge and must have rocked the boat. Couldn't find my recovery magnet, and the drill was mostly plastic / rubber cased. Ah well, it was getting old ( reasonable make though ), down to one battery - bite to bullet and off to Screwfix for a replacement.

    Having got back, I finished the job, tidied away and then found the magnet. Had a poke around with the boat hook and felt an object - and a few goes latter including several 'ones that got away' manged to oh so gently lift if out with the magnet gripping the chuck jaws - about the only metal part.

    Took it below, stripped it, dried it, rebuilt it ( those planetary gears with gear change are interesting ! )  - and hey presto, it lives ! The battery being off was probably the saving grace. So I now have a tatty and best drill :12_slight_smile:

    • Like 16
  5. Not there yet, but can see it coming. One thing I enjoy even now is my model yacht, which lives on the real one. Some days I'll just go down and sail that, and it really is a great de-stress. Maybe something retiring sailors could consider ?

    • Like 5
  6. 58 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    I take it that means me?  In which case, this is about the sharpest put-down I have had to face on this forum.

    I have spoken in support of Paladin's concern that the rangers are being placed in an invidious position for which, with their actual lack of real authority, they are ill-equipped and exposed.

    My experience is therefore practical and most relevant.  That of an Army officer with several years "assisting the civil power" in Belfast before being asked by Norfolk Police to join as a special.  Never mind.  It seems risk assessment is all, these days.  Until, as Paladin warns, a Ranger gets assaulted.

    Meanwhile this a***h*** will leave the debate and go and tend his garden while the sun shines.


    It's aimed at myself Vaughan !

    Having recently been escorted out of a major supermarket for expressing an opinion, firmly, with no swearing.

  7. I draw 1m and unless I go near the island, can pretty much sail the whole Broad. I'd be wary of mooring in the centre above the island, as that is still in the navigation area and may cause comment.

    Please remember to leave enough free space to swing a full circle off the mudweight so if the wind changes you dont hit anything / anyone ( me ?! )

    • Like 1
  8. I miss the old boy and his greyhound. OK, only a summer live-aboard, but was to me a perfect example. Kept himself to himself, moved about, didn't leave a mess, and was pleasant to speak to if you took the time  ( Ex RAF copper too ..... ! )

    What was his name ... ?

    • Like 3
  9. On 02/03/2024 at 17:31, addicted said:

    Tony antifouled our boat  himself each year for many years until  he found an antifoul with  longer life and now  has it done every 3 years or so. Do exactly as  Smoggy says  and definitely wear a mask especially during the prep as it's reputed to be carcinogenic.



    Some things didn't get returned when I left the RAF !


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