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Posts posted by RumPunch

  1. 22 hours ago, TheQ said:

    There are cones in all directions on the roads to the NDR / Coltishall - Norwich road roundabout....

    Doing the same as they were at the St Faiths / Airport roundabout - re-applying road markings so a lane out at a time each way. OK in the mornings but were some delays in evening rush. Suspect it'll keep moving on one roundabout at a time as long as necessary

  2. It's starting to cause real issues for us. My daughter, still reliant on me for transport, now works some evenings in Norwich. I have mandatory meetings to conclude before I can set off from home with her. It was tight, but doable before these roadworks. Now she is late most days, which for a young person in their first job, reflects poorly.  ( if I go via Coltishall it's heading the wrong way and still adds around 8 mins to the journey over a clear road in Wroxham )

  3. 1 hour ago, SwanR said:

    I did read on a local Facebook group yesterday evening that a pipe had split and there was now a somewhat unpleasant scene down there. The relevant authorities had been called and hopefully attended. 

    I went through yesterday about 20:00 and it was all sorted effluent wise. I just wish they'd get a shift on with the repair.

  4. 14 hours ago, Wussername said:


    Do you know that, not so many years, your average boat yard employee, the young man who showed you how to steer, handle your boat, did not have a car, a motor bike, nothing. Some rarely visited Norwich. He rarely, if ever left his village, some fifty five years ago.


    The way they've messed the roads up in Norwich I'm regressing to rarely going in myself

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  5. 9 minutes ago, floydraser said:

    Rates are high, yes but the cost of a professional code reader with the ability to read codes for all makes - and cancel them - can be very high. I understand this is due to partly to the high prices demanded by manufacturers for access to their codes. Hence readers are cheap but being able to cancel/make adjustments is expensive. 

    I still wouldn't go to a main dealer except for warranty work.

    The one I bought will read and reset engine, ABS and airbag and provide live data. Only thing it can't do is program. For mine / the wife's Vauxhalls I do have full computer loaded diagnostics / programming. My car has never seen a main dealer in the 250k I've owned it, and generally only goes to the garage for an MOT

  6. 1 hour ago, Bikertov said:

    Don't get me wrong Griff - I admire your work ethic and conscience.

    I'm not going to ask your rates, as they are none of our business, but just bear in mind that National Minimum Wage is about to go up to £9.50 an hour. Once you take into account the equivalent of Employers NI, Holiday Pay etc, and then how many billable working hours you can achieve, your non-billable time taking into account travel time, time at builders merchants, admin etc, your tools - it all adds up.

    So it doesn't take much to start to get near to £65 an hour for your billable hours - you may want to review your rates in light of everything, and can still have a clear conscience that you are offering your work for a fair rate.

    Still nowhere near garage rates. Daughters car has fault coded. Dealer wanted £130 to plug it in and read it ....... bought a half decent scanner for £90 that will do pretty much everything. Took me longer to type this than garage would have to read it

  7. 1 hour ago, oldgregg said:

    A lot of cars have this feature. My old Corsa had it, our Focus had it and my current Honda has it too. Very handy.

    I think on Vauxhalls of that generation most of the options are set with some combination of the trip counter button and the indicators, with the engine off and the ignition in a certain position.

    Sitting in the seat and pressing key and door buttons for single press unlocking or anti hijack

  8. My 20 min commute home took an hour yesterday. Went up the Coltishall road from the NDR and it was backing up from the top of the 'White Horse hill' at Crostwick. Managed to turn round and go out to Buxton, Scottow, Smallburgh. Even turning right out the airport is a nightmare at the moment because of roadworks

  9. I have one colleague who has refused the vaccine. Like me he is ex millitary, so somewhat surprised as I have a jab record like a supermarket printout. What's one ( or three ) more.

    Only one I ever declined was Anthrax. They were unclear of the side effects, and I believed it's use would probably have triggered Armageddon from the USA anyway, so regarded it as a low risk - after all it's not in normal circulation.


    Oh - and he's now got COVID

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  10. Well yesterday lunchtime I had my Pfizer booster, having originally had AZ for first two. Bit headachy and lethargic today, but nothing too bad.

    Getting really annoyed though by the number of people still not wearing masks in supermarkets. I accept some may not have to, but the majority of those not complying that I have seen are young men, often in pairs or groups, and normally dressed casually rather than smartly ( my 18 year old daughter describes them as 'road men' but that's a bit outside my vocabulary )

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