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Posts posted by RumPunch

  1. Had a blocked drain in the cockpit, so looks like rain water has gone over the top of the lockers and then tracked down to under the cabin sole. Need a very thin syphon tube to slip down through one of the keel bolt cutouts between the sole and hull  ........... done it before using a model aircraft fuel pump.

  2. I suffered a similar sort of damage a few years back. On mine the hull and topsides meet at a flanged joint, and it's glued / glassed together with the rubbing strake over the top. I had about a metre damaged and had to carry out quite extensive GRP repairs.

  3. Yes, quite a pertinent point from Angie there, and very valid for the BA to balance the cost to the toll payers compared with the specfic benefits we would get back in return.


    I cycle down the hill to Barton Turf Staithe quite frequently, and I've been asked several times by visiting boaters walking up, "where's the nearest Pub mate", or "where's the shop".....


    ...and then seeing them turn round and give up, on hearing how many miles it is.




    ....and as I have said, as one who lives there, almost every day in the summer we have visitors walking down to Neatishead. I've even been known to offer a lift if passing. There will be a small but significant percentage of users of both shop and pub who tie up in Barton Turf and walk down. It's 1.5 miles / about 20 minutes.

  4. As I put on the petition, these moorings are constant use during the season, and not just for the village. Many a tourist I have directed down to Neatishead for the pub / shop. I'm sure these would suffer some financial impact if the moorings were lost, with the resultant knock on to us who live there 


    Besides, I love chatting to visitors :-)

  5. I haven't ventured South, and am pretty aprehensive of so doing.


    Under power I made 3.8mph on Barton according to my GPS


    How strong are those tides again............. :Sailing



    Oh - and just realised afer much lurking ( and inhabiting elsewhere ) this is my first post here !

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